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Food and Cooking
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Food and Cooking #76
Food and Cooking
Ok lads. I have a dilema only you can help me with
Why do americans call them "Pies"?
Navy CS. Ask Me Anyting
What the fuck canadians?
Easy healthy foods to make?
What is wrong with this picture
Why can't we stop, Veeky Forums?
Military cooks report in
An Australian academic has died and another Australian has been injured while descending from the summit of Mount...
Who /dishwasher/ here?
So, what are some Veeky Forums approved cook books?
So in all seriousness, how do I use one of these? I've watched 3 videos on YouTube and they are all contradictory...
Why do people think eggs are healthy?
Dog and Cat meat
Tea General
Do any of you hold an actual "Chef" position; i.e. not a line cook, sous chef, etc?
Kawell in the Kitchen
Someone asked me to do this a few days ago. Worked for Costco for 3 years and recently just left...
Explain to me how you would go about eating this
Go to five guys
This is what Americans picture when you mention mozzarella
Post a pic of a dish prepared at your local mexican restaurant
Americans eat their beef pretty much uncooked
Due to some bad luck my bank account has gone from well over $5k to $80 in the past three days...
Sugar and Cooks
Heard you Veeky Forums guys like OC
It's about time I contribute something here
I've never had cookie dough ice cream
I will be visiting Japan next month and I expect to be invited to a tea ceremony
Vegans: +1
Veeky Forums Challenge - Winner & Post Mortem
1 bottle = 1 meal
1.3 MILES of pizza
Can we all once and for all agree that pasteurized cheese tastes different, and at that...
Eurofag here. I want to try pic related but we don't have this brand here...
Rate my Chicago style za. I ran out of sauce at the end I know I know
What is the most authentic Italian dish on the Olive Garden menu...
What am I in for boys?
What do you think of this bbq, Veeky Forums?
FDA Finalizes Nutrition Label Update
You could either look like this
Drinking soda, ever
Any keto/paleo fags up in here?
So what's ck's favorite sushi?
Is Little Caesar's actually anyone's favorite pizza chain?
What country has the best food in your opinion?
What's Veeky Forums drinking or eating tonight?
If you're not a dipper leave now
How do you make your coffee? Podfags and mr coffee preground morons fuck off
Dinner thread
Best peanut butter
Who's ready to join me for a little oven jerky?
Anyone else like their pancakes Chicago style?
Do you feed your pets fruits?
Who /shake a' cayenne/ here?
What state has the best food and why is it Washington?
Rate my night/10. in the containers is left over generals chicken rice and steamed dumplings...
Is chili a curry?
Have ghost peppers replaced truffles as the meme ingredient?
ITT scandinavian cuisine
Food based comedy
Ham, cooked salami, Genoa salami, capicola, pepperoni
Why do you guys hate starbucks?
Southern home cooking
I have around 14 dozen eggs
Guys listen to me, this is the best shit i ever tried in my life
What is this? A cook-along?
Whatchu eatin?
Ja/ck/ thread
Thoughts on chicago style pizza?
What are the best recipes to keep my man?
Is there a better food "glue"?
What are some other must have unitaskers?
Homemade Pringles?
Two best fckn fruits EVER. Prove me wrong
Let's settle this once and for all
ITT: Post where you're from, and food which is well known as being fucking great in/from your area
What are these things supposed to be called?
Place your order, Veeky Forums
Should making fun of chicago style pizza be banned? This reddit meme is getting out of hand
What was your favorite thing served in your school cafeteria? Said cafeteria food can be from elementary school...
Anyone here smoked their own Anchos before...
Why do americans like mac and cheese so much? It tastes like canteen food
Chicago style
What do you get at subway?
Best pizza toppings combinations?
Thoughts on gourmet grilled cheese? what are the chances of it lifting off just like gourmet burgers did?
Hey, anons, Let me tell you the story of Josh. My pants-on-head retarded coworker
Why are chinese so un-civilized? just look at their food - wtf
How many McDonald's cheeseburgers can you eat in a row? My record is 17. If you can't eat at least 10, kill yourself
What is the secret ingredient in all Indian food Veeky Forums?
Pasta Shapes
How would you eat this, Veeky Forums?
Veeky Forums Food-related cringe thread - Part 2!
