Seriously, somebody needs to stop America

Seriously, somebody needs to stop America.

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Hot soda. Cold tendies. What more could a good boy want?

Dinosaur shaped tendies

>food and beverage both fit into the same cupholder

What elegance. What genius.

from the catolalog i thought it was bbq sauce in the cup.

you can have bites of chicken while drinking your sauce.

I thought the same thing, this isn't nearly as repulsive by comparison.

I am a 31yo man and I still buy Dino Nuggets. I dont think I'd trust someone who was anti Dino Nugget.

first reply best reply


whats in the bottom? im confused

that's australian though...

>dumb fast food thing
>durr blame the Americans
It's from fucking South Korea dip shit.

>implying not cultural imperialism

>implying you know what the fuck you're talking about

Why? That's actually a REALLY good idea for driving food. All it needs is a cup of fries on the side and it'll be awesome.

We went through the same rigamarole when Japan invented the hamburger pizza.

But won't the hot tendies warm up the cold soda and vice versa?

.. I guess you can fix that with proper thermal insulation, but that would require more material than using separate paper cups for both.

>Hot soda. Cold tendies.

>But won't the hot tendies warm up the cold soda and vice versa?

Read the post again, user. Read the post again.

I like it but where do you put the sour cream and chive sauce?

>Wanting more distracted people on the road

Nothing in your life is so important that you can't sit down for 15 minutes to eat your junk food

Why? That's actually more environmentally friendly than serving the two items separately. Fuck off.

>bbq sauce in the cup

Not american, but that sounds awesome.

>Not american
How relevant, thanks for letting us know. I too usually preface everything I say by stating my nationality as well as all of the nationalities I am not.


Good food
Imagine if children weren't fed trash so they could grow up wih good eating habits and not the same french fries and cheap mcnuggets as when they were kids?

You see, you WON'T be distracted by it. That's the thing; you can just reach down, grab something, and eat it. Or reach down, grab the cup, and take a pull on the straw.

Nice to know that you're american and defensive that people have to clarify that they're not stupid before agreeing with your shitty culture.

Canadian, mate. Just sick of this board's obsession with Americans. It's fucking annoying. Aside from that, if you actually read the thread, you would know that OP's pic is a Korean thing, not an American one. Calm your shit.

Canadians and Americans are exactly the same to everyone outside of Canada or America.

t. not American or Canadian.

>Canadians and Americans are exactly the same to everyone outside of Canada or America.
So, to everyone who's ignorant of Canada or America? It's fine, I can't pretend to know anything about wherever you're from either. Congratulations on not being from this hellhole though. At least you've got that to be happy about.

I'm looking for a bento box, it cant be pinku (that's Japanese for pink) or any girl color. It has to be of 2 or more kotoba (that's Japanese for 2 compartments) and has be be chibi (small) sized. And has to be really kawaii (cute). Also It has to be about 10-20 bux. And you have to post pics of it first (i want to make shure it's kawaii [cute]). And it would be nice if it came with matching chopstick holder (WITH chopsticks). OH! and it CANNOT have any cartoon pictures, or be made out of plastic. It has to be made of ceramic, or something like that. Also it would be nice if it was made in japan. and not in china or corea (Korea) or whatever. I have found a bento box similar to the one im describing in e-bay, but it was 1 kotoba, and i don't want my gohan (rice) to touch my other things (it can get wet and i would not like that, plus 2 compartments looks more kawaii)

Stop blaming America for shitty food. We have the best food, and the worst food, and all of the regional foods from other parts of the world in the same country.

This is just the beginning.
You aint seen't shit niggah.

>Canadian, mate.

Yeah, welcome to the internet where people use terminology that isn't necessarily associated with their nationality. Fucking idiot.

Didn't Drake and Josh come up with something like this?

Is there a problem, m8?

frig off, hoser

this isn't anything new. I'm all about nugget cups

A darkness so terrible it can hold only demons beyond your worst nightmares.


>if you put one packet inside another packet the environmental cost of the packet you put inside the other packet goes away
American logic. Just wow. You'll solve that paw-lotion problem in no time at all. How can we ever thank you?

At least there's only room for a sensible serving of tendies

You shut your god damn mouth

That's a pound of tendies, a galon of soda and a clown sized straw.

those look like tots son.
Of the Tater Variety.

>clearly labeled bbq chicken

Could be the name of the business. Unless you think the drink is bbq sauce.

You're just mad you don't have shit like this in whatever third-world country you live in.

>somebody needs to stop America
>stop America

You first OP!!

America will never be stopped and we will fuck up anyone that tries.

Fizzy lifting drinks.

The abyss holds the mirror

they have more edges to make them crisper

America will fuck itself

I see this as discrete portion control, and an easy way to rip off retards. All the more power to these guys.

Not until after every Euro-cuck, South American drug czar, African warlord, manlet east asian dictator, and jihadist is cold and rotting in the ground.

Fuck off OP, it's a South Korean ColPop.

m8y plz


Toire wa nan desu Ka

But OP, BBQ Chicken is a Korean joint.