I just bought a small piece of fois gras. What the hell do I do with it?

I just bought a small piece of fois gras. What the hell do I do with it?

Other urls found in this thread:


Eat it on toast.

eat it with a platter of fine cheeses, quince jelly and dried figs.

Serve it to a vegan, saying it's flavored soy paste.

is it cooked or raw?

microwave it on high for 30 secs

pour into non-stick skillet on medium heat

make grilled cheese

Why are you here?

you can call it a roastie toastie semen hostie for all the fucks I give

I was just trying to give op some mediocre advice

You're strange.

I wish that metal stick was my peepee

This is a really good thread. Well done, Veeky Forums

is that goose having fun?

Who cares? Its food. The only thing that matters is how tasty it is when its dead

>What the hell do I do with it?
Spread it on Buttered toast and enjoy it.

Nothing more I can say.

And how exactly do you spread a piece of liver?

Ask her to bend over and hold it spread open with her hands, then use a speculum to handle the rest

>fois gras
I read it as Pâté my bad.

Never eaten it apart from Pâté form, but enjoy it anyway.

Throw it in the trash.
Shit taste like how cat food smells.


boil it

>that image

Humans are some sick fucks.

-Corrected- French are some sick fucks.

Sear it in a pan with butter then eat it with some type of jam or something on a baguette

> muslims
> human

Liver is fairly soft and spreadable. Especially when cooked. Alternatively you could make fois gras pate. Same principle just sear then blend with some sweated shallots and whatever else you want

Id do anything to have lived back then to have the opportunity to be this guys sous or kitchen bitch

You know that website we're on right?

Make PB & J, apparently...

If it enjoys deep throating it is

Duck can't handle the cheeky banter