He eats spic food
I'm on a diet and I need some dank recipes that aren't absolutely horrible for you
Can I ask something? Are there Japanese people who eat Western foods for breakfast or dinner? Such as corn...
Never had real stroganoff before - only instant hamburger helper kind
Which of these items is more filling:
How do you like to prepare this?
For 50 fucking cents? what are we, living in 1982?
Your Odd Eating Habits
Who here enjoys a fine Chicago style?
Anyone Try one? Is it just all hype? Seems like the standard TV thing of "it's alright"
Who /bitter/ here?
Be from chicago
We need to bring back gender roles
Are slow cookers a meme?
R8 my tenderloin
Is it OK to double dip if you dip on the side you didn't bite?
Professional Bartender here, AMA
Prepare a delicious meal
Anti-Wisconsin Sentiment?
Why does some full cream milk taste watery?
Whisky Thread
Convenience food
Stuff you wanted to try until you found how how they were made
Anyone here tasted dog meat?
Why are so many people anti soda? How shit must your diet be if you cant fit a can of soda in with a meal...
What food do you love that a lot of people don't?
H-h-here I go again. I hope burger s-sempai notices me again
ITT: only the finest YouTube recipes
Ways to get free food
Well, Veeky Forums?
/g/ said this wasn't technology so I've decided to post on a more relevant board. What do you eat while coding?
Meat Spin
Can someone post the whole video, or a least this particular scene?
I fell for the marmite meme
Cheese thread
What would you do with these ingredients, Veeky Forums?
Sorry Americans, but Oreos are disgusting
Would Veeky Forums ever open a restaurant? What would you serve?
I prefer water with my meals
What does Veeky Forums think of the humble chicken wing?
What does Veeky Forums think of the humble tomato soup?
Have any of you ever attempted to scrambled eggs in the microwave? Can it be done?
/tb/ Taco Bell General
Why do chain restaurants give half-assed vegan menu items, if any at all?
Hello from singapore
Fried chickun is great cold, better than reheated
Suppose for a second you had a guy who had an intolerance for seafood, shit out napalm every time he ate spicy food...
New al/ck/y thread
Why do people hate fast food salads?
Rate my drunk 711 purchases. they were out of fresh buffalo wings so i had to get chips
Why is this shit on the top shelf next to Tanqueray and Bombay at my liquor store when it goes down like rubbing...
He doesnt eat his steak blue rare
Go out to eat alone
You go to a fancy restaurant
Is Veeky Forums a board for snobs, or do you enjoy some casual home food?
I visited New York today and picked up some meat and cheese! What do you think?
How far are you willing to walk for food? Ten minutes tops here. I don't know what's worse...
Why u so jelly
Ask a guy who lost 4 stone in just under 2 months eating nothing but apples anything. (16 stone to 12)
Food pranks!
What's the best food for freezing and reheating later...
How to stop eating food? This girl is amazing and beautiful, and I want to be like her, how can I do it?
What is a girly type of food or drink you as a man secretly enjoy?
Unitasker thread
Hey ck
Is it possible to carbonate coffee?
How do I poison food that it's not visible and it doesn't taste weird? Any of you have that kind of experience?
Worst fruit tbh
What's the hardest Recipe in the World to not fuck up?
How many of you have tried these? Also comes in Ranch and Chili Lime
Is this true?
I'm trying to make some pork loin
Whats up with Americans and burgers?
Gordon Ramsay vs Julia Child
Does anybody else love this stuff? i have to admit that i do
8 oz New York Strip
Is there a better restaraunt than Chick-fil-A? No there isn't...
God-tier Indian Foods
So what exactly is bad for you in energy drinks? I get the sugar free ones...
Is there a proper way to say no when they are asking for donations? Its even harder when you frequent the store daily
Does someone has a home made recipe or something for keeping my breath fresh?
Name something better in north carolina
What do you think of cafeteria style restaurants, Veeky Forums? Lucy's, Piccadilly, and Furrs come to mind...
Kitchen Nightmares
Alright guys, should I? And if so, which one?
Dangerous dining?
Which one is better, KFC or Popeyes? What should I order from either?
Perpetual Stew
Could somebody please explain the whole no true scotsman mentality that surrounds cornbread...
What does this taste like?
Explain this
This place is terrible
Foie gras
Do you toast your sugar? It's the latest meme ingredient
Why do people do this?
