Has anyone tried polyphasic sleep to get more time for them cryptogains?

has anyone tried polyphasic sleep to get more time for them cryptogains?
was thinking of trying it this week, since i'm a NEET anyway i may as well, since little gets in the way of whatever schedule i set up for it.

You're going to fail.

it's shit

I tried it and I think I did it wrong.

I went from never having a headache my entire life (25+ years when I tried it), to having constant migraines.

It's now more than 5 years since I've tried it (and I only did it for several months), and I still get really bad migraines like once or twice a week, it never went away even though I've been on an 8-12 hour daily sleep schedule for years now.

Had it looked at and the doctor can't find anything too.

all shit

Have fun dying early.

why? i don't go to parties/drink alcohol i just sit and daytrade crypto all day, little should get in the way. i've done keto for 8 months so i don't think willpower will factor much either

I like biphasic. I am most productive and happy when I sleep for 5-7 hours / night, and sleep for 15-20 minutes during the day.

Anything other than this seems a bit odd though.


The only success I have had with it was while on a predominantly paleo-esque diet and lifting heavy. Don't do it unless you are insensitive to stimulants like caffeine as you will knock yourself out of pattern to easily if you have any.