I might be going to Las Vegas over the summer for vacation...

I might be going to Las Vegas over the summer for vacation, and I was wondering if the Heart Attack Grill is worth visiting.

It's definitely worth experiencing for the sheer entertainment, fun and spectacle. Overall, the burgers are pretty plain to be honest....but it's a fucking blast; especially when you see that fat fucks weigh in

>single bypass burger
meat, cheese, onions, tomato and dressing

>double bypass burger
double meat, double cheese, double onion
>one dressing
>2 tomato
>one tomato in the middle of the gurger

>triple bypass burger
>3 fucking tomatos, just thrown inside the burger

>quadruple bypass burger
>>just fuck my shit up

If you're going just for the food, you're better off going somewhere else
if you're going just for fun to see whats all the hubbub is all about, its a fun diversion for a few hours

That sounds terrifying why would I want to watch people get congratulated for killing themselves.

>complaining about the tomatoes

It sounds like you'd fit right in at that place.

Now for some real talk, do they have some scaling version like this for tendies?

Why wouldn't you want to watch that?

Wow, you are seriously a faggot. I bet you are a beta faggot

Not really. It's all flash and no substance. None of the food is good enough tasting to actually be worth the price and all the goofy hooplah you have to deal with to get it, the only reason to go is if you live on the other side of the continent or in another country and can't swing by vegas on the regular. Get your picture taken at a table and then bail and go to any of the numerous restaurants in the city that can deliver a better meal at the same price point.

>Completely missing the point of going to the restaurant

you dont fucking put tomatos between beef pattys, tomato is wet and slippery.
Tomato goes at the top of the burger below the bread or it slips away from burger

You deserve it

They didn't even bother to try to make the food look good in their poster. I definitely wouldn't go. Looks like shit.

It's not amazing. If you want a big, fatty, unhealthy meal, hit Pink's. All kinds of crazy hot dogs, much better.

If you want to go off strip, check out Rolling Smoke BBQ.

That isn't even its final form

>Add 40 bacon strips for 7.40

Disgusting amerifats

Jelly Yuropoors

Veeky Forums summed up in 2 posts

no it goes on bottom of burger to prevent the burger runoff from soaking the bun into a soggy mess. Same with the lettuce. get your life together dude.

Doubles, nice.

4 posts

Yama Sushi if you like buffet style sushi, they make your plate as you order so it's always freshly prepared.

shit do they actually sell cigarettes there? I love a burger and a smoke.

This is America, you can't smoke inside.

get out

I would absolutely destroy the quad bypass

haters need not apply

>congratulations on watching the travel channel in the last 10 years
>no you shouldn't

They put it in the cheese you fucking retard. The cheese will hold it in place

Because you're too much of a foggot for a gore thread.

This is Vegas.

Yes, you can.

I wanna to visit once, just for the novelty of a wine IV bag. Maybe split a single burger with the wife

Europoor hereā€¦

when I was in Vegas last year, I just had to try it, because it essentially is the most cliched american thing ever, and obivously, I also had to eat something there.

I got me a single or double bypass burger, because a) I value my health
b) I value my looks
c) I'm not into getting spanked by some low wage sluts dressed up as nurses,
and it was OK. It just was a very large, but still edible for an average person, medium tier burger. Not really good, not really bad. The fries where a bit worse (friying them in lard does NOT make them taste better), but still edible.

Entertainment wise, its quite funny, though I was there at a very quit day, so only 10 other people in the restaurant, and no real insane fatties. But the whole setup and "idea" behind it is quite fun.

Plus, the above mentionend low wage sluts dressed up as nurses, are mostly quite pleasant to look at, so there s that.

Does adding butter to a milkshake actually add to it?
Sounds disgusting

>Wine IV bag

How does that work?

its a monument to fat stupidity.

1 burger isn't going to fuck your health or looks up you massive retard

Grow a fucking spine holy shit.

bullshit the tomato will slip away taking half of the cheese with it.
Tomato is always the first thing to fall off the burger, adding two tomatos inside will make that thing fall all over the tray before you makew it to the table

It comes out looking like an IV, but thats just like a straw, you just drink it from the bag, thats my guess anyways.

FUCK YOU you don't put it in the cheese you fucking monster. What is wrong with you?

Op has a fat fetish

Nope, not in an establishment which serves food. On the casino floors, in standalone bars and nightclubs that don't serve food you can but not in restaurants.

Ironically, the owner died of heart attack.

I thought the owner was some pious doctor fuck who liked hearing about the customers passing away from being so morbidly obese?

No, it's got a nozzle on the end you can stop and start to pour it into a glass

t.visited this place

The food is pretty average as you'd expect, it's worth dropping in for the novelty factor if you're passing. If you don't finish your food, you can get a midget woman to spank you on the ass with a paddle if you're in to that sort of thing.

Also, its up at Fremont Street anyway, which is worth a visit regardless to see the disgusting crack whores that work in all of the shitty casinos up there. Also, if you sit on any slots, count how many minutes it takes for someone to come up and ask you for money.

Its just like frying their fries in lard. It's NOT to make it taste better. It's too make it over the top unhealthy

Why don't you kill yourself?

A quick trip to google revealed that none of this is true, the owner is neither dead nor is he a doctor.

fat burger, phat burger its spelled one of those ways

cooking in lard is actually a lot healthier than oil-frying


the double+ looks pretty inconvenient to eat, unless the picture size is misleading.

i would rather just get two single burgs

Look guys the fun police has arrived


I was there, not really. For all of the lard they use, it really wasn't worth going for the food more than the novelty.

it's an average as fuck burger with an expert marketing team pushing it. Shake Shack and In-n-Out have franchises near the south strip, go there instead if you want a burger that actually earns its reputation

What kind of fucking pussy splits a burger?