Is Trader Joe's worth shopping at...

Is Trader Joe's worth shopping at? I feel like the produce and meat sections are a joke and a lot of the stuff people get there is frozen/microwaveable stuff of questionable quality. Anytime I go there, I end up having to go to another grocery store too because they don't have everything that I need.

Yes. Produce, meat, dairy, cheap wine.. everything an adult would need.

I think it's better for booze and snacks than full-on grocery shopping.

>Is Trader Joe's worth shopping at?

Not if your town already has an ethnic grocery store or two that have cheaper meat and produce.

Trader Joe's is for flyovers that don't have them.

Move over faggots

its like a save-a-lot with wine and fewer but better packaged stuff.

Now that is what I call a meme. And you are falling for it hard, guy.

>bulk bins
>unmatched produce selection
>unmatched seafood selection outside of specialty stores on the coast
>wide variety of everything else
I'm not one of those people who think shopping at Whole Foods makes them healthier. It's just a superior grocery store from a culinary standpoint.

>I want to overpay in order to maintain a grocery store that loses money

It's only overpaying if you don't value what they offer at what they charge. There's no such thing as objectively overpaying. Like, good luck finding a meal for less than $100 on St. Barth's.

Why would I care if the store loses money?

Ever been in an Asian market? I've seen fucking parrotfish in them not to mention myriads other fish for sale. You're just dumb and want to feel special.

That entire statement...
>There's no such thing as objectively overpaying
Yes there is, if a product is sold elsewhere for less money but you choose to pay more, that is overpaying, specially when the product is the same.

You choose to support whole foods, thats cool, I like their store, I like the environment and I liked the products, I don't want to pay extra on every single item only to support a failing business model. Whole foods as a business is simply not sustainable, you can't have as you said fresh fish away from the coast in a way that they sell it in a country that in general "doesn't like fish" and have all those products that they have in the quantities they have without some massive waste. Your purchases subsidize the offerings that don't sell, making the entire store overpriced.

>outside of specialty stores on the coast
Okay, so not just stores on the coast. Point being, there's nothing within a convenient distance that beats Whole Foods for seafood, and I live near Boston. There's an H-mart, but that's more of an occasional thing, not the stuff I want to make the backbone of my diet because I'm not fucking Korean. There's a farmer's market in the North End, but that's a whole afternoon to shop at.

>Anytime I go there, I end up having to go to another grocery store too because they don't have everything that I need.
if you can get everything you want at a single store you're eating like shit.

And by better packaged stuff, he literally means better package, the presentation not the food itself, since it's all made in the same place anyway.

oh, okay. how many different stores do i need to go to in order to prepare a decent meal?

Yah pretty good deals & quality stuff when I shop there, gotta put myself of a spending limit though when I do shop there

My favorite grocery store.

just one, but a weeks worth of meals is 2-4

Hey stl bro

Trader joes has the best frozen food section and has an awesome beer/wine section.

They have the best meat section in a 20 mile radius of my house. I live off their spicey italian sausage.

Personally, i just like publix, a local chain

My hipster, know-nothing coworkers RAVE about trader joes. These people know absolutely nothing about cooking.

When I finally ended up vising trader joes upon their insistence, I instantly knew why they loved it so much. Trader Joes is a """""""supermarket""""""" that doesn't sell actual ingredients for cooking. All they sell is premade meals that you stick in the microwave or the oven for 10 minutes in addition to horribly overprice hipster cereals, spreads, milk etc.

If you actually went to trader joes looking for ingredients to cook a meal yourself from scratch, it'd be impossible.

But it's perfect for utter plebes who never aspire to actually preparing a dish that has more than 1 step.

Side story, they complained about how expensive it was to make cookies because they had to go to giant eagle and buy every single ingredient (including flour) in one trip because they didn't have a single thing in their apartment to make cookies. Who the fuck doesn't even keep flour in their apartment? They didn't even have a bowl to mix the ingredients in! Who the fuck at ~30 doesn't have a bowl to mix ingredients.

i like to thank them for their cheap ass wine.

other than that, most things are overpriced because it's "organic gluten-free non-GMO".

I have bread flour but I use it like twice a year. I just don't have much need for it. Same with mayonnaise, ketchup, hot sauce, Crisco, corn syrup, ranch dressing, and other white people stuff.

I haven't bought sugar, as such, in about three years.