Panda Express
Is italian pizza really the best?
What is this and how do I cook it?
Why do American's cook their bacon until it is so dry and overcooked it literally crumbles and snaps...
How can I become disinterested in food?
What's your opinion on the British cuisine, Veeky Forums?
Guys I'm fat as fuck. What are the tastiest good protein drinks?
Your thoughts on beef jerky
Lol bbc
Go to amazon
Cooking at work :) My today's lunch: pasta with cottage cheese. Diet version
Izza Styles of the United States
What is your favourite thing to do w capers?
For what purpose?
ITT we post picture of dish that we fucking own
What's some good soft food, Veeky Forums?
Why do people fly into an autistic fit of rage at the sight of pic related?
How do I make this?
What meals do you cook together with your partner?
Good or bad? See people going ape shit over this stuff
Convincing family to eat proper food
I went to McDonalds today and ordered a steak, egg, and cheese biscuit sandwich, a double order of hash browns...
How long have you been visiting Veeky Forums?
What eat now
Wonton Soup
Who else makes mini bacons
First time tackling Arby's "Meat Mountain," ask me anything
Welcome to America, Land of the Nameless Sausage
Thank the stars above for Burger King
What does Veeky Forums think of this
Hello Veeky Forums I come from /k/ we have been discussing barbecue and how it will inflame the next american civil war...
Fridge thread
What is the best or your favorite dessert from your country? Mine is pic related or Malna Piskotatekercs...
Great McDonalds/Burger King burgers that only exist in your country. Post pic, name of the burger and country
So how does the WoW cookbook look?
Who /salad/ here?
Is it weird to eat alone?
Is Trader Joe's worth shopping at...
Poor fag cooking
What do you nourish your body with when there's work to do?
So what was the outcome, Veeky Forums?
Cooking pet peeves thread. I'll start
Rate me lunch
Here's the current line to get into my favorite BBQ place
Nutritional Drink Thread
Why do jews like seltzer so much?
This is a thread dedicated to the mighty chicken wing
Knife accessory, brand & care discussion?
>mom is bad at cooking but won't let you cook
I'm having some friends round for a few games of poker and some beers this weekend
What went wrong
If you do this in my sushi bar, I will kindly ask you to GTFO
What does Veeky Forums think of the humble meat pie?
What does Veeky Forums think of the humble Big Mac?
Tanzanian Food
Today we are gonna try and make tea smoked duck... INDOORS!!!!!!!!!1
Would you eat a human Veeky Forums?
Will you be sad when the Jetsons' food machine makes cooking obsolete? Because I will be
Who has the best street food and why is it Mexico?
Let's discuss chips
Taking a woman you like out on a dinner date
Knorr® stock pot
What food surprised you when you first ate it?
Rapid Lamb BBQ
How food destroyed socialism
P-please drink our government-subsidized milk guys. I-it's good for you, I swear
Food porn gifs
Marble countertops and food prep
Bananas and grapes are literally unhealthy
Bread Thread
Tiny cooking with tiny food
Non rootbeer floats
Go on date at sushi restaurant
I wanna live in a world where I can drive to the fast food drive thru and not have to speak to a single human
It's a fuhtadda!
Breaded meat
I'm going to my Grandma's 90th birthday party next week...
Sup Veeky Forums, what kind of ramen do you like?
Monsanto and chemical food
Is sous vide a meme?
Could you imagine being the guy who first thought of making these?
I moved to the UK recently. I usually have a bowel of cereal (corn flakes or muesli) in the morning...
Pizza guy is late
What do nu-males eat?
Alcohol thread
What a good recipe to eat an egg when im planning to live a low budget food in college,the itensil i have is a toaster...
What do you do to cook leftover mac and cheese Veeky Forums?
Where the fuck do I get cheap bones for making stock...
Anyone into making smoothies? I made a blueberry one earlier today
Animal killing
You know where I realized I like eating? Panera Bread
Mfw trying to explain the Europeans that hamburger is a type of meat not just the sandwich
Would an american like this cheese?
Baking desserts
Food-related cringe thread
I put this on everything, what do you put on everything?
Ok Veeky Forums
Coffee thread now!
TL;DR: new job leaves me living in hotels half the year. I don't want to die of heart disease from fast food...
