Lol bbc

Lol bbc

Anything that fucks the BBC over is a good thing, I want them to go bankrupt.

Hi Rupert

Fair move, a government organisation like the BBC shouldn't have such a monopoly over things like this.

Plenty of alternatives out there.

Maybe they need to increase the licensing fee that you britcucks have to pay for having a television

Lets be fair, they should be funded by adverts, it levels the ground and makes the market completely fair.

A lot of people watch the BBC because it has no adverts, if they have adverts as well that means people will have no reason not to watch the other TV networks in the UK, meaning the market will be more fairly distributed.

Many people are refusing to pay it now and they have no way of enforcing it, the BBC seriously needs to reform or it won't last much longer.

Daily reminder that Sky are bidding to get the Bakeoff and are courting some of the other popular chefs on the BBC such as the hairy bikers and mary berry.

Food on the BBC is dead. Hope you have a sky package!

What they need is a fairer tax system in so much as it refers to the BBC. Instead of making everyone pay a flat amount, which is what they do now, they should make poor people pay more because they spend all day indoors watching TV instead of working and making a living. The middle class people on the other hand only really want to watch cable or satellite TV and yet they're forced to subsidize their indolent compatriots.

>Maybe they need to increase the licensing fee that you britcucks have to pay for having a television

Stop poking my weakness!

Yes licensing fees are incredabollocks, but getting it changed to contract is like trying to change the electoral college in ameriburger so you can have fair elections.

I think americunts don't realise that most of europe do indeed pay a licence fee. And the UK's is actually cheaper than most. I believe germany's is equivalent to about £270 a year

>Hope you have a sky package!

I'll just torrent anything worth watching. The more money Murdoch spends and the less he makes the better.

So basically, the BBC can produce content that people want to watch (television programs) without annoying people with things they don't want to watch (adverts) and people chose to watch the BBC because of that.

So you want to...make the BBC worse...because it's "unfair" to other television channels that show networks?

Okay. I guess we should cripple every athlete so that everyone competes at the same level of the Special Olympics, too. Wouldn't want it to be unfair now, would we?

>I believe germany's is equivalent to about £270 a year
Germany is worse because they have to pay it even if they do not own a TV or Radio.

What? The Germans have got to pay 270euros a year for the privilege to watch that guy who pretends to be a midget and plays golf?

The BBC is a relic, the sooner it is done away with the better. It was necessary when it started but since then many commercial solutions have emerged. But it can't be killed off swiftly as needed "the public" see it as some kind of "institution"

Stop clinging to your socialist nostalgia and let the march of progress take charge.

>muh free market libertarianism


>since then many commercial solutions

Yes, and they're all shit. Unless you genuinely enjoy the high quality output from the likes of Channel 5 or ITV794610562+1 (Home to "When Bears Attack Z-List Celebrities Island 5: The aftermath")

Wouldn't know, i never watch terrestrial channels out of principle.

Then your opinion is entirely invalid as you have no basis for comparison.

>Yes, and they're all shit. Unless you genuinely enjoy the high quality output from the likes of Channel 5 or ITV794610562+1 (Home to "When Bears Attack Z-List Celebrities Island 5: The aftermath")

And what delights are on BBC1 tonight?

Eastenders, which attracts audiences of millions and is very popular, Holby City which is a drama that has also been running for what, a decade now? Never seen In the Club so I can't comment, and the 10 O'Clock news which is the news.

Looks fairly standard for a Tuesday evening, what of it?

(If it helps I think they're pushing Eastenders way too much and it's pretty much a parody of itself at this point, and I wouldn't shed a single tear if it was cancelled immediately.)

it's not socialist nostalgia, the bbc just makes the best tv in britain, no fucking contest

>pay a mandatory fee
>refuse to utilize what it pays for

principle, ladies and gentlemen

The important question is: what other reliable recipe websites are there out there?

I don't pay the licence fee.

Ol tappa tappa

>no adverts

Have you even watched bbc m8?

Trailers are not adverts. The BBC isn't paying itself to show it's own trailers.

real talk, are any of the recipes on there good? has anyone tried them?

there are fucking thousands of them and many of them are from some of the world's most celebrated chefs, what do you think

Yeah, they're one of my favourite recipe sites. Have a screencap of my favourite brownie recipe. Now i have to go through and save all those recipes i liked before they're hidden away forever

What? That's retarded, they dont have to cut the whole content. The hosting barely costs much in comparison to their overall costs, especially when considering the visitor counts it helps add. Just stop updating it and let it live on, if it really bothers them that much cost wise just branch it off from the bbc site and add ads. No need to continue development or add content, just there's no point of tossing it all away.

>The BBC isn't paying itself to show it's own trailers.
Not directly, but that same time could go to a paying customer, so it is lost revenue. They are certainly ads

> but that same time could go to a paying customer, so it is lost revenue.


> trying to change the electoral college in ameriburger so you can have fair elections.

The Electoral College IS about having fair elections, otherwise politicians would ignore 90% of the country and only focus on a handful of heavily populated cities.

>presidential candidates give a fuck what wyoming and vermont think

campaigning is 99% swing states and heavily populated states. the rest means absolutely nothing.

No you don't. BBC Good Food is a commercial venture owned by BBC Worldwide and is staying. What is going is bbc dot co dot uk slash food, and iirc the recipes aren't actually going to be deleted but they won't be searchable, and a bunch will be moved to Good Food.

Paid for TV always provides better quality programming than advert funded TV.

>Advert funded TV
Honey Boo Boo
Storage Wars

>Subscription funded TV
Planet Earth
Orange is The New Black

the BBC needs to stay as an institution. I would rather keep paying for David Attenborough or quality dramas rather than have the trite nonsense peddled by the other channels even if it is "free".

and I use BBC food all the time for old recipes and whenever I cook something for the first time. it's utter bollocks it should be cut to save money.

I'm considering scraping the site. Is this a bad idea?

As long as you sort all the data you pull it should be fine.