0.1% FED interest rate makes intra-bank lending too expensive, that's all

0.1% FED interest rate makes intra-bank lending too expensive, that's all

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Is this chart for global commercial banks or just US baaed ones?

Just US

>All of this means that banks aren't lending to each other anymore as banks rely more and more on the easy money of the central banks. Libor rates are moving up, pointing to increasing credit risk (see chart below from FRED). These rates will continue to move up and stay above the Fed funds rate, because the latter is risk free. If the Federal Reserve doesn't stop increasing rates, it will be responsible for an equity market correction and possibly also a real estate market correction.

Any similar data for Canada?

I know our banks did well the last time the US fucked up.

so does this mean the world still hasn't recovered from the late 2007-2008 financial crisis? that line never went back up.

Good, so its not DB?

Freaking insane to think that that is the case. The whole financial edifice is based upon a house of cards that will crumble the second central banks shut the faucet.

DB has a significant presence in the US


So, realistically what will happen? Will a recession happen? Will it be global, or will it only affect US&Europe? Will asians keep buying crypto while the dollar loses value? Will McAffee's weiner be fine?

Any Ausfags here. I'm absolutely convinced we're on the verge of a crash of biblical proportions. Should I pull all my cash out of the big 4?

why? because of unaffordable housing?

That does not have to imply that crash is coming

I can't imagine Japan's economy not being affected by a crisis in Eurabia and the USA.

I think asians, especially koreans, will not stop their buying frenzy.
Hopefully, that will help secure the crypto market from a major crash.


that's a misconstruction of what's occuring. it's not "unaffordable housing" it's a "housing bubble" purveyed by Chinese who don't even live in the houses they purchase as investments.

lol chinese will be hit the most

all of their customers are in the west and their whole economy is dependent on that

You are deluded to think that chinks will continue to pump the crypto if shit goes down in US

World economy is US economy

No, the last recession the Australian government backed all Australian bank deposits and there's no reason why they won't do it again. Besides we have quite strong bank reserves regulations here. Our deposits are safe

So you want them to keep printing even more money? Rising rates are absolutely good, they want the markets to crash and correct to their real value, instead of inflation getting out of hand and the entire fiat system collapsing some time later.

Hey retard, chinese people can't even fucking buy crypto right now


>You are deluded to think that chinks will continue to pump the crypto if shit goes down in US
I think you meant to reply to someone else, I didn't say that Chinese would pump crypto.
but ya I agree with you, China will be hit hard, the economy is already slowed and they're in a ton of debt.

>World economy is US economy
Burger believe this. Good Goy! have this glass with estrogen as reward

I keep thinking Canada is in a housing bubble, but with the level of immigration we have it seems houses keep being bought.

Will this crash mean I can finally buy an apartment in Vancouver?

Or am I going to be fighting in the mountains for some kind of cross-border cascadia provisional government as the states and canada collapse?

yep, the guy you were replying to, sorry, at least I gave you (you)

>China, Japan, US and Eurabia aren't interlinked
>implying these states aren't the focalpoint of the global economy
shiggy diggy, friend.

Im not a burger and you are deluded or underage if u disagree

A speculative property bubble and GDP based on serving each other coffee

Do you think that there any fully leveraged institutions atm???
Bad 4 them

DB is the most exposed EU bank to the USD, french banks are pretty stronk rn tho.

Just move to Surrey :^)

>I'm always right
that's right! and don't let anyone tell you otherwise

Fuck no I'm not a curry.

But if this whole thing means we can finally have our own country, well, it wouldn't be all bad.

just stop shitposting and leave. the adults are conversing.

