Have you ever had pasta e fagioli?

Have you ever had pasta e fagioli?

haha it got fag in the name


Yeah, but it didn't look like that botched abortion in your pic.
It's a fucking delicious soup when made well. I need to make it again sometime soon.

n. origin Italian
1. a man who pleasures other men with their body

What's wrong with OP's pic?

Many times.

There is nothing wrong with OPs pic.

Have you ever had pasta, eh, faggoli?

I guess there's nothing wrong with OP'S pic if you like overcooked pasta in a diluted, bland broth.
ITT : people with shit taste

>ITT : people with shit taste
That includes you, sport.

I call it pasta fazool

Wrong again, butthole.
Your posts are bad, and you should feel bad.

Can't tell if the broth is bland or not, neither can you.

Upon closer inspection, the pasta looks soggy so you're right about that.

I had a phase where I made the stuff quite often, great soup. I liked adding more carrots and tomatoes into it unlike OP's picture.

are you calling me gay?

I think everyone on Veeky Forums eats fagioli.

It's really delicious and hearty to eat in Winter. In my region we also make it with cotenna di maiale (pig's skin) and verza, one of my favorite dishes.
For all the uncultured swines ITT: fagioli means beans. Fa-geĆ²-li.

I can tell that broth is wicked bland just by looking at it, m8.

I dont really understand why the offenses, nice soup, enjoy

I use more tomato paste.

If you season it well it's fucking delicious, and cheap as hell.

I have my suspicious based on the fact that it's a paper cup and a plastic spoon

I feel you, looks like it doesn't taste loud enough. Smell you later

>ywn eat a faggot