Is chili a curry?

Is chili a curry?



Chili is a type of plant/spice. You're thinking of Chili Con Carne

But chili has a lot of the same spices as curry. It has cumin, chili peppers, garlic, so many of the same ingredients. I think it must be a curry. Not all curries have turmeric.

Speaking as a guy with one thai parent who grew up eating curry all the time...

Chilli does not fit my definition of curry.

To me, curry starts with a paste (which actually has some slight level of fermentation going on) and is served over rice.

Chilli is a stew that has no paste and is eaten by itself.

I almost always eat my chili with rice. Sometimes I eat it with pasta or mashed potatoes though.

How fat are you?

So chili for short right?

Okay fair enough. I'm pretty sure that chilli doesn't start from a curry paste though.
On a side note, don't let anyone tell you that you can't use store-bought curry paste.

Fucking everyone in Thailand uses store or market-bought.

Why the hell has time to grind up their own paste?

See when I was growing up, my mom would always use store-bought paste for standard stuff like green and red curry, but would make her own for less common dishes like Kaeng hang lay.

How does having rice with chili make you fat?

Are you one of those "hurr durr carbs are the devil and makes you fat" keto faggots?

No, but chili is a meal by itself. You don't need sides, tubbs.

Or instead of slurping down half a gallon of chili by itself, you could have a reasonable portion of it over some rice.

>Automatically assuming that a normal serving of chili is a half gallon.
I'll ask again, how fat are you?

... which is still not a curry

However the opposite is true, curry is a spice mixture that contains chili, especially if you go for the darker orange/red varieties...


Chile is a type of plant/spice.
Chili is a shortening of Chili Con Carne.

>Chile is a type of plant/spice.
>Chili is a shortening of Chili Con Carne.
Chile is a country in South America.

Chilies plural/chili singular, is a type of capsicum pepper. And, yes, Chili is short for chili con carne.

If it's made by a red-dot Indian, it's a curry, no matter what. Just like if my buddy, Luis puts a hotdog in a tortilla, that's a taco.

It seems in Europe it is chili, in America ( Mexico anyway ) it is chile, when speaking of the pepper.

Is curry a chili?

No, chili is part of curry. Along with turmeric, garlic and ginger.

Chili con carne gets my dick hard as fuck, it's so good


No. Chili is a chili. But you can make curry from chili.

I don't know, but I sure do love a kicking Chicago 'za like you posted.

When people say curry, they're not talking about that gook soup, they're talking about real Indian curry.

Chili with beans is a meal itself. Without beans and it's basically a spicy bolognese.

I never got why people would throw cheese on their chili, yet omit the corn. You fuckers are weird.

Also curries are a type of stew, as is chili. A=B & B=C then A=C; so your answer is yes.

.>curries are a type of stew
>chili is a type of stew
>if A=B & B=C then A=C

You are terrible at basic logic

Right. So by that logic.
>You are a human
>Faggots are human
>Therefore you are a faggot
I see. I feel enlightened.

Reminds me of home, perfect chicago style.

no, that's pretty impractical since that already means something different in english. maybe just make it carne.
no, it's spelled chili. Chile is what imbeciles call it.
not acceptable anywhere. Some places in america they pronounce "niche" "nitch". This doesn't make it okay.
it's pretty damn great. just don't call it chili.

>Is chili a curry?

chili is a sandwich I think
at least in Chicago

lots of (good) curry doesn't start as a paste, it starts with whole spices fried in oil, diced onions, and minced aromatics like garlic, ginger, etc.

and chili is often eaten with a starch

to answer your question OP, it's the same form as curry but not part of the genre of curry simply because of historical association. chili is the closest thing the southwest has to an authentic curry though

A and B are subsets of C.
They are not equal to the set of C
Being subsets of a superset does not make you equal to other members of this set.
Please see me after class.

This is bait right? The pic is from your backyard?

the pic is suggest a bit of self-awareness at my anal behavior, but it does legitimately piss me off.

Looks exactly like a Mexican inspired Chicago 'za I had recently.

You proved his point except you're the faggot

And chilli is chilli not curry you idiots

All of you

no chili is a type of chicago style 'za

if you live in europe than yeah.

Curry is a sauce chili is a stew

No. Chili con Carne is a stew.

One free German made curry with hotdog

>curry sauce
>chili sauce

curry is a stew
chili is a stew

both are stews first
both can be sauces second