Whatchu eatin?

Whatchu eatin?

You like?

Yum yum :D

who dat, why raw?

because hes from a 3rd world country

crust looks good, interior is shit

do it right next time



What cut of meat is that? Looks a little too raw for my liking.

I myself am eating a calzone.

It's a New York strip

Got a pack of 5 for $40

Pretty good price ;)

lookin good son



Wow! You must be Italian?

Pasta looks disgustingly good, pizza just looks horrid.

I feel like such a fatty

i like the plate

A cup of juice from my jack lelane juicer.
Being on a diet sucks...

>pasta on a paper plate

sorry it's not well-done with ketchup slathered on it you fucking dunce

>Disgustingly thick cut

Yeah that's some bonafide american cuisine

I would eat this with a vengeance

Miso soup and rice. I fucked up and did one cup of rice instead of a half cup though so there's too much.

chopped salad for lunch

>too poor to buy good meat

Just steak? You're disgusting.

r8 my steak.

USDA Prime ribeye
Sous vide 3 hours 130F
Seared briefly on outside with a blowtorch

Seasoned with salt and pepper before being placed into a foodsaver bag with rosemary and butter.

Immediately after it comes out of the water it's put on a cookie sheet and taken out to my deck. I used a Searzall to toast the meat.

>Good meat
>A big cut means the meat is good

I'm glad the meat lobby is so successful over there

that actually looks really tasty

Any lemon juice or anything on it or just plain vegetables? Looks refreshing though.

I just had the second half of a garden veggie pizza my MIL got me. It already had tomatoes, onions and green peppers, but I added yellow tomatoes, habaneros and jalapenos as well. Pretty good actually. I never buy frozen pizza but it wouldn't hurt to have one in the freezer just in case, I guess.

it's got lime juice and red wine vinegar on it but it's all at the bottom but a quick stir flavors everything nicely


hamburger steak, mac n cheese, mashed potatoes and gravy. It's an odd day.

Keto my friend. Keto


Chicken thighs and brussels sprouts little bit of homemade cajun seasoning for the thighs and a russet potato with all the fixins on the side

Looks beautiful. Nice work. I'm a charcoal grill man, myself. But a sous vide is on my wish list

I hope you enjoy you raw meat, if you know what I mean user ;^)
Do you put raw meat in your mouth often?

>Sous vide
downvoted :^)

Looks great, I was always more of a fan of finishing in a pan with some clarified butter and garlic but I heard the torch works pretty good too. How do you like your searzall?

>slicing the steak before plating
GTFO newfag

I like the charcoal grill and a hot cast iron pan too, but charcoal is comparatively a lot of work, and the torch is better at radiating intense, focused heat to the outside of the meat so as little of the inside is cooked past the sous vide point as possible.

If you guys get into sous vide, I recommend getting a vacuum sealer as well. It always works out better when there's as little air in the bag as possible.


rolled tacos and guac, quick snack.

That looks perfect to me. And thanks for the tip on the vacuum sealer

calm down and do it right next time

these are good, you should be proud

My dinner today was lemon-fried pork chops (i.e. pan fried at low heat for 30 mins, covered, with lemon juice in the oil) with fried brown rice and stir fried vegetables on the side.

That's a meal fatass.

I just tried canned dolmas from trader joe's.
>rice wrapped in grape leaves
>pickled like an olive
>mildly spiced
Holy shit it's fucking lit fampai.

all i had in the fridge was 4 eggs and some bacon
also some ice cream in the frezer so i had that


>Paper plate
>At all

its natural for the human brain to find faces where there are no faces

Lazy poorfag Sunday special

Zucchini, carrot, onion, peas, corn, broccoli, rice, beef heart, garlic, pepper, salt.

Schnitzel with black pudding, panchetta and a duck egg

>having 6 different things in one meal

I'll never get how people can to this outside of occasions like Thanksgiving and Christmas.

afternoon snack

500 calories

Really the only thing he cooked was the chicken. The beans are from a can, the cole slaw is from a bag, the shells-n-cheese are from a box, and the biscuit is from a tube.

made the foodwishes steak diane thing he did last week. turned out great. was easy and quick, but i did not expect the flame to get that big and some of it was dragging into my fan. took longer to burn than i expected. tasty tho.



Looks like it went directly from fridge to pan and is cold in the middle.

Cooked food. You should try it.


Looks pretty good, what's in that?

God damnit! It's reddit again!

looks like carrots cucumber and celery... 3/10

I think I may try that for tomorrow, I have all that shit

plain and boring as shit... make a bean salad instead.

No beans, oh well.

at least do something more than just fucking carrots, cucumber and celery. more different veggies, some herbs or chopped chili with a dash of white wine vinegar and let soak some of the juices for an hour or a few.

too poor, best i could do is olive oil

none of that shit is more expensive than olive oil.

I already have olive oil, but buying herb or white wine vinegar would cost more than me not buying anything.

you dont have any herbs at home at all? not even dried?

A few but none that i feel would taste good with that

guess I'll post here

I'm munching on a bunch of corned beef sandos

but I have a question
I used to think I just couldn't eat rubens because they made my stomach hurt so much (makes my stomach lining feel like it's... dissolving)
but now that I'm eating this corned beef, it's doing the exact same thing

I'm kinda upset because I guess this means I can't eat corned beef anymore
does this happen to anyone else? Just a very painful, acrid feeling in your entire stomach (not just the upper part and esophagus like regular heartburn)

italian: garlic powder, onion powder, oregano and dragoon
french: marjoram, rosemary, thyme, oregano

some salt and pepper and olive oil and mix.

and get a bottle of white wine vinegar if you plan on doing more veggie salads.

thanks homie i'll have to try this out

np. also buy some beans, they're great in salads and a 400gram pack of mixed beans is only a dollar

I'll have to keep an eye out for that next time i go to the market

>co/ck/s will call this a """"""""""""""meal""""""""""""""

They're called floutas my dude