But this is kind've obvious. Seems to me that those that invest their money or life decisions based on others deserve to get reqt. As a life lesson. I've made satoshi (notice i didnt say money)with trading into shit coins and back but when someone ask me to show them or give advice, I don't have much. Because most people won't take the time to research and learn TA or focus long enough to get understanding on why crypto even exist and will persist.
Tip. the dip was caused by market manipulation due to futures contracts. Get used to them and keep an eye on that market to see which way the wind blows. Theyve mastered this shit already. Alot of the bros that got lucky last year will be just'd properly this year. Be sharp or just hodl ETH BTC XMR
Take a long look at this Veeky Forums
>Bitcoin covers cryptocurrency and its uses as an actual currency,
*breathes in*
Eth is the best bet you can make. Btc has literally nothing going for it other than hurr durr fristcoin - think about it, on a technical level dogecoin and almost any jokecoin is better than bitcoin. Faster tx, cheaper tx, ability to scale, etc. Btc is a fucking dog that needs to be shot
Feel free to show me some video of people done the street from you using btc to transact goods and services
So FUN is a good investment?
>Btc has literally nothing going for it other than hurr durr fristcoin
Its the most adopted currency and has generated the most nodes. For those reasons alone, it is the best crypto to be used as a currency.
Until those two things change, which will take a long time, bitcoin will remain king. Will it remain king forever? of course not. Another crypto will come along eventually and take its spot but as it currently stands, bitcoin is the best currency in the cryptosphere.
Feel free to show me a video of you passing a simple English course.
Yes, absolutely. Mortgage your house and liquidate your kids college fund and put it all into FUN