Are chopsticks functional?

Are chopsticks functional?

Sure, but you have to eat with the bowl next to your mouth and it makes you look like a child.

I think they're FUNctional :3c

>lol this anime is so funny because the girl is acting autistic and dumb
>i enjoy this series because all the cute girls are acting dumb and autistic in contrast to real people

no you just suck at using chopsticks

alright, how do you eat rice with chopsticks without putting the bowl next to your mouth?

Have sufficiently sticky rice, scoop up clumps while holding the chopstick ends parallel.

and what if it's not sticky?

Then either someone's fucked up or you're not eating Chinese food, in which case why are you using chopsticks.

Are you suppose to bring your mouth to the bowl instead?

Git gud faggot

Chopsticks are functional, but they are not all-purpose. I live in Japan and we use spoons and forks for foods that need it (like spoon for curry). And for rice, it works if it is Asian style and sticky. For rice pilaf or loose rice, we do not use chopsticks.

are you native to japan?

what mango is this

Chopsticks are like using your fingers. If you could pick up something easily with a pinching motion to shove it in your piehole, chopsticks will work. They have the precision of picking out your favorite bits in the dish, with the bonus of not getting food all over your hands.

If you eat non-Asian food with them, though, you'll look like a total weeb.

Me being a total weeb: I like to thinly slice an apple, put it in a bowl, microwave it for five minutes, then eat the cooked fruit with wooden chopsticks because I don't like to taste metal when I do this.

Boku no Hero academia

Calm down.

People have been using them for thousands of years and they haven't fallen out of style. Of course they're functional.

Next up: Can you use a knife and fork to transfer prepared food from a plate to your mouth? Watch our stunning findings tonight at 11.

Kinda i just dont know where to put them after. Would a fanby pack work?

You keep them in your pocket protector

A sea gull took mine :(

This is why you keep a shuriken in your back pocket, it makes short work of those flying rats and you can make a nice ramen stock from the carcass.

Ohh neat! Can i take sweet poses holding them over my eyes before i throw them? :^)

You can try that but I find my hitai-ate falls down over my eyes if I try to pose too hard. Maybe I should have my mom take the band in again, it keeps getting loose.

Have you tried a trench coat? It's heavy enough to provide some armor and makes you look mysterious like a stanger!

I used to wear one but it was too uncomfortable and awkward to wear my katana on my back under it (for stealth) so now I wear this sweet hoodie patterned to look like a shozoko.

Just buy some half-way decent are fucking up if you "taste" metal while eating with a fork or spoon.

I'm chinese and for actual chinese food they are.
obviously chinese food is best so I only ever need chopsticks.

It's silverware I got as a hand-me-down from my parents. It's in good nick, and was pretty expensive because WASPs.

I can always taste metal, and find its temperature and flavor deeply unpleasant. You don't?

get actual silverware and not fucking flatware.
I can taste the fucking steel in flatware. Thank god I inherited some actual silverware.