When making sangria, you're supposed to leave the sangria overnight in the fridge...
Ask a Chick-Fil-A kitchen employee anything. Pic not related but something I cooked recently
I just smoked a bowl what should I eat for dinner?
What does Veeky Forums think of chili served in the way system?
Why do most restaurants have such variety in their menus?
Kosher salt
Little Caesars employee thread. Post your greatest post-clock out creations
Why do people pretend to hate this place?
Are there any Soylent alternatives that aren't so stupidly expensive?
Rabbit woes
Does Veeky Forums like craft beer?
ITT-God tier candy
Torta milenesa
5 most essential foods:
Guys what the hell is with all the blueberry talk?
/bg/ - Beer General
What if there was a blueberry beer?
Cooking Safety Stories Thread
The bottled water I'm drinking tastes kind of unpleasant
Weekly Cook-Along
Veeky Forums's thoughts? Would you eat this?
"food" for nu-male beta cuckolds
Helping retards
H-h-here I g-go
/ng/ - Nugget General
I can't wait to take a sip out of this cold crisp thirst quenching can of Coca-Cola™
My girlfriend is making me go to a BWW for dinner later and I've never been there. What's good to get? What sauces?
Time to make dinner
What is your go-to cheat meal? I can't resist pizza. I'll occasionally make meatball subs or get tortas...
Bacon wrapped scallops
ITT English food. Pic related. Beans on toast. Heinz beans of course
He puts ketchup and mustard on his burger
How does Joey being a sex offender make you feel Veeky Forums?
Food porn thread
Why do we rest meat?
Hey senpai what've you made so far today
Oh don't mine me user, just have to pay for my groceries with a cheque, you have 15 minutes right?
Well, I've finally been to a Shake Shack
What is with all the alcohol threads on a food and cooking board?
Hey Veeky Forums. What kind of sauce would you recommend for this? I'm having trouble deciding
Award-winning taste
Is black bean the newest hottest culinary meme?
Awful Drinks
What would you adjust in this omelette?
What does it take to be a a good chef?
What's the tastiest cheese?
Any advice on what to with these beautiful blade steaks. I want to cook them low and slow, and create some rich...
What're your guys' thoughts on SPAM?
Does anyone else do this too?
Why is blueberry such a rare flavor in candies, sodas, icecreams, syrups, coffees, etc?
Is there anything wrong with drinking milk?
Oi Veeky Forumsunts, we're having a barbie!
Tfw there is now a Keurig for fucking tortillas
Cuban American cuisine (since in Cuba they eat dirt and breaded cleaning rags) is much better than Mexican and Texmex...
Our king is dead
If you found out that the owner of a restaurant you eat at 2 or 3 times a week once served 20 years for killing a child...
What extinct animal would you want to eat if you had a choice, Veeky Forums?
What are they drinking?
Yeah I'll just have a water, please
Veeky Forums challenge - Round 10 (Final) May 13 - May 20th
What spices, herbs or seasonings do you most often use besides salt and pepper?
How do I make frozen salmon suck less?
Order macaroni and cheese
Which foods don't sit well with your tummy, cu/ck/s?
Who else /craftbeer/ here?
Pappy's Chicken
Veeky Forums what the fuck
Wendy's to make large automation push in response to bernie sanders
Anyone have a good cornish hen recipe?
Blue Crab
Splitting the Check
Be first time in chicago
"I don't like seafood"
I just realized that I've never had Stouffer's french bread pizza
Who else /whiteboy/ here? I'm so ashamed of myself...
Is an taco a sandwich?
What do tall people eat?
ITT: god tier frozen foods
Post something local. How local is for you to decide
Hello sir and welcome to Dominos!
Who's the better cook, you or your gf/bf?
Would Veeky Forums put a ring on it?
Dinner thread
How does Americans react when faced with real cheese?
KFC is bad
Is it just me or does the top part of scallions taste and smell different from the bottom section?
QTDDTOT Veeky Forums
Is lobster really that good?
Nothing like some biscuits and gravy from the hospital cafeteria for breakfast!
Just picked up a bottle of Nordic Artesian water. It has a really good, fresh taste
The other day my friend told me that it's bad to eat bananas that are very ripe...
Allergy thread
Pineapple on pizza. Yes or no?
Have you ever wanted to eat something alive? I'm not talking worms or a frog or fish or something like that...
