So, realistically what will happen? Will a recession happen? Will it be global, or will it only affect US&Europe? Will asians keep buying crypto while the dollar loses value? Will McAffee's weiner be fine?
0.1% FED interest rate makes intra-bank lending too expensive, that's all
Any Ausfags here. I'm absolutely convinced we're on the verge of a crash of biblical proportions. Should I pull all my cash out of the big 4?
why? because of unaffordable housing?
That does not have to imply that crash is coming
I can't imagine Japan's economy not being affected by a crisis in Eurabia and the USA.
I think asians, especially koreans, will not stop their buying frenzy.
Hopefully, that will help secure the crypto market from a major crash.
that's a misconstruction of what's occuring. it's not "unaffordable housing" it's a "housing bubble" purveyed by Chinese who don't even live in the houses they purchase as investments.
lol chinese will be hit the most
all of their customers are in the west and their whole economy is dependent on that
You are deluded to think that chinks will continue to pump the crypto if shit goes down in US
World economy is US economy
No, the last recession the Australian government backed all Australian bank deposits and there's no reason why they won't do it again. Besides we have quite strong bank reserves regulations here. Our deposits are safe
So you want them to keep printing even more money? Rising rates are absolutely good, they want the markets to crash and correct to their real value, instead of inflation getting out of hand and the entire fiat system collapsing some time later.