What should I eat when I have pants shitting diarrhea style flu?

What should I eat when I have pants shitting diarrhea style flu?

Pedialite, broth, and saltines

Taco bell

flu medicine

Try ginseng root, cinnamon, cayenne pepper, turmeric, berries, cloves, strawberries, raw honey, raw garlic, spinach, onions, and ginger.

- hot chocolate pudding
- soup, any kind
- oranges, tons of oranges

Might seem unintuitive but you have to make up for all the liquid you shart out. Avoid heavy food. Also for the sake of your ass try to clean it with the shower head or at least baby wipes.

BRAT diet may not be the most effective, but it works

my mom taught me about BRAT
bananas, rice, applesauce, toast

as far as the diarrhea is concerned, I always noticed people referencing to dark chocolate, probably somewhere around the 75%+ mark

as far as the flu goes, just eat a lot of goddamn vegetables and drink shitloads of water

Consult a registered/professional nutritionist/dietician.

>pants shitting

>Also for the sake of your ass try to clean it with the shower head or at least baby wipes.

THIS MORE THAN ANYTHING. You will rub that shit raw with toilet paper and you will regret it.

2 tsb nutmeg helps calm the stomach. Maybe 3 if you're really sick.

Doesn't that give you a miserable, shitty high?

drink 2 bottles of red wine. repeat for 3 days. sorted

water and saltines

watermelon. It has vit C, is alkaline so won't be bad for your stomach.

Bananas and Gatorade helped me through some tough shit

Yeah, it's very shitty and lasts way too long. Not recommended.

Make a salad out of everything on the right side of the OP image, and drink lots of vodka.

I saw what you did there

you can eat?

Mexican or Indian food really help when i'm sick.



are you trolling or trying to get OP even more sick ???

I had a 2 days explosive continuous diarrhea once because of a nasty bacteria. Apart from the anti diarrhetic medicine, he told me to eat salty bred, noodles and drink water, and cola ( the cola thing surprised me ) and avoid fancy stuff, no fruits or vegetables or spices until i could shit properly.

*he, the doctor

Well, to be fair, strawberries are actually legumes