What do you get when you go to Burger King?
Gordon Ramsay's BURGER
Bread General
Did my best ganache ever for this video, and fuck yeah I'm proud of it. Go ahead and flame me, I want it...
Be me 26 y/o
How does Smorrebrod work?
Is this the ultimate meme food?
How do I get into wine? Keep in mind I'm not rich
How do you cook a steak like this?
Is this true? Is milk just a meme?
He makes a sound point
Its back
What's a good starter beer for a first time drinker? This is a popular brand, right?
What fast food place has the worst service and is the biggest ripoff?
What went wrong?
ITT: Shit food that you absolutely love
I wanted to buy some actual parmesan cheese because the pre-grated stuff is garbage...
Post cooking hacks
What is the quintessential Jewish food
Chicago style
Hanger steak is the best cut
Brown Bag/Work Lunches
What's your go-to swordfish recipe?
What do you think of this pizza, Veeky Forums?
If you were on Death Row, what would be your final meal?
Is it actually possible to liquefy garlic? This scene has haunted me for years
What is the meal you eat most frequently?
How do they get the poo in the middle, Veeky Forums?
EXTRA VIRGIN olive oil
Hey guys! I decided that I want to surprise my bf tomorrow with a homemade quiche! I looked up a few recipes and I...
Do you guys smoke while eating?
Which state has the best cheese?
What are some meme foods worldwide that people try to trick foreigners into eating?
Does Veeky Forums have any recipes that a normal non-faggot male could follow...
ITT: Discontinued food/drink you want back
Welp.. Mommy is too drunk to cook yet again
Is there anything more ridiculous than saying that you "don't like seafood"...
This is poutine
Ask a faggot who works at Panda Express anything
Why can't we stop?
Take the cooking book that is closest to you in your house right now, open to a random page with closed eyes...
Which Fast Food place has the best breakfast?
Do americans ever get to taste real cheese?
This guy visits your house
I have acquired a taste for charcoal and dry dog food because of their texture...
France-san! Do you know the Kagurazaka?(神楽坂)
Have 5 kilos of these rice noodles, not sure what to do with them
What is the laziest, easiest way to get what I need nutritionally every day...
What are weird things you eat raw from the container/jar?
What does Veeky Forums think of jiro ono?
Tea Thread
Is there ever a more pleasant sight than this?
How is this shit so fucking good?
Veeky Forums I need a date night dinner recipe
Non-italian white people cooking
How do I make a proper crawfish boil? How many pounds of crawfish would I need for 10 people...
Mfw a guest comes over and tells me they are vegan
I have a bunch of chili ingredients but no ground meat, in fact I have no meat at all...
Do deep sea shrimp taste any different from normal shrimps?
Shitty Eaters BTFO
ITT: industry stories
Hey Veeky Forums
Greek yogurt
Who #squarecut here?
Daily culvers thread. remember to make sure bae is always safe
At what age did you grow out of soda?
Should i get a microwave ?
Vegetarian burgers made with human/rat meat
Hi Veeky Forums I found a tutorial on how to make your spoons look more interesting...
Am I the only one who prefers sausage to Reddit-strips?
Do you have any favorite mix packets? Share them below
Master Chef
What's your standart, most frequent McDonalds meal order, cu/ck/s? Post yours. Rate others
Rate my presentation
Challenging drinks
Angry onions
Ass Wiping General /aswpg/
Does adding salt to pasta water really do anything to the flavour or is that just an inside joke passed on by chefs?
Why is it right that the government can tell you that you cannot allow smoking in YOUR bar/pub/restaurant that YOU paid...
If you had to cook a three course gourmet standard meal, what would you make Veeky Forums?
Went to Portugal, this blew my mind. Post stuff and your thoughts about it from your last trip abroad
Avocados are on sale again
My today's Bento
What are your culinary red flags in a person?
How do you like your steak cooked Veeky Forums?
How come almost every source disagrees hugely on how long to cook steak...
What are some traditional African dishes? My daughter's school is having Cultural Appreciation Day this Friday...
It's 3 in the morning and I'm eating a breakfast wrap at a 24-hour diner
Is food wishes Veeky Forums approved?
Budweiser renames its beer
So I browned the butter for my KD and it tasted and looked exponentially better
ITT: recipes you found on Veeky Forums. Love me some infographics. Doesn't have to be fancy
Which one wins?
