I'm on a diet and I need some dank recipes that aren't absolutely horrible for you

I'm on a diet and I need some dank recipes that aren't absolutely horrible for you.

I'm 300lbs, 6ft, so I can eat a bit more than the average person.

Hook me up Veeky Forums?

try the traditional Veeky Forums oats, squats, and dick regimen

roast vegetables with salt pepper and olive oil at 425 degrees F.

carrots.. to start

try that and see if you like it! good luck op

Go on a no/low carb diet if you can afford it.... It's impossible to over eat and you'll always feel full. The only downside is that it costs about 300 bucks a month on food. But it causes your body to enter a ketosis which forces your body to burn fat.

roast those veggies separately.. they all cook at different speeds

Veeky Forums told me that ketosis was a meme diet

Probably, but i've followed the diet and logically, it's impossible to overeat. It's easy to eat two biscuits with butter and get to 500 calories, you would have to eat a 5 egg omelet to do the same and that is super filling.

Not a huge fan of ketosis, it's nice because they give you a specific list of foods you can/can't eat, but I don't like the idea of it.

Any more recipes?

keto diets are good because you wont feel hungry and the food is tasty. Being hungry and food sucking are downfalls of diets.

You can eat bacon and eggs, fried chicken, and a steak for the day.

How about you just cut them to the correct sizes so they all cook at the same time.....

Nothing could possibly go wrong there

Not him, but it's hard to switch back after you lose the weight, but it is probably worth it to try. I lost 100 lbs by just counting calories. If you cook for yourself that's also already a plus, as you can know exactly what you are putting in your body. Good luck and don't give up

Snack on celery with almond butter, you fat sack of dreams.

If you want to be healthy, track calories to some degree. Eat more vegetables than meat, generally cook your own food and avoid empty calories (chips, anything fast food). STOP DRINKING SODA. Weight loss will be slow.

If you want to lose a bunch of weight quickly, do keto. No carbs.

keep in mind that there is no real miracle diet that you can do for 3 months and then keep weight off. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you kind of have to commit to a healthy diet.

Ok, OP. I'm currently in the same boat, but have lost over 100'pounds before (put it back on due to depression after a bad breakup).

Here's the key: you can eat whatever the fuck you want, just know how many calories you burn per day (google that shit, there's a formula) and eat less than that. It is that simple. You don't need to eat steamed vegetables for every meal or do keto or any of that silly meme shit, you won't be able to sustain that anyway.

As for dishes, chili is fantastic because you can make a huge pot, feed yourself for a week, and you can make it relatively low calorie. Throw some beans in that motherfucker. Fuck the haters. They add bulk, tons of nutrition, and not a lot of calories. Plus they're tasty. You can also make tons of other stuff if you're sick of eating straight chilli. Make some macaroni, mix that shit in with some chilli. Chilli mac. Delicious. You can make chilli nachos, chilli tacos, chilli dogs, whatever the fuck you want.

Stews are great too.

Just remember, calories. If you burn 2500 per day, eat 1500-2000. You will lose weight. It will take time, the pounds won't be flying off, but it'll happen and you won't be fucking miserable.

It is.

Pure broscience. Yeah, it works for a while, but you won't be able to sustain it and you'll just gain it all back.

Just watch your intake. That simple.

Non trolling jackassery question. How the fuck do you guys gain that much weight? I've been trying to gain weight for years, but I'm stuck at 160lbs. Yes I work out and I do eat well, but my caloric intake is generally greater than my output. I know it sucks being fat, but it sucks when you're trying to get some meat on your bones and nothing sticks. My dad has the same problem.

Mostly snacking. I never ate huge meals or anything, maybe a little bit excessive sometimes, but I wasn't going out and eating 6 cheeseburgers and a 20 pack of McNuggets or any of that shit.

Main thing was snacks. I have a sweet tooth, I'd eat tons of candy, and that shit packs on the pounds. It doesn't fill you up and it's very calorie dense and you crave it because of all the refined sugar. You just keep popping that shit in your mouth, and before you know it, you've gone through 1000 calories or more. Do that every day and it's not hard to see how we get this way.


Yeah no. I did a full on paper about Ketosis and it was grueling, but worth it. I proved myself wrong about a lot of shit I didn't understand. I'd link it if it didn't happen like 6 years ago. I still use keto for cutting. People forget to ease off it. Instead they just crash... poor miserable fools.

read the fucking sticky on Veeky Forums and visit scooby's workshop to calculate how many calories you should eat to lose weight, which should be -500 from maintenance.

a good start: chicken and vegetables and brown rice. fish and vegetables and couscous, etc. basically a good amount of protein, a good amount of veggies, and a smaller amount of carbohydrates.

Try pulses, like lentils. Delicious, filling and healthy.

So basically what I'm hearing is that it's impossible to lose weight unless you're rich and have 8 hours per day to prepare all of your own meals.

this is correct
everyone except the 1%ers is dying from the beetus

Eat a low-insulin vegan diet with daily legumes and nuts, no sugar. Weight will come right off. Calorie counting is a meme and all calorie-counting diets fail in the long term because they don't address the underlying causes of obesity.

>inb4 some neckbeard comes in and says it's more complicated than that

Was 210 went on intermittent fasting diet lost 10 pounds in like 2 weeks
Just ate whatever generally staying around 2000 calories a day
8eat/16 fast, Saturday cheat day and Sunday full fast

no. just stop fucking eating you giant sack of shit.

literally put less crap in your food hole, forever. that is the whole secret.

Do low-carb, nigga. Not keto, low-carb.

It works well and it doesn't make you feel like shit.

>it's a fatass wants to lose weight but doesn't want to make an effort episode