>February 27 2018
>Global crash has struck out of fucking nowhere
>Mass suicides in the states
>Bitcoin 200$
>Coinbase closed
>Merkel bans crypto.
>Suddenly, N.Korea launches 500 missles all the way up to low earth orbit.
>Thousands internet satellites released.
>Everyone can use the internet for free and unrestricted.
>A new exchange accessible to all. Fiat money can be wired by fucking pigeons, snail mail, bartering food with your local gook.
>Secured by nuclear arsenal and brainwashed cheerleaders.
>Exchange has its own token.
>Coin Jong-Un

My take: if assets markets start crashing soon we'll have a big-ass recession unlike never before. The economy will still remain. But if the assets markets keep inflating we'll have impending hyperinflation and lack of trust in all fiat, followed by economic collapse. If assets start correcting focus on cash, if assets don't budge start accumulating on gold and crypto.

im waiting for an apology you cucks


Na. Even if you're right just no.

can we just ban retards?

I already have 30k in gold in a safe and $2000 in silver coins.

It's all the assets I own.

see you on the other side user

haha perfect.

>If assets start correcting focus on cash, if assets don't budge start accumulating on gold and crypto
wow thanks for this user, most obvious fucking sentiment on here. you really have no idea what you're talking about do you? just trying to sound smart

Thank fuck there's others here who are aware of this article. Absolutely essential reading for any Ausfags lurking

My parents own their own homes in the city, I can't yet but I have marketable engineering skills I could turn into trades skills in the event of a collapse, and I have some solid holdings.

I don't own any crypto, but I'm going to buy a bit next paycheque.

I think I'm about as safe as I can be, going to order some bottled water off amazon and tins of herring and hope for the best.

canada is fug too

Where would you move from Canada if you could pick a place?

lol is anyone going to short US market
It seems like it's probably a worse risk/reward ratio than holding crypto

don't buy crypto, but as much gold as you can whilst you can - im going to buy about 160 ounces on thursday/friday and stock up whilst I still have the chance.
> tins of herring
my nigga your taste in tinned fish needs some fine tuning

I just need it to last the multi-week trek up to my father's land on the north coast where I can just hide out with a bunch of angry old men with guns.

Herring is easy to stack.

TIME TO BUY CRYPTO. fuck gold. Every country will jump into crypto.

Do avoid financial armageddon? All the west is pretty fucked, US, Canada, Aus, UK, EU are going to get railed. Maybe some comfy farm town in New Zealand?

>I just need it to last the multi-week trek up to my father's land on the north coast where I can just hide out with a bunch of angry old men with guns.

>It is time to wake up and move your assets out of the U.S. dollar, the U.S. stock market and the U.S. bond market.


I have a fairly wealthy buddy who could get me a Singapore, Taiwan, HK, or PRC work visa/PR card worst case if I have to flee the country. I don't know which of those to jump on, I feel it might be wise to do it though.

Studying my mandarin as well right now. I want to come back as a politician to this city after the collapse is over, I want to make my country something to be proud of again.

Meet me in GZ

Isn't the economy of Singapore and Hong Kong like 95% financial services? I'm not sure thats the place to be

I have $20,000 in my bank account, 110 ETH, 1 BTC, and 250 OMG, live in mainland China, have a job working from home (US-based), no debt, am I going to survive this shitstorm?

Taiwan would be best choice, SK and Japan are better tho but language skills are necessary.

Buy more OMG with your ETH. Their success is tied together and OMG has more room to grow.

>I have $20,000 in my bank account
for every $1000 in your bank account the bank can pay you back 6 cents in a bank run. You have $1.20
>110 ETH, 1 BTC, and 250 OMG
internet pixels won't mean shit


Haha that's a very good point. I think quite a bit of Singapore's economy is also refining though.

Haha I'll end up wherever someone needs an engineer or mathematics guy.

Yeah Taiwan is at the top of my list, although I have a feeling it might be out of the frying pan into the fire with the chinks staring them down with a few nukes. Might end up dodging the draft for the great north american civil war and end up having to defend taiwan.

I have a feeling war is in my future somehow either way, and I want to make my province into a real country if I can, so I may stay and fight, who knows.

I'm interested, what was wrong about that post?

Where do you get this 0.006% reserve figure?

lol this nigga thinks you can eat some babylonian meme metal

Real money is Gold and Silver. Paper money only started having value because it used to be backed by gold several decades ago. Now it's backed by nothing except mass delusion and geopolitics.