Sushi thread
What are you thoughts on Bison? Is is far superior to regular ol' beef? Is beef better...
Jack Thread
Hey Veeky Forums I currently live in an apartment and going to school...
What are some other good American beers?
Just cooked this from scratch
This shit is legit. Cheap ($3.77!) for 1-2 meals. Easy to make, very good for frozen food, and a bunch of flavors...
Rate my dinner
What are some quick and healthy ways to start the day as a student?
Which one is best?
You have to choose one canned food to exclusively eat for the rest of your life, what do you choose?
I want to ask overweight people questions. I am an underweight person, I hate it
IS pink roast beef safe? Even if cooking the outside kills most of the bacteria...
If this man were a soft drink, what would he be?
What's the best way to make an omelette?
Alright Veeky Forums, you pick. My camera is shit
Tfw you feast like a king
Why the fuck is Veeky Forums not all over this?
What's your favorite pie?
In this wide, wide world, is there hope for forgiveness for a man and his sandwich?
Been working here for one week and already i have questions for the public
What are the bare necessities when starting a restaurant?
What the hell is the purpose of this shit? Why do I need a porus spoon that can burn...
Show me your fridge, cu/ck/s
Can we have a central European food thread?
How about a nice pepperoni pizza for lunch today Veeky Forums?
Any suggestions for low salt diets? Not trying to cut it out completely, just trying to be a bit healthier in general
Oven or microwave
What kind of sweets do you like Veeky Forums? Chocolate, baked goods, whichever...
Food pics from Mexico
Anyone else here hate IPA?
I offer you a heiniekein
I'm proud of this plate/dish
New England or Manhattan?
You jelly Veeky Forums?
How do I prepare pic related? Do they need to be cleaned/trimmed?
Going vegan for a month, what are some good recipes??
Cooking for pets?
Welcome to Chipotle user
So is he a just meme or actually a good chef?
What is your BEST and most FAVORITE crockpot recipe?
On a scale of 1-10, 1 being Captain D's/ Krystal and 10 being a Michelin 3-star restaurant...
Who has the best condiments? This includes ketchup, mustard, barbecue sauce, etc
What's the best IPA in you're opinion?
Insect Dishes
Weebs, please suggest a zojirushi model for me to purchase...
Making a smoothie. Veeky Forums decides what goes in. Go
What are the best crackers and why are they saltines?
Why does pork fat make me sick as shit everytime i eat it?
Does anyone here likes cereal? what's your favourite?
Cheese and gravy fries, anyone?
Yo.. wtf?
Normal person
Sous Vide Thread
What's a good first beer? I want to join the craft beer lifestyle!
So the whole gimmick is putting name brand dry cereal onto donuts?
Craving a Philly cheese steak
I need to kow how to cook pasta
What are you guys having for dinner?
What do you think of this pizza, Veeky Forums?
What do you guys think of Action Bronson?
ITT: things that send you into a seething rage when visiting the supermarket
Why are people so quick to judge other's food choices?
Cooking Mistakes
My grandfather has this food truck that he wants to give me. It's got a soft serve icecream machine, a slurpee machine...
What should I eat when I have pants shitting diarrhea style flu?
So you're having a small dinner party or you're having a date over for dinner, what kind of music do you play?
What's my dinner?
Afro Cuisine
Canned tuna thread
Crack open a Corona
Who else hats working in a kitchen?
Hello Veeky Forums
Does Veeky Forums like taco bowls?
What does Veeky Forums think of pic related?
Why does Veeky Forums hate on Sriracha and consider it a meme? I just bought some and I think it's quite nice
Krups EA8808
20 years old
Mc phobia
How do you activate almonds properly?
Why is fast food so damn expensive now?
Does anyone know anything about kilju?
Name five foodstuffs that are essential in your country (not specific national dishes...
Am I just a philistine? I sincerely don't get why this is basically put on nearly everything in haute cuisine...
Are there any good youtube channels about cooking?
What would you do if your son or daughter came out to you as vegetarian or vegan?
What do you get when you go to McDonalds?
Do you kill your lobster before boiling it?
For me, it's the drums
PTG- Pizza Topping General
What's your excuse for not living in California, cu/ck/s?
