So me and my friend got some Pizza in Chicago the other day

So me and my friend got some Pizza in Chicago the other day

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memes aside i bet a white pizza version of chicago style would be horrific.

This is artichoke pizza. It's practically soup on bread, but there's always new yorkers lined up outside the door to buy it in the east village

I hate it.
I like artichokes, I like pizza, I like other offerings from Artichoke Basille, I hate their signature product.
Not sure why.

starting a post with the word so

go back to .re.eddit faggot

>So me and my friend
>My friend and I
Choose one, retard.

Are you retarded?

Nice chicago-style deep dish pizza you have there.

I made this chicago-style deep dish pizza for today's brunch.

here's the 'go style 'za from my home and cooking blog, Katy's Krafty Korner."

Hubby and the kids loves this 'za and every other busy Mom I know will swear by the smiles on their hungry family's faces when they serve it up.

chicago-style pizza I made

you are, i am sure now

I always liked no-crust chicago-style sweet deep dish pizza!

Fuck off with that shit OP
Try real pizza NYC style like pic related

Anyone else a fan of Chicago crustless deep-bowl pizza?


he did choose one though

go away before we catch your autism

this post is golden

lmao I always see NYU kids lining up and wasting their cash on overpriced pizza. No one from the city actually eats that crap. It's transplant pizza

I prefer NYC style 'za. In this one i replaced the yeast with eggs, it's quite delicious!

best pizza place in the city?

please no bully me

i hate white pizzas

oh god especially with the mushrooms

nice meme pic can i save it?

I love me a deep dish crust-topped beef 'za, have it every time I go home to Chicago!


I was in New York for one day and saw a drunk girl giving a scatterbrained tour of the East Village to a group of people and she was yelling about this place really loud.

Lower Manhattan seems like a beautiful place but I don't get how counterculture groups have such deep roots in one of the most expensive places to live on earth.
What, do they all have YouTube channels?

Because the truth is only entitled rich white kids are interested in being counter culture, its a way for them to rebel against their true lives

Similarly only people who grew up poor will find value in bling and other needlessly expensive flashy things

I should really make some clam chowder one of these days. I've never seen it at any restaurants around here. The canned shit is really good though, so the real stuff must be like 10x better.

some real NY pizza..from outside buffalo.

If it's fresh-made, I actually prefer fish chowder. I actually kind of prefer the canned clam chowder. Don't know why, I guess it's just what I grew up with.

ever had bouillabaisse? might be the greatest soup/stew of all time

This guy would have a field day with that

I fucking love bouillabaisse. I just don't get to have it that often because I live inland and not a lot of restaurants serve it. Sucks being a seafood fan in the Midwest. I get a lot of lake fish though, and every fall we import massive amounts of clams.

rate my pizza

Would honestly rather have most times over NY pizza. It's not that NY-style is bad, and once in a while you've got to have it, it's just not that great either. Kind of like Philadelphia with their "authentic" cheez-wiz plastered cheesesteak. Fuck lowbrow cultural snootiness.

I've never even seen it at any restaurants and only had homemade even though I'm on the coast

>Mashes a towel into the pizza
>Surprised when it starts to absorb liquid

You should have cut off the ends of the bottom part, you'd have a detroit pizza.


Fuck I want it

Fucking Sbaro, their pizza was shit but it was the only pizza I could ever get as a kid because I spent all day on a military base and it was the only pizza they had in the food court in the Exchange.

I grew up on base too. Ate Anthony's Pizza growing up. Anthony's supreme pizza is some bomb shit. I enlisted in the Army and ended up in a base 6000 miles from the one I grew up at and was pleased to see Anthony's was here.

Its not as good as the one in Japan though, something about the difference of Japanese fast food workers making better fast food than minorities.

This is easily the worst meme I've ever seen on Veeky Forums in years.

>Asshurt Chicagoan detected

He did though reddit, keep at it and you'll learn the proper context to use memes


My Buffalo nigga


My friend and I is now improper english.

needs balsimic.

I know that's the stereotype, but surely that can't be that significant a part of the culture? To be a MacDougal street punk or whatever would have "trust fund and lack of cognitive dissonance" as prerequisites. And that's supposed to be like the cultural center, right? The mecca?

It's always been the death knell of a cultural movement when the culture starts being ruled from the top down (companies selling thrift-store fashion, when grunge was all about things you got from an actual thrift store, for example) but there HAS to be a place in the world for people who got into it because they could actually relate to its principles, it can't JUST be people co-opting the struggle aesthetically, right?

Miami style?

Literally takes like cardboard. Not surprised NEETS love this crap.

>american memes

No one in Chicago eats the deep dish Jew except tourists. All my friends there eat took me to eat thin crust.

But it's so good

I like St.Louis style pizza because I'm a hipster and provel isn't bad. Still, Chicago style is great as is New York style. They're all night and day, so how can you even compare them? Crunchy STL provel cardboard with a billion toppings, lasanga soup, or a big soggy quesadilla?

Everything's there/10

rate mine

one of your broccolis fell over/10

I seriously couldn't tell what that was for a moment, it looks like a nacho cheese Dorito.

The points of the stars look a little undercooked and doughy on the inside.

Pretty idea tho. I might try it

its so delicious he wanted to dunk his face in it