Rate my drunk 711 purchases. they were out of fresh buffalo wings so i had to get chips

Rate my drunk 711 purchases. they were out of fresh buffalo wings so i had to get chips

I can't get enuuuufff of those hot cheetos and takis

Takis are great

tbqhfam their original chips are p good

I might stop by a Sev tonight and get me some snacks. Their apple fritter donut is supposed to be good.

>no cheap beer


have it in the fridge 40oz steel reserve and 25 oz bud ice

Thinking about walking up to the Sevs down the street for some beer and beef jerky. kiinda tipsy already. wat do

do it

Welp, can't deny quads. Putting some jeans on right now.

what kind of jerky? jack links? wild bills?

I'm thinking the jacks links teriyaki beefsteak. Tastes close enough to actual jerky but costs less.

u ever have the jacks buffalo chicken bites?

Nope. Any good?

i liked them they were like 7 bucks though

I don't know about that price but I'll check em out if they have them.

Also what flavor slurpee did you get, OP? I have a million 7-11s within a ten mile radius but I'll go out of my way for a banana slurpee. Best flavor.

air head extremes

that shit is sour and good

if you ask they can make some buffalo wings real quick for you

i fucking LOVE the mini beef tacos. theyre a good deal and the beef paste inside of them is better than any other beef pastes ive had in taquitos for example

>no beef stick/beef jerky
>no candy
>no 40oz
>no pack of smokes
>redundant af (two of the same kind of drink, 3 types of chips, two types of peanuts)

honestly I give you a 3/10.

i was gonna ask but they were understaffed and busy prob would have been awhile. the wings are surprisingly good had them like a month ago. now time to kill this 40oz of 211

I didn't see the buffalo flavor there so I got the teriyaki. Almost got a taquito... Kinda wish I did.

starting again now

You will get tired of chips after the first bag and wish you got a sandwich or a pizza instead
Also lack of Milky ways is worrying you need at least two more

>7-11 snacks
>crap tier soda
>no candy

Are you retarded op

Wait are those takis?
Scratch that op, ya done good