Since the 2008 economic collapse, central banks around the world have overdosed on financial stimulus and printing money out of thin air. They have artificially suppressed the prices of gold and silver to keep the dollar delusion going.

On April 19th 2016, China locked in the dollar's death by launching their own gold price fix. For the first time in modern history there are now two prices of gold, one in the Chinese yuan and the other in the dying dollar.

If the West were to raise the price of gold, it would kill the dollar completely as it would prematurely instigate the inevitable mother of all safe haven panics.

If the East were to raise the price of gold, it would drain the West's gold reserves due to arbitrage. This would expose the West's fake gold market and kill the dollar. Doing this prematurely means the East could no longer buy gold for themselves at heavily undervalued prices for their post-collapse monetary dominance.

The eventual endgame is that the price of gold skyrockets and the dollar permanently collapses along with the global banking system and modern society as we know it. Black Friday will be everyday as the masses murder each other for a peach pit. This is sure to happen anytime between now and the end of 2018.

Don't believe it? We'll find out soon.

The amount of printed USD is only a fraction of what is "held" in banks.

I pulled it out my ass, by which i mean I heard it somewhere but cant find the source to site, more realistically it would be somewhere between 100 and 30 dollars per 1000, but id bet on the lower end


They say that we're in a housing bubble, but nobody I know my age owns a house. If it crashes nobody I know, except parents that already own the house, will lose anything.

I pray every day for a housing bubble pop. It won't happen though.

>I pray every day for a housing bubble pop

Yes, i understand this. I was hoping for a source on the figure of 0.006%
It seems quite precise rather than an arbitrary number


Obviously so he could but a house.

>a source on the figure of 0.006%
His asshole.

thats some nice delusions if you think you will be able to afford a house after an economic collapse

fiat is now backed by said nation's military.

Opinion discarded.

Real estate needs to correct. Theres no reason a small house built in the 1950s should cost $100k

Idk you think people will give a fuck about gold if shit really goes down?

Pretty sure it's going to be about survival at that point.


Read this article: you may like his concluding statement. seekingalpha.com/article/4144946

Take pound sterling for example. It used to represent a pound (0.45kg) of silver in the 17th century. Currently it will barely purchase 2 grams

Inflation is a tax, it is effectively governments defaulting on loans

Could have with the last one..

Best link for ausfags ive ever seen on biz.
Yes its a fucking enormous read but it spells it out perfectly.
10/10 thanks user ill be passing
this around

Land is a total zero-sum game for the world and you can’t exactly “lose” land. I don’t think housing corrects drastically

This will kill state banks that dont have policies like fed banks. State banks shift to fed banks then they will start policies on freezing accounts that deal with alt right people by accosiation of white supremeast terror attack false flags.

>th-the market can't keep improving!
i-it was her turn!
shhhh... just Trust Trump

>just Trust Trump

wat is monarchy
god solve the queen

It's unhealthy. Bankers are learning that the central banks will always continue to lend to them, and that there is no penalty for failure.
This leads to moral hazard, and loads pressure on currencies

>Pic related: boomers queuing up to withdraw their savings

You'll be lucky to get 6 cents if we see another run on the banks



bank runs only happen in times of low confidence. Confidence is sky high in the current admin. Coventional models do not apply here.

Military backing is worth exactly zero when mutually assured destruction enters the picture. It guarantees any military solution is nothing more than a bluff, modern war is about proxy wars between tribes in shithole countries for ledger control of commodities only. Beyond that, no fucking way.
There will be no large war between great powers ever again.
Or if there is, it will be a very fucking short one and none of us will be around to react to it.

This means that instead of stopping and operating the patient like it should have been done the government just pumped steroids into its body so it could keep going a bit more. That's Keynesianism for you..

REEEEEEEE we are full

Good luck taking my bitcoin with your military retard.

well it's worth more than exactly zero considering people have faith in it and are using it today. I understand that you can invent a doomsday scenario, and you're probably right in that case. but we are not living in a doomsday scenario today and people have full faith that other will accept their Dollars because they do.
go buy a gallon of milk. tell me again how your Dollar was worth exactly zero.