Thinking about buying a good rice cooker. Costco has an induction Tiger model for $289
Worst food cobinations that you actually saw someone eat
I'm a total pleb and don't know shit about coffee but my local super market has sells on this stuff all the time...
Keto Thread
/K/ I prefer well done, but I always put some kind of sauce on it
Vegetarian Meals
Is Alton Brown a hack or does he actually know what he's talking about?
Cereals that actually taste better soggy in milk
Exotic Meats
Food and body odor
Whisky/Whiskey Thread
What is the best part of fast food, Veeky Forums?
I might be going to Las Vegas over the summer for vacation...
Farm Cooking
Food Pet Peeves
Go to Jet's Pizza
"School lunches aren't that bad"
Is organic food a meme?
What frozen pizzas are good? I'm about to give this a try, Kroger brand products are often on the decent tier
Cooking with SPAM
GMO Food
Good food from Cracker Barrel
It's a rainy day. What are you drinking by the window?
What do you think of ribs?
What does Veeky Forums do for lunch when at work/school?
So me and my friend got some Pizza in Chicago the other day
Rate my pizza
What are some of Veeky Forums approved cooking channels?
Is there more to it than just boiled sugar? because i don't get the meme
Great local restaurant you've been visiting for years closes down
Boiling sausages
People who criticize Indian food, why?
Bar General
Post your culinary pro-tips
Recipe calls for a can of ingredient
What country has genuinely bad cuisine? I always hear how French, Mexican, Italian...
Redpill me on coconut water Veeky Forums
ITT: Foods you have an irrational aversion to
SoCal thread
How can i make burgers like mcdonalds?
Ha ha noob mistake. Good thing ive been doing this job for the last fifteen years, am somehow considered great at it...
What is the negative effects of using a too much oil when cooking a steak in cast iron
Is food political?
WI actually has good cheese?
Who /forkandknife/ here?
Does Veeky Forums have a favorite candy bar?
Hey user, welcome to our new dive bar called
/coke thread/
Street foods bread
What flavor is gold?
Who else /eatingdisorder/ here?
Drink a thimble of water
Ok guys, playing tourist in Denver this weekend
What do you think about peaches Veeky Forums? Good fruit or no?
What are Veeky Forums thoughts on Little Caesars?
Basic/General Food lets go
This is salad
I went to McDonalds today and ordered a steak, egg, and cheese biscuit sandwich, a double order of hash browns...
Son doesn't enjoy food
The only cocktails I have ever had are martinis. What are some other good male cocktails?
Banana Bread
What did you eat today?
I ordered a pizza at 8pm last night and left it out all night, not putting it in the fridge...
What's your favorite bar food or food with beer?
Favorite soda that you think only you like
So what does Veeky Forums have planned to cook for Mother's Day? Beer brats with mashed potatoes and salad here
Food pics from Japan
What are some ingredients I can add to my "chili" to keep it interesting?
Putting napkin on your lap while eating
Why aren't you vegan yet, corpse eater?
I just bought a small piece of fois gras. What the hell do I do with it?
Need roughly 2 more pans for cooking equipment. Need some suggestions if possible
Food truck business
Have to go out to eat for sisters birthday
What food, or rather food combinations, do you like that you've never seen anyone else try?
Be honest. As an adult (18+) have you ever purchased a kids meal for the toy? Which one was it...
Hot Sauce Thread
The perfect inexpensive meal
Rate my late night snacking
Post food pictures to try and make me fail, if you can
Well Veeky Forums?
Why is this praised so much?
I want to eat Tilapia every day but the internet tells me it's bad. What's a reasonable weekly allotment?
Does this sound like a case of a picky eater?
So my order was $31 but I only had $30. The business would not just give it. Were they being retarded or what...
ITT: chains Americans will NEVER EVER get to experience
Chicken Curry
If you vote anything other than pitch black you are a greedy pos who should be hung
Cooking in the outdoors
White asparagus
Chef's Knives
So Veeky Forums, is there any nut better than the based pistachio? I think not...
It's pizza night!
Behold the classic Root Beer Float!
What's the fucking point?
Annoying relatives thread?
Veeky Forums what was the name of that guy in Montreal who had the disgustingly dirty apartment and would do cooking...
Hey guys m th buddy I'd try g to convince me to buy a whole cow...