I use a lot of whole grains, sometimes roots like carrots, turnips, pursuits potatoes, and so on. That's where I get my carbs.

If my food needs a sugar it usually comes from a wine or the solid ingredients (tomatoes, carrots, and onions all do a great job of adding sweetness)

I don't disagree on TJs being for useless people who think boiling tomatoes for spaghetti sauce is a major accomplishment, but not everyone grew up eating what you did, and flour is by no means a necessary staple.

I'm not even talking about bread flour, I'm just talking about AP flour.

Bread flour is all I have. I haven't bought AP flour since the late 2000s

Am I not a Real Cook now?

No, go back to shopping at TJs.

I mostly shop at farmer's markets and fairly expensive local non-chain stores

I've been to TJs less than five times in my life despite one being a block from my office

Your friends aren't hipsters BTW. While we're at it, you should know that Starbucks isn't "hip" either.

>implying you know who my coworkers are
>implying I am friends with people who shop at trader joes


You called them hipsters, not me

We're anonymous, you can recover from the humiliation you've brought upon yourself by slinking away now

I live in Vancouver Canada and I cross the fucking border to shop there you bastard

The stuff there is great compared to what we have. Last time I was there I bought a Korean ribs, Mexican things like salsa and chips , even stuff like chocolate snacks was better

Not to mention our grocery stores literally don't have alcohol

In short trader joes makes me consider moving to Bellingham

are you high?

I called them hipsters, you said they weren't, I said how the fuck would you know, you don't know them.

Typical trader joes customer.

You've told me what I need to know.

A person who shops at TJs is no more a hipster than a weeaboo is a Japanese samurai.

Anyone who unironically believes that they are is, clearly, out of touch in the extreme.

Your dignity cannot be salvaged at this point. Hang your head in shame.

both of you should get a room and fuck each other's brains out already

Do it. Escape from your Chinese real estate investor overlords to a place where your country just owes the Chinese piles of cash. (I am OP and I live in Seattle.)

But I heard there is a great Asian night market in Richmond.

I don't know. Trader joes always makes me feel kind of weird. Like some of those countries that their brand stuff comes from. I feel it's a front company that someone is using as a cover to test things on people. Also look at the demographic. It's 90% spinsters and 40+ bachelors. Who's going to miss them?

It's owned by Aldi.

>Good things
cheap wine
cheap spices
snacks/premade frozen stuff
olive oil
non-refrigerated produce/fruit

trader joe's is pretty good, but not good enough to travel the 10 miles on the white side of town just to grocery shop.

why can't there be trader joe's in the brown people ghetto, where i live?

>Trader Joes has great beer and wine
>I live in a state where they can't sell beer/wine in grocery stores


they have really good cheeses for pretty cheap, and the ground beef is good: safeway/kingsoopers ground beef has fucking cartlege and tastes like cleaner. Joe's also has some hard to find items, but a lot of over priced organic bullshit as well.

It's a dumb co-op with a contemporary twist. Things are over-priced, the food isn't that good. It's for a certain demographic that I'm not quite sure how to label so I can be completely dismissive of it.

Oh nice. I live in Seattle. I'm not athe guy you're quoting.

I usually just shop at QFC cause the area I grew up in, Kroger was the goto grocery store.

I shop at Whole Foods, also. Trader Joes doesn't seem to sell the kind of foods I want or can get from somewhere else at better prices and quality.

I'm sorry, who am I again?

>(I am OP and I live in Seattle.)

I lost track. Sorry

this is depressing

The night market is great but I go there for Asian food and gadgets. Trader Joes is more like a novelty grocery store where everything is good and slightly different to what we'd get in canada

agreed. snacks from TJ's and groceries from Costco

They have the cheapest eggs out of all the grocery stores here. Can't beat $1.89 a dozen.

Jungle Jims master race reporting in.

Organic automatically means non-GMO

Celiac is a real thing

Now say "water is a chemical" and the one about lobster is for prisoners

> cheap wine
Yeah my roommate found that out quickly.

>Trader Joes is a """""""supermarket""""""" that doesn't sell actual ingredients for cooking. All they sell is premade meals that you stick in the microwave or the oven for 10 minutes in addition to horribly overprice hipster cereals, spreads, milk etc.
yeah i find trader joes kinda weird. after people always talked about how awesome it was i was not just expecting all this frozen meal shit and knock off cinnamon toast crunch and some cheeses on the side.