This shit is legit. Cheap ($3.77!) for 1-2 meals. Easy to make, very good for frozen food, and a bunch of flavors...

This shit is legit. Cheap ($3.77!) for 1-2 meals. Easy to make, very good for frozen food, and a bunch of flavors. I think I found my new go-to dish.

I know how to cook, but I have to agree. They're are great lazy night meals, awesome for being frozen food.

I like the chicken, red potatoes, and green beans.

And not bad on the sodium for being frozen.

oh la-di-da uncle pennybags thinks $4 is cheap. Fuck you I have to support two adults on less than that per day. You're just like my boss with his rich family who don't know what money even means.


Sup, fox.

lmao so then what do you buy? Rice and beans?

You could get much more than 2 meals if you just bought all the ingredients and made it yourself.

>Entirely missing the concept of convenience

Is that not the case of all convenience products?

Are you really so lazy you can't even make chicken Florentine?

The Garlic Chicken is the best.

Your autism hurts.

Again, it's a convenience item. Going to the grocery store for perishable ingredients after working a 8-5 day vs having that bag from a few weeks ago shopping.

Good for what it is.

To be fair, it's not like has ever had a real job.

>Bird's Eye shills
and this is why your fat.

kek, eat my get

>The Garlic Chicken is the best.

Hmm... I've got a bag in the freezer I bought on a whim and then noticed it had broccoli, so it's just been sitting but I suppose I could pick out the broccoli afterward.

Why do you dislike broccoli?

>almost $4 for 660 calories
Wow OP, really cheap. I'm definitely gonna stock up.

>pick out the broccoli

what are you, a fucking child?


my pretzel bun breakfast sandwich from hardees is 600 calories and cost me nearly $4 and has no nutritional benefit what so ever. Are you all seriously so fucking poor you think a meal for two for $4 is expensive? And no you aren't making the same mother fucking thing from scratch for under $4 either so don't even try that lame ass bullshit you fucking poor mother fucker. If you seriously divide calories to price ratio you have some serious issues

>300 calories is a meal

You are wasting your life if you work for a price that necessitates $2/day/person food.

Get your act together, Tyrone!

Start earning enough to live properly instead of bitching at other people.

Something is wrong with you.

Fucking pleb.