Greek yogurt

Can someone explain how greek yogurt got so popular all of a sudden? I don't remember ever seeing it in stores 8 or 9 years ago.

>dries out your mouth while eating it
>smells foul
>usually more expensive

Do people actually like this shit, or are they just buying it to fit in with the health food crowd.

more protein less sugar
it is indeed healthier than "normal" yogurts you will find in a market

honestly I find normal Yoplait to be extremely disgusting compared to just about any greek yogurt
greek yogurt is what I expect yogurt to taste like
just be wary that some companies add extra thickening agents to their greek yogurts for some reason I will never understand

>some companies add extra thickening agents to their greek yogurts for some reason I will never understand

Cheaper than making it properly.

Although it is great tasting it has become a trend mainly followed by women trying to prove they are healthy.

I've tried many kinds of greek yogurt and can only choke it down when it's loaded with sugar. I posted the yoplait one because it's relatively unpopular and I didn't want to bias the discussion by trying to make it about one particular popular brand.

Only good brands I've had are Siggis and Fage. Most of the rest of them in american grocery stores are too thin or have thickeners and/or sugar added.

oikos triple zero is great for those of us who are on diets due to what said

Full-fat greek yogurt tastes like cheesecake.

I just had some of this stuff and it was like oral sex, if my mouth was my penis.

Have you actually had full-fat Greek yogurt? (not the stuff in your pic) Full fat Greek is definitely tastier than full fat regular yogurt.

And of course, the 2% and 0% stuff is better than comparable non-Greek yogurt if you're watching your weight or trying to build muscle, because muh protein.

That's pretty much it. How could you not figure that out?

I always assumed they would still have to make it properly but then just add the thickener afterward

its not like greek yogurt is that complicated to make

I've had a lot of yogurt. I try to sample every new variety I come across. All I want to know is, when I go into a grocery store now, why is it that 90% of the yogurt cups on the shelves are "greek"? How did it get so popular so fast?

Approximately how long does this stay good in the fridge after I open it? There's no expiration date on the one I bought, and I have no idea how to tell because yogurt is fucking weird.

get turkish yogurt brands, plain of course

basically everything greek yogurt should have been

Australian yogurt > Greek yogurt

Fight me.

I would say like 5-7 days. It's likely fine after as long as it doesnt smell weird or have any surface mold though.

I think most people actually just like the taste of greek yogurt better

the thing is yogurt has always been billed as a healthy food or at least for a pretty long while now it has
but I think the success of yogurt has primarily been because its a known healthy food that a lot of people actually liked the taste of
a lot of the marketing behind yogurt I think reflects this pretty well
so I don't think most people would be so willing to switch over to greek yogurt if it tasted worse to them even if it is healthier

I'd imagine because diet and health trends. But it's just kind of logical to prefer Greek to non-Greek yogurt: You're getting more protein with Greek, so you'll feel fuller and get more nutrients than with regular yogurt.

Unless you just prefer the thinner texture of regular, it doesn't really make sense to get regular.

>Unless you just prefer the thinner texture of regular, it doesn't really make sense to get regular.
Runny yogurt tastes better to me.

I had quite a breakfast once with ½ cup of plain greek yogurt, rye toast, and apple slices.

Too expensive for me to consider buying it again though.

>go to grocery store
>95% of individual-sized greek yogurts are 0% fat

Is everyone actually this retarded?

Insane amounts of protein.

I donno but one of these (Usually this, PB&J, or Strawberry) has been my breakfast for over a year now

It's basically sour cream with less calories and fat.

>make yogurt
>strain the fuck out of it until it's thick and absent of whey, and the nutrients in the whey

No, thank you.

I tried it but it tastes like fucking sour cream. Now I could have got it flavored, but theres so much sugar in the flavored ones that it ruins the point compared to regular yogurt. Am I missing something?

>caramel, low-fat yogurt, salted pretzels, chocolate, and praline pecans

That's just sad.

I can just see some fat bitch convincing herself that eating that shit is healthy because it has "low-fat" yogurt in it...

No just use it on a baked potato and enjoy.

also it doesn't taste like sour cream...

I like it. Vanilla or Honey greek yogurt are great in smoothies or with muesli. Plain is great to make Tzaziki with. Cry more.

I mean for a breakfast item
>190 calories
>17g sugar
>12g protein

It could be WAAYY worse. The sugar is high, but its probably way better than eating a donut or something

I make my own full fat yogurt since I can't find anything higher than 1% fage in stores.

i only buy it for the protein; it tastes good so it makes a good snack. & tszatziki(however u spell it) is really good too for protein + health, good taste

Maybe you were going to really shitty stores 8 or 9 years ago. It's been very available for at least 15 years.

It also isn't any more expensive, so maybe you're still going to really shitty stores.

I find it to be generally more tasty than "regular" yogurt, but it's more expensive than regular yogurt, so I usually go with regular.

Depends which country you are talking about.
UK here
Been in ours for years. I love the stuff on its own.
Expense wise its no more than all the bio bollocks ones.

skyr > greek yoghurt

Yoplait isn't Greek yogurt, it's just garbage regular yogurt thickened with stuff added to it, of course its going to taste like shit.

Stick to Fage, even Chobani the number one greek yogurt seller sucks balls.

This. Siggi's and Fage all day, the rest are knockoffs and cut corners to thicken the yogurt by adding thickeners and milk powder. Greek Yogurt is just yogurt cheese, you can buy a tub of regular yogurt and use cheese cloth or these fine strainers to make it yourself even

No thanks, Chobani cuts corners in the manufacturing process that's why it sells cheaper than Fage and is always on sale, it's too thin to be a proper greek yogurt and his this sheen shine to it, doesn't even taste like real yogurt let alone greek yogurt.
It's expensive to make, so every corner they cut they save, Chobani has a texture of plain yogurt to me, some add thickeners and milk powder only, barely straining any liquid out to save $$$ and pass along the shit product to the consumer.
Chobani is a turk or kurd or whatever the fuck, the yogurt sucks. No thanks.
Which brand? Chobani tastes like plain shit yogurt to me.

You say "although" like popularity itself has a direct bearing on the taste.

I eat it every day its great for ur stomach

Fat free garbage is garbage.

You're missing that sour cream is actually delicious on its own.

>plain yogurt