
Not even Donald Trump can make that "beverage" Great Again.

I think it's cute :3
Belgians are nice

I hate America. It tastes cheap & will most likely give me the shits the next day.

>through November
obviously the Belgians support Trump

I should see if I can get someone to buy me a can of this as a memento or something. I won't give them my money, but having one of those cans could be pretty neat.

b-but april fools was like 40 days ago...

legitimately embarrassed to be american now

I went to a festival this past weekend, and one of the few alochol sponsors was anheuser busch. They wanted SEVER DOLLARS for a fucking 12oz can of shitty bud light.

I didnt drink any beer for the whole day there, I was sad.

don't take things so seriously. if you like the marketing gimmick enough to want the product, buy it. it's not like budweiser is expensive or anything

I don't buy from breweries owned by A-B/InBEV on principle. Not even for this gimmick.

I just finished a bottle of angry orchard.

Budweiser never did taste right to me.

Basically it means I have to listen to all the thick rimmed glasses-wearing, beard having nu-males, sperg out and start yelling "PISS PISS PISS DRINK CRAFT BEER I'M SPECIAL"

>the one beer that the entire world laughs at
>AB renames it America

make us all look more retarded so you can bolster sales from rednecks

>I can't legally purchase alcohol so I'll just act smug about a popular beer brand

Its much better if you can get it right around where they actually make it, like all beer

>their christmas tree is the harbinger of christmas

>I applied for a job, plz take me
>ill even like in fairfield for it

Angry Orchard is made by Sam Adams

Budweiser is disgusting. Miller High Life is my cheap everywhere served beer.

Miller bought by SAB Coors, then stock bought out by japs, now sold to InBev. Probably missing a step or two, but it seems like inBev is the most profitable drug cartel on the planet right now.

>I make assumptions and post without thinking.

Why would a European beer company, Czech Republic to top it off call its beer "America"?
It's just stupid.

lol butthurt calicuck

Budweiser isn't Czech. Budějovický Budvar is.


Not a fan of most Bud beers, but it's so hard to avoid giving InBev money considering how many brands they own. Same with Diageo and liquors.

What job did you apply for? Fairfield isn't great but once you're there for a year or two you can transfer.