Dog and Cat meat

Where does one get dog meat in he United States

What's the best way to prepare it?

No trolls please

reported. please delete this thread and be more considerate about the things you post. the least you could do was add a trigger warning and a safe for work image

*dry heaves*

Nice try. 7/10

Is awfully easy if you speak Mandarin or Cantonese and live in NYC, Vancouver or San Francisco.

You shouldn't eat the only animal that co-evolved around humans

I feel like you're probably trolling, but I'd say it depends on how fatty the meat is, just like anything else. It's probably not gonna have an awesome texture either way. Probably one of the few meats I'd ever use a marinade on, and that's bad.

It's supposed to be good jerky

>Where does one get dog meat in he United States
The pound
>What's the best way to prepare it?
By loving it and caring for it for it's whole life and then not eating it.

Relax, dude. It's not like he posted a pomegranate or something.

maybe you should try asking on one of the chans that speaks engrish you fucking savage

Go back to whatever shithole you came from
They eat it in that place

After it dies from old age can I eat it then?

"Adopt" someone's unwanted pet off craigslist.
You can find tutorials on gutting and butchering any animal online.

Have you ever tasted dog food? That's essentially what a domestic dog would taste like.

Dogs raised for meat in Asia are at least fed a somewhat good diet of vegetables and "meat".

Don't feed it pet food. Feed it real, fatty meat, maybe even lock it in a cage and give it some lard gavage for a couple weeks before slaughter.

Meh. Millions of unwanted pets wind up at rendering plants. Might as well put it to use weather it's being eaten or rendered down into animal feed and beauty products.

btw I'm not a petafag or hippie in any way and I eat a lot of meat.

In korea its usually cooked on the hottest day in summer. The meat is usually stewed but ive had it slow roast braised and bbq'd before. Didnt care for the bbq, the meat was stringy, like bbq ribs that werent cooked for long enough.

These eating dogs arent pets, they dont have names. theyre usually kept in cages similar to lots of the livestock you eat.

Do you know the conditions your food was raised in? Do you know how they kill them?

If you condemn eating dogs, why? If you are vegetarian I understand but if you eat meat then where does one draw the line as to what is good to eat or not good to eat? the animals are killed in the same manner.


Asians can hook you up with some dog meat, but you've got to be in the know.

>captcha tells me to select all pictures of food
>I did not select the picture of the dog
>captcha makes me do it again
>therefore, dogs are food

I know people who shoot feral and loose dogs and cats in the country, but they don't eat them. You could just go low-key hunting.

I don't condemn eating dogs as a universal or moral wrong, but I think it is very reasonable that we find it distasteful to slaughter and eat an animal that has co-evolved with our species to such a degree that it reads our facial expressions and can even manipulate us emotionally. That's not to say that dogs are in any way human, but we reject outright animal cruelty mostly because it demonstrates a lack of empathy in the person who is being cruel. To have so little empathy for the animal that forms the deepest, most intuitive connections to humans is the most extreme example of this.

Simply put, someone who would do that to a dog is less likely to feel for me when I'm in trouble or stay their hand from causing me harm. That's essentially a selfish outlook, but all our social norms and "morals" are built on self-interest.

All gooks should be genocided.

>Where does one get dog meat in he United States

Your local chinese buffet.

nasty chiggers

i'll tell you what.

batter and deep-fry those chunks of dog or cat meat, then glaze with a sweet and sour sauce, and i'd probably eat them.

People say pigs that are kept as pets are just as smart or smarter than dogs. Are you giving up eating pork?

As i said before these eating dogs are not kept as pets. they have no name and have very little human contact. similar to farm raised chickens. Do you eat chicken? Are you aware the horrible conditions they have to endure? If you do, doesnt that seems like animal cruelty to you? Someone who would allow an industry to do that to a chicken is less likely to feel for me when I'm in trouble or stay their hand from causing me harm...They might even try to hide a ecoli breakout..

I have friends that have pet chickens that know hand signals and will move around the yard like a little army with him only pointing. Similar to a herding dog..
Dogs are bred for certain traits. Some a are smarter than others, some are dumb just like cattle. and chickens. and pigs.
It seems judgmental on your part to condemn something that is practiced in many countries around the world just because your morals are skewed toward your own self interest. It seems like a selfish outlook on your part.

You ever think about that?

Pic related: Arapaho

Don't waste your time. Dogfags are the equivalent of idiots on Facebook who rage about Planned parenthood.