The whole fucking financial industry will be using Ripplenet and Interledgerprotocol. Just buy XRP and give a fuck about what other people say with their braindead arguments.
Invested all my money in starting an AI company
>"Looks like you didn't. Hope that company of yours doesn't go bust! "
This is a shitty larp, but if anyone ever says shit like this to their own family they are lower than low.
It's not a fucking LARP you faggot. Shit's real. Thanks for the heads up, but I'm all dry on fiat now.
A few days ago at SILICON VALLEY.
XRP is the ultimate cuck coin. 90% of the supply is controlled by ripple investors and company members, so the price is inflated from the liquidity being low. the general public gets trolled and the token isn't even that useful, banks aren't going to want to hold the token for transaction costs when they can just have their own private chain.
1 month back in time we had this
Assuming you're not lying, how feasible is it to have a company that deals with AI?
I'm really interested in the subject and considering to start a company.
Nope. Eastern Eurpopean
Your company sounds way better than any crypto investment. Why dont you just try and finish what you started?
Exactly, XRP will be cheapest coin on the market by 2020, so everyone can afford it. People's virtual currency.