Breakfast Sandwiches

Any challengers?

Egg, Colby jack, avocado, grilled onions, alfalfa sprouts, thin sliced rare London broil, Blue Plate mayo on grilled whole wheat.

Looks disgusting, but being an autsperg I'm sure you will like it.

>judging food on how it looks
First day here?

do americans really eat this?

Looks gross famalam

maybe loose the bland as fuck avocado and egg while you're at it

too many sprouts
get the mayo out
cook the eggs a tiny bit more
not enough grain on the wheat

good call on the grilled onions, london broil

egg and tomato > all

That all sounds pretty good, but your egg is undercooked. You want the yolk to flow like lava when you bite into it, not ooze all over the plate like piss water before you even take a bite.

What country are you from?

Moons over my Hammy

Breakfast ham, scrambled eggs, cheese, grilled sourdough

Literally the only reason to ever visit New Jersey

Damn that sounds great b


seems delicious but jesus fuck put some thought into the presentation next time

>ham egg and cheese
>omg you flyovers will never understand what this tastes like

Usual Sunday morning breakfast.

>more of a man needs to make baby sized sandwiches so he can cut them with his pocket knife

Heh Heh.
I don't think Mora make pocket knives.

Why so hostile?

Namefagging for no reason is stupid, and you're only making yourself look worse by posting a thumbnail and calling it OC.

Here you go then.

i make simple open face breakfast sammies

>two eggs, sunny style
>single sausage patty
>slice of cheese
>single piece of toast
salt, pecker and a bit of hot sauce on top.

I don't think anyone is actually going to be happy to see the full sized version of that abomination.


put it on a biscuit with some hotsauce and it would be better

nice try though faggot

>I'm sorry your husband beat you.


classic image.jpg

looks like shit, mobilenamefag

>nigblaze still posts as if anyone doesnt despise him
stop breathing anytime shitlord

>bland as fuck
>niggerfaggot doesnt even into salt
must suck being a piece of shit with no sense of taste

Too fancy and too many vegetables.
Neutral/plain sliced toast. Sourdough acceptable -- buttered.

2-3 strips thick cut bacon cut to fit bread.

fried egg, broken yolk, salt and pepper on sunny side then flipped once till medium-moist yolk

Egg on bottom, bacon on top, a touch of ketchup above the bacon. Slice lengthwise (not diagonally!) when serving.

Never use cheese on the sandwich, it distracts from the eggs and bacon and ruins the cheese.

Serve a slice of cheddar on the side.

All components must be timed so that they are ready for assembly at the exact same time with minimal sitting around so that the sandwich is as hot and fresh as possible.

Serve with tall glass of milk.
Do *not* increase or double the number of egss or slices of bacon. If you want more, make a second sandwich.
It's not the wacky ingredients you add that make the bacon and egg sandwich good. It's not even about about putting in stupid amounts of bacon and eggs.

It's about taking a simple thing and making it as carefully as possible while paying attention to timing.

No cheese on a breakfast sammie? That's where you're wrong.

>literally everyone judges food on appearance before tasting

Go take your shit sandwich somewhere else

Thick French toast, breakfast sasuage patties, fluffy eggs, American cheese slice, touch of fake maple syrup.

2 eggs, 1 slice of pepper jack, on a english muffin for me. Throw in some ham or bacon now and then.

Anything else is just too complicated for me to bother with or just has way too many damn calories jesus

so you ate at a Denny's, congrats.

>salt, pecker and a bit of hot sauce on top
i don't usually eat pecker in my open faced sammies but eh sounds good otherwise


I call this the Chorizo French Toast sandwich:

>beat two eggs in a bowl, add a bit of salt and milk
>heat up chorizo in a large pan
>once oil is released from chorizo, push chorizo chunks to the side of the bowl
>dip bread slices in egg batter
>place slices on top of chorizo oil
>pour what remains of the egg batter on top of chorizo chunks
>cook slices until nice and toasted
>serve chorizo and egg between the slices

Don't even need cheese or condiments.

Bagel sandwich, I need one of those tomorrow..

>"breakfast" sandwich
fuck that shit I'll just eat a regular sandwich for breakfast

Oh yeah, that's my shit.
Pork roll is not ham, the FDA made that very clear.

The FDA did what now?

Hummus for breakfast

>too many sprouts
>implying any at all is proper at breakfast

>talking breakfast

>New Jersey

>Mexico trying to climb my wall again

Here is the correct answer, in layers from the bottom.

>Whole wheat toast, buttered
>Fresh sausage patty, fried
>Two eggs, Over very easy, yolk all liquid
>Shaved cheese, like asiago, generous
>Optional, tomato
>Whole wheat toast, buttered

Use salted butter. Drink coffee with heavy whipping cream. Then read Wheat Belly Total Health by Dr. Davis and stop consuming wheat.

Ooh, i mispoke, forgot the bacon. That goes on top of the egg. Not optional

Hands down best breakfast

Doesn't look very breakfast-y

In the culinary renaissance we enjoy in this age, all foods are breakfast foods. Outside of tradition, there is no call for reverting to rural farm doctrine.

you're missing out if you haven't tried a fresh grilled burger w/fries or even a sandwich/pizza/pasta bake for breakfast

>le pizza eggs

You're reading too much John Green, faggot.

dem sprouts doe

I'll agree with keep it simple, but no cheese and ketchup on it is where you go wrong. I take it as a traditional breakfast plate but assembled as a sandwich. Eggs, meat, toast, and cheese, maybe served with a side of home fries and you're good. Taste of a large breakfast with the convenience of a sandwich, that's what every good breakfast sandwich should be.

Two slices of Texas toast. Dip in egg with a little vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg whisked in. Roll in crushed cornflakes. Fry in a pan until nice and crispy.

Now, you sandwich between these slices of candied bacon and either Nutella or homemade fudge sauce. Top with powdered sugar, whipped cream, and a drizzle of fudge sauce.

>toasted English muffin
>peanut butter
>microwaved bacon

It's delicious I swear m4

You need some protein. You're looking at a sugar crash.

But yes sounds yummy.

this would look good if that egg didn't look fake

There is protein in both egg and bacon.
