How is this not big in america? did everyone just forget about japanese food after sushi and ramen?

how is this not big in america? did everyone just forget about japanese food after sushi and ramen?

Is it fish omelettes?

Idk what that is but looks delicious. Some kind of jap pizza?

It's pretty big on the west coast, they serve it at most of the ramen shops here, as well as the japanese grill places. I learned to make it at home, though, because I like to control the amount of sauces I put on top, plus I like lots of bonito flakes and red ginger. Anyway, it's the tits, especially when you've been drinking.

>raw green onions
yeah nah.

haha what is the problem with raw green onions?

>inb4 miniscule chance of salmonella

Is it big in Europe?

It's called okonomiyaki.

Okonomiyaki: Japanese omelette pancake.

Deep fried pizza with exorbitant sugary sauces? Hellz yea.

ausfag here

these are popular here as "fast takeaway" food from japanese outlets, but they're smaller than the real ones and have no meat or prawn

it's hard to find legit okonomiyaki unless you go to a specialty restaurant or an upscale japanese place has it on their menu

on that topic though pic related is even rarer. kimchi pancake is fucking delicious but impossible to find if you don't have a korean population

Its fucking great

I don't like fried noodles

That's perfect then because this shit is cabbage you mongoloid.

>He is a mongoloid because he doesn't know all of the ins and outs of your special little weeb food

Kill yourself, do the world a favor.

Is this bait
Heating green onions destroy the mild flavor compounds and you end up with soggy tasteless leaves.

>Le "especially when you've been drinking" may may

He is (you are) a mongoloid for assuming dumb shit

ignorance is never a good excuse

in fact its usually probably the worst...

Yes you are a mongoloid for assuming he knew anything about your weeb crap.

You are an awful person and no doubt a perma-virgin.

Go and hot glue some dolls.

Hit a nerve huh?

>someone says something stupid about mexican or italian food
>someone says something stupid about any asian cuisine
>lol who cares weebs

Only ever had okonomiyaki once, and it was delicious. First time I had ever seen bonito flakes too, was pretty cool seeing them on top curl up and wave like they were alive.

I live in Manhattan and we definitely know Japanese food doesn't stop with sushi and ramen. I love yakitori and hotpot spots as well as digging deeper into different styles of sushi from different master/apprentice backgrounds.

basically non existant in the Seattle area.
for what fucking reason I can;t comprehend.
this is the most american type food japanese people eat this side of karaage.

whatever, its cheap, easy to make, and savory. Cooking with dog has a pretty good recipe. don't skimp on the leek/welsh onion. it really makes a different.

t. someone who always used to.

Apparently I did if you keep on trying to talk to me and justify your weeb obsession.

Nobody cares about your manga.

Fucking meme posters

Every hip yuppy frequented japanese place in Chicago serves this as well as the more authentic ones in the suburbs.

We perfected Japanese food with our invention of the sushi pizza and there's no need for any other Japanese food to exist, never mind a food that is superficially similar to the sushi pizza and objectively inferior.

No they just haven't made it everywhere yet, and for some reason they seem to be more common in Korean places that also serve Japanese food. They will easily become the next major Japanese food like sushi in the 80s


The name's too long for Burgerland to pronounce.


Ginger is too sophisticated for the average American palate.

>implying certain foods aren't epic when you're drunk

What kind of a dumb piece of shit are you?

End your life

You first, bitch tits.


Underage drinking is bad for you, user.

>ginger is too sophisticated
>sold in walmart


>look guys someone used the word epic on a peruvian accounting website! We shaw is using the instanet now, boss!

I think it's not more popluar in america for a few reasons. First, okonomiyaki is hard for americans to pronounce or remember, unlike sushi or ramen. Second, it usually contains ingredients americans are not very familiar with like octopus, squid, bonito, chinese yam, etc. And third, there are no purported health benefits that would make it trend in america the way sushi was/is marketed as health food.

It's definition is confusing to americans as it doesn't fit the typical mold of a "pancake" or "omlette" as we know it. If we can't easily describe it to one another or it isn't apparent what the dish consists of by simply looking at it then it will likely not become poplular here.

Pic related is the okonomiyaki I get from a local place. Lots of bonito, just the way I like it


I live in small town wisconsin and we have a restaurant that makes it

OP's pic has cheese.


>>contains shit that americans aren't familiar with
factually wrong.

yes there are a few in there that are "new" but most of the "new" shit is skipable and still turns out fine. The yam for isntance. Definately has way less complex ingredients compared to sushi or ramen.

Heres what you need in order to okonomiyaki.
okonomi sauce (which a ghetto version is easy to make at home if you can't find it)
spring onions.

Everything else including the bonito flakes are optional, including the meat. Bonito flakes and seafood are like the pepperoni of the dish. and as we know from pizza coming to america, nobody in italy thinks american pepperoni is all that great. Theres probably a rock star topping for yaki that would make this shit explode in america.

I would be willing to bet that a majority of americans are not familiar with dashi, okonomi sauce or leeks (3 of the key ingredients) so I will stand by my original statement.

>has way less complex ingredients compared to sushi
This statement ruined any credibility I might have given to your argument

That's mayo.

Original stlye of Okonomoyaki is from Hiroshima and additionally contains noodles. The noodles were removed as it moved north.

bcoz chink food is bland and boring compared to cheeseburgers and coke, high fat/salt/sugar, it's simply science.

I'm sorry but hiroshima is no more.

No thats wrong, Okonomiyaki is from Osaka and Hiroshima style is a variation on it.

Okonomiyaki without bonito flakes, nori, and Japanese mayo taste plain at best. The nagaimo, sakura-ebi, and tenkasu are pretty important as well. Leek and spring onions are not standard at all.
Okonomiyaki is one of my favorite foods and I've brought back all the non-perishable ingredients and honestly for me the hardest part for me is finding the meat. I've been to three Chinese grocery stores and 2 regular ones and nobody sells or is willing to cut the pork or beef thin enough.

my previous Jap restaurant had a bomb ass okinomiyaki. them bitches sold like hot cakes. here's the recipe

>crepe style batter made with hon dashi
>thin sliced napa cabbage leaves
>shrimps and crab meat
>grill both sides until golden brown
>top with kewpie mayo, tonkatsu sauce, bonito flakes, and thin sliced scallions

Would replacing the cabbage with shredded potato be feasible? I despise cabbage, and I figure that potatoes could make a good "main body" substitute.

at that point its a latke right?

In essence, that's sort of what I was thinking. Except with fancy sauces and bonito and shit.

>>onion and leek
>>not standard
>>in every fucking picture
maybe the leeks aren't but spring onions definately are. as for leeks, they make a huge difference in the consistancy, but if you can slice cabage super fine you might be able to get away with just cabbage. leeks improve the flavor a lot.

i only know it from Ranma 1/2

seems like it would be pretty popular here, but i aint ever seen it around, even at japanese places, and i live in fuckin chink central.

Lol me too, but I've had it. It's good af. Best with lots of aonori and not too much mayo. What is it with Japs and mayo?

Ordering tonight. We'll see how it goes.

We made these at a place I work, with squid and some other filler. Then we put, I wanna say tankatsu sauce on it, and some other junk. I found it disgusting, but some people loved it.

*worked, no longer there, but still friendly and shit. They probably still make it the same way.

It's pretty good. It was beef and vegetable. They used way to much of the fish shavings. I see why this wouldn't appeal to americans. It's too seafood-y.
