Drinking soda, ever

>drinking soda, ever

How much soda is in your diet, anons? Do you like diet soda?

A lot.

I don't drink soda often, but if it's offered, I'll take it
God no.

>How much soda is in your diet, anons?
Near zero. I might get a soda can or two per week, but that's it. And typically it's just soda water, not sugar crap.

> Do you like diet soda?
I prefer normal soda because I don't want to feed my intestine bacteria exotic sugars.

Only when I'm out with friends. Yes.

maybe 330ml every other week. I love sparkling water

>near zero
>one or two a week

that's a lot of soda

Two 330ml cans per week is not a lot.

yeah it is. depends what you're comparing it to. if you're comparing it to americans, then yeah, it's not a lot. but if you compare it to the healthy amount then it is

It's too much.
Stop living in denial, fatty.

dude get the fuck out of here with that health bullshit, ZOMG IT'S A LOT OF SUGAR, yeah if you're fucking diabetic, and idk if you've noticed but they've reduced sugar and caffeine content in sodas because murrica. op you're samefagging all up in this thread and it's disgusting if you want fat hate go to Veeky Forums and learn some nutrition while you're there

Does lemon flavoured bubbly water counts as soda?

>How much soda is in your diet, anons?
Not much. A few cans a week, less than one a day.
I'm not reliant on caffeine like most of my peers seem to be, so I don't need a drip of energy drinks all day. And fizzy drinks make you fat/bloated anyway.
>Do you like diet soda?
No. I like natural sugar, and 'NO SUGAR' drinks don't perk me up like I want them to.

you're more autistic than these faggots

two cans are obviously not much, they're just trolling, you don't have to sperg out.

dunno, but after trying it I now buy normal soda water and add real lemonade.
It's delicious.
The canned one doesn't taste enough like lemon. They could at least add some citric acid, but being cheap fags they only add lemon flavor.

>and add real lemonade

You mean lemon?

yeah lemon juice.

never drink it. when I used to it never quenches my thirst. just clags up by mouth and makes me drink more.

>t. fatposter
Just because you fucking fatfags can't get 150 calories more into your diet it doesn't mean others can't

Don't really drink soda except for when I'm pulling a late shift and I need something to stay awake

I work at a movie theater though, and find it hilarious that EVERY obese person who orders something also gets a large (64 oz) Diet Coke, every. single. time.

Isn't diet soda like drinking weed killer?

Usually around 2 cans a week. I use it to reward myself for doing stuff.
No diet soda ever.

i exercise a lot at work, so i dont mind drinking a soda while at work. it is burned off right away.

if i were neet and never got out of my computer chair, i would not feel ok drinking sugared soft drinks

>not wanting to kill weeds

I haven't drank soda in about two months. I feel better for the change. I drink either water or unsweetened iced tea, and stay under 1800 calories a day at 5'10". Lost 17 pounds so far since changing to this.

>How much soda is in your diet, anons?
On the weekends when I visit my parents. It's all they have.

>Do you like diet soda?
I honestly can't tell the difference between diet and not. Shit, Pepsi and Coke taste the same to me.

>it is burned off right away
Doubtful, most people in physical jobs pack on excess fat because of this fat logic, just look at any construction worker who has been on the job for a few years

I ride 15 miles each way (with hills) to work and I don't even like soda, my body needs nutrients not chemical garbage. But then again I'm lean and fit, not "strongfat" aka pre-diabetic.

Usually I only grab it if I happen to be at the grocery store and it's on sale, or I'm getting fast food

Don't get it at restaurants though, waste of money since I'll usually barely finish the first glass

Mayb 2-3 all week. Every now and then there's nothing like a coke or Pepsi out of a can. It has that bite to it.

Way too much, like 1 a day. I'm trying hard to cut down, but it's the only thing that's like a vice that I have (don't smoke, drink, do drugs, etc.)

>Near Zero
>one or two per week
this is what americans actually believe.

>1 pop a day
>doesn't do drugs
Caffeine is a drug.

>How much soda is in your diet, anons?

zero but I drink a lot of beer.

Woah fatty calm down or you'll pop a clogged artery

>drinking the carbonated Jew

No fucking thanks, water and un-fizzed Dr. Grape are all I need.

Does beer count as soda?

Anything that tastes even remotely pleasant is soda. If you don't hate the idea of eating something you are a fatassed manchild.

>How much soda is in your diet
Usually a 500mL bottle a day (too much)
>Do you like diet soda?
Yes, its pretty much all I drink. I was raised on diet cause my mom is diabetic and drinks fuckloads of diet soda.

It tastes ok to me depending on the brand.
>Dr. Pepper Ten>Diet Dr. Pepper>Diet Pepsi

None, and yeah if it's diet coke.

I drink a can maybe every two months, thats what I call "not a lot".

>Two drinks in the same lifetime
>Totally not a lot guys
Digesting lard bag.

>How much in your diet

Too fucking much, just had a can of coke and had a large Baja blast earlier from taco Bell

>Do you like diet soda?

Bleh fuck no. I go for long stints without drinking soda but I have an addictive personality and I'm lazy so it doesn't take much to fall off the wagon. Sometimes I'll drink coke zero or I'll use it for cocktails

Haven't had soda in a long time and have no intention of having it ever again; soda drinkers are plebeians and subhumans

I actually thought diet coke tasted pretty good

1-3 sodas a week
yes, but mostly because I dislike the taste of corn syrup. sometimes I get real sugar soda, but not often

No, it's just carbonated water with essence in it. If you clog your nose while drinking it the taste will be far less noticeable.

Flavored seltzer is the best desu. My local
BJs is about to start stocking Polars summer flavors in 1liter 14packs for $10 and imma buy like 20 of those things