Is there a more shit tier soup than pic related? I'd sooner eat a jar of Prego by itself

is there a more shit tier soup than pic related? I'd sooner eat a jar of Prego by itself.

Nah, it's good as fuck. Sorry you have terrible taste.

but combined with a mature cheddar grilled cheese its godlike

I gotta have that this week ty for reminder op

Tomato soup?
Made with fresh tomatoes, beef stock, bay leaves, cloves, lots if black pepper and a dollop of double cream?

Tomato soup with roasted garlic and fresh dill with a sourdough and cheddar grilled cheese sandwich.

Fucking delicious.

Your move op

Fuck you OP.

It's god tier with a grilled cheese sandwich.

>all these grilled cheese retards
Fuck off, americans. Nobody wants your fried Kraft single sandwich.

>12 month aged cheddar
>artisan olive sourdough bread

Get in my level pleb

>he fell for the artisan meme

Jesus christ Veeky Forums is a fucking meme board.

You can call it artisan, bohemian, metropolitan, venusian.. I don't give a shit. If it tastes good, it tastes good.

Coming from /b/, Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, /r9k/ and /k/ I can honestly say that Veeky Forums is the board where the word "meme" is misused the most.

Soup made from ketchup packets you stole from the food court.

Kill yourself OP

Veeky Forums has its own definition of meme. Every board has its own culture. Fuck off back to /b/

You're an idiot

tomato soup is shit agreed.

>Veeky Forums has its own definition of meme.

>Veeky Forums has its own definition of meme

Is it "I'm a fucking retard please rape my face"?

fuck you nigga Kraft single grilled cheese is only second to a good sharp cheddar

yall mothafuckas jealous of our fake plastic cheese

actually it's not even its own definition. meme is used to define something that spreads through cultures, like an idea or behavior. that was its original definition. just because theres no image macro of le funny willy wonka man doesnt mean its not a meme

>meme is used to define something that spreads through cultures

No. "meme" is used to describe an *idea* that spreads.

Calling something like tomato soup "meme soup" is just fucking retarded.

did you miss the part i wrote literally right after the thing you quoted? that guy was saying that artisan cheese was a meme because its a concept that was spread/bolstered through cooking culture


Sorry you're too pleb to have had good tomato soup, but that's on you, son.

That Chicago crust-less deep bowl pizza looks really good OP

I have a cold, just had some tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich, feeling better already.

Mmmm delicious tomato bullfuck

cloves..... dollop.......beef stock......

the fuck you on about.

No, out of a can.

That looked like "salmorejo", which is fucking top tier and tasty as fuck. It's made from tomato, oil, bread and garlic.

Holy shit I want some now, I'm gonna make either this or gazpacho this week...

>the fuck you on about.
A God tier recipe. That's what I'm on about. If you haven't made it you should really just stfu and hang your head in shame

Why bread?

Tomato soup is simple, tasty, and comforting. I'll bet you also hate hugs, puppies, and your mother.

You're all doing it wrong.


So I had never tried it until last week, I decided to make it and it ended up tasting like not very thich tomato sauce
it was a bit disappointing but I'm sure I did something wrong
do you guys have any good recipes?