Hello Veeky Forums I come from /k/ we have been discussing barbecue and how it will inflame the next american civil war...

Hello Veeky Forums I come from /k/ we have been discussing barbecue and how it will inflame the next american civil war, and during the thread I came across these webms of someone called jack and his unholy horrors what is jack and how do we hunt this thing

Other urls found in this thread:


it's claws don't seem to be very effective perhaps melee will be an option

that is all the intel we have at this point

Every time someone mentions /k/ in their post, I start reading it in a heavy Russian accent and imagining it's an old bearded man with a rifle and vodka.

Also, he can't die from salmonella, so it's safe to say he's invincible.

Just prepare it normally you monster
Jack how could you do this

I like all kinds of barbecue, I grew up in NC, but vinegar based barbecue is kinda gross, the best is sweet barbecue

we can find way nothing is invincible or unstoppable whatever the nightmare of beans he is it must be stopped.

I like spicy barbecue

posting some basic jack including personal shit like
>being a christian cuck
>hating your kid for smoking weed
>choking your own kid on the floor and almost killing him
>interviews where he gets confronted with those facts



the horror...what the fuck is wrong with this guy

also there is a video on the second link where his son speaks about his father's cooking.

Fuck Off

Make me :^)

>unironically linking kiwifarms

end your life

>choking your own kid on the floor and almost killing him
He didn't almost kill him, stop exaggerating.

refresh my memory

that's supposed to be pulled pork, right?

Kill yourself cuck

Supposed to be.

how the hell did he get it that undercooked, did he just put a torch to the top of it and not bother with the rest

Says the faggot lining Jack's pockets.....

Jack has proven time and again that he can't cook meat. In a few videos you can see the meat still oozing blood (not pink juice or grease, actual blood) from the center, but that's his idea of 'rare' and he likes it that way.

It's just one of the many things we love about him.


Meat does not contain blood you mong.

>Vinegar Based

There problem solved. Anything else and you ruin the BBQ.

Although I have one exception to the rule.

personally I prefer Memphis style, but I think everyone can agree that Texas just sucks at barbecue

I'm having brain problems right now. I need to go to bed.

Meat does not contain blood.

he said he is having brain problems
are you being possessed by jack, do we need to call /x/

Yep, North Carolina born and raised. Also, thank goodness people don't fall for the Texas meme. I always found the state to be the worst in terms of taking what makes the Southern cuisine terrible and ramping it up several folds with a sprinkling of Mexico on top.

we get a lot of Texican stupidity on /k/, the only people who like texas are texicans and they run off at the mouth about that shithole and the only thing I can compare it to is listening to a vegan run off at the mouth about them being a vegan.

>daddy my pork chop tastes like blood
>but dad, do I also have to eat this bowl of mayonnaise with some beans on top?

NC here also, was never a big fan of vinegar, though I do like tomato-based, and Memphis is great

Love me some Cookout, though

Really? I can sort of understand since I wasn't a big fan of vinegar at first but it just sort of grew on me. It's especially amazing with some hot sauce. Also Cookout...among the many regrets after leaving North Carolina.

I don't know, maybe I've never had a good vinegar based barbecue, but it just never did it for me. It wasn't bad, but not my favorite style
>cookout float
you'd better stop before I drive to cookout right now and order 8 of those fucking things

>beans on top
Go and watch it again you stupid cunt.

>it's claws don't seem to be very effective

Bet you anything those claws work really well on properly cooked meat.

Oh look they do!


that was obviously someone making a joke, you dope. Jack used a lot of mayonnaise during his "Salad Night" video.

congratulations you have posted an irrelevant video

Congratulations on congratulating me, friend. Have some Reddit gold.

hats posts in Jack threads all the time
in many ways, he's Veeky Forums's patron saint of jacking

It's funny because Jack has boasted about beating his son.

>Hello Veeky Forums I come from /k/ we have been discussing barbecue and how it will inflame the next american civil war, and during the thread I came across these webms of someone called jack and his unholy horrors what is jack and how do we hunt this thing

This is why /k/ is my favorite board.

all the more reason this thing must be hunted, it is reproducing and we must stop this I need more Vodka

Do they not have google over in /k/?
hah hah nah, just joshing

Jack reminds cucks about the heartland population's core values. Religion, family, and hard work. Comparing their shallow, hedonistic, and empty lives they get angry and lash out. As such Jack is usually spoken of scornfully, but he is all in all a skilled saucier and a decent educator for beginner cooks.

you must joking either that or...or...oh no the contagion is spreading jack is now making a new version of skinwalkers...Jackwalkers.

the problem is worse than we imagined

People love to hate him here but that's because they do not really understand what he brings to the table. A lot of people on Veeky Forums, or even just on most streets, could cook way fucking better than Jack Scalfani does. Less people, however, have the experience or abilities Jack does in broadcasting. He can relate with and relay to jerkoff yokels like a champion.
He leaves mistakes in his videos so that people can learn from his fuck ups. People think he's lazy or just REALLY inept, he's not. Watch Ramsay cook a really crazy dish. Looks great, but you can't keep up so you disconnect from the process and it just becomes voyeuristic. Jack is just the opposite, you watch him, laugh at his mess-ups and consider ways to improve his procedure as you go. It engages the average man, the lazy man, and in doing so allows them to broaden their horizons.

He also does a lot of reviews of restaurants, fast food(easy youtube money), and as seen on TV chachkies/gadgets. Nobody spends money as tightly as a self employed man. King Jack gives you honest reviews, and has a fuck ton of them out. In my opinion this is what he does best because he actually is kind of a bitch queen while reviewing stuff. If you are considering buying garbage, search his videos first, odds are you'll save yourself some time and hard-earned money.

Is jack spreading? nah, probably not, he may be more well known but I don't think people really appreciate him for his qualities. It's more of a running joke about how a guy can fuck something up so bad -- the real joke is that they don't realize he's humble enough to show his faults to benefit others. But anyway that's a whole nother rant and this is already well past TLDR territory.

>He's just humble about it.

The sign of the Jackwalker.

You forgot how Jack promotes the importance of family. Only plebs watch Jack for his cooking.

you mean the importance of being a gigantic whale that rides the walmart fatcarts to get his subpar ingredients for his unholy abominations that he calls cooking

> Chokes son for smoking dope
> Uses his wife as click bait
> Has second obese son which he considers to be the "good one"
> Born-again hayseed with murderer as priest

I'm sure he thinks family's important, but if you are watching jack for that type of appeal it's just a black hole of cringe. His cooking is bad too, but at least he puts effort in

the jackwalkers seem to be coming out stronger as the hour grows late

>he puts effort in
that is worth a bannana sticker

that float looks good

yet he makes Army cooks appear to know what they are doing, and they screw up boiling precooked food in a bag.

what's that cube in the can?

pork fat or ham, I think.

the can says pork and beans so I assume some form of porkbelly fat, but it is jack so it could be a giant colony of e. coli