What's the secret of getting really smooth scramby eggs?
If these were your only pizza choices, and making your own was impossible, which would you have?
It tastes like death, no wonder I can't find this in stores. When I take a bite...
Ask Thread
Why is eating healthy so expensive...
Hey Veeky Forums. What are some "must have" spices and seasonings?
Have you ever had pasta e fagioli?
I've been feeding these two ducks for the past week...
'sup co/ck/suckers
Why americans are stupid? Duh because they don't eat fish
How do I make pancakes as thick as this?
This fried taco bowl looks really good!
Grocery Store General
Culinary confessions thread
What are some good recipes for crab Veeky Forums?
What do you guys listen to while you eat/cook?
Does anyone know where I could find a similar bowl in one piece?
What are the best cheap fast food items? I'm poor and hungry
Family Plebe Stories
Let the countdown begin
Pizza toppings
Here is the wine list for the Italian place I'm having my wedding dinner at...
Go to Arby's for lunch this afternoon
How do you deal with picky kids? My step-son only eats corn dogs, hot pockets, Kraft dinner, French fries, McDonald's...
Who /craftbeer/ here?
Why do pretentious hipsters pretend to like food that tastes disgusting, like vegetables and "authentic" food...
Where have all the red sticks gone?
Itt: food you wanna fuck
Round 9 - May 5th - May 12th
HONEY should I buy it sempais?
Which of these dipping sauces would you have with fries?
How are you celebrating stinko demayo?
How is this not big in america? did everyone just forget about japanese food after sushi and ramen?
Best cheap non-stick pan?
What are some good ways to score some free food that don't involve blowing some gay guy on Craigslist?
I have devoted my entire life to finding the perfect recipie to the definitive snack
I am 21 years old
What separates actually "good" cooks, and cooks that just use simple, good recipes...
What's the best hangover drink, mimosas or bloody mary's?
Post Veeky Forums meals and recipes
Disgusting food thread
Is there a more shit tier soup than pic related? I'd sooner eat a jar of Prego by itself
Ewwwwww worst treat
Order 2 pounds of cheese without realizing just how much it was
Is a hot dog a sandwich?
Why people pretend this isn't great pizza?
What appetizers do you like? I'm fond of onion rings and tater tots
Shopping for a new pan
""""""""people""""""""" in Chicago would call this a pizza
Ever try a bacon sandwich?
I just got over 100 eggs for free from my convenience store job since the sell by date was yesterday
God Tier Cooking Shows
ITT: Dumb shit you did when you were younger/first learning how to cook
Portuguese """"cuisine""""
I just started a job as a food runner and two days in my tender ass feet are pounding...
American here, mum wants me to cook some mexican food tomorrow for cinco de mayo. anyone have any good easy recipes...
I am trying to eat better and am aware that I haven't really eaten a salad or green vegetables in a very long time
What's your opinion on Reviewbrah?
Tfw addicted to eating unhealthy, sugary foods on an almost daily basis
What's a quick and light avocado-based snack you can make as a meal before bed?
Are chopsticks functional?
What foods will help me fall asleep?
"oh, i just LOOOOOOOOVE coffee"
The one the guy cooked didn't look like a steak at all
Add a soft drink and a bag of chips and you have a good mid-day meal!
Do you like Indian food?
The instructions says to leave the plastic film while baking it in the oven. Anyone have experience with this?
Going to Atlanta soon for some training, anywhere there I just HAVE to eat at? Nothing fancy...
Saw this as a thread start picture
So I got myself a small bag of Doritos, and as I got to the bottom I found two of these nugget looking things
What do you think of my sauce?
Breakfast Sandwiches
British pubs becoming more and more American
What's the deal with Texas toast? It's stupid
drinking bitter bean water when caffeine tablets exist
In this thread we discuss reasons we don't tip. Pic not related...
Can someone explain to me why a six quart Le Creuset dutch oven costs nearly 600 dollars while a nearly identical one...
Hi Veeky Forums i'm going to college in 4 months and i want to be able to cook good shit for my roomies...
Alright Veeky Forums i need your culinary expertise...
Maryland Thread
Hi Veeky Forums
Best Energy drink?
What is the most patriotic food to eat in the USA?
What are the best green-colored foods? I really like spinach, broccoli and green herbs like basil...
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games