So Veeky Forums, is there any nut better than the based pistachio? I think not...

So Veeky Forums, is there any nut better than the based pistachio? I think not, but if there is a nut even better than this god among nuts, I would sure love to know.

Pistachios are definitely the best nut. In fact, it's one of the only 3 nuts worth eating on its own with some salt, alongside cashews and almonds.

brazil nuts


But I agree, pistachios are the best.

Would love to try to make pistachio ice cream at some point



>there is a nut even better than this god among nuts

God's nuts

technically, they are fruits


i just wish they weren't so expensive
free trade with iran to get those pistachios when

Pecans are officially the best culinary nuts.

Your mom would disagree.

this nigga knows what is up

I prefer almonds. Sauteed until light brown in some olive oil with plenty of salt they make an ideal accompaniment to a crisp fresh lager.

All nuts are awesome but I personally think pistachios (along with pecans) are the worst
My favourite are almonds, cashews, walnuts, hazelnuts, brazils and peanuts

ok, ok, I am an authorithy on this

>roasted salted almonds (you may say whaa, but just remember last time you ate them)
>pistachios (would be number 1, but the fucking cleaning and disposing of shells is time consuming, also sometimes you get the shitty one)
>cashews (hipster peanuts, what more is there to say)
>paprika coated double-crunch peanuts (I am eating them right now, as a matter of fact I have chosen them although I have cashews, so they would be a spot up, however I had to clean my fingers so, fuck them because time consuming)
>peanuts (shit-tier desu, not buying them anymore)

peanuts for savory dishes.

pecans for desserts.

Everyone in here forgetting Walnuts, smdhtbhfam


I doubt it

Roasted, salted pistachio nuts are probably the greatest unheated snack on earth.

Pistachios are pretty based but I like macadamia nuts better

I fucking love pistachios.

Cashew master race reporting in.

I used to work for this food wholesale place. The pistachios used to sit in our warehouse for a couple of years sometimes.
Eventually a shop would order a box of them and it was always my job to sort through the boxes and find one without pantry moths crawling around in it, put a fresh best before date on it and send it out.

Kind of put me off pistachios.


Only in a poorly-regulated economy. Nut moulds can cause death, apparently.

welcome to USA, where truthful labelling is an affront to free market values and literally the same as Stalinism

pistachio and cashews are top tier nuts

I've recently taken to eating 2$ bags of salted sheled sunflour meats by the spoonful which is pretty satisfying

i got sent some rancid macadamias once. i dont order nuts online anymore. i wonder why they make them so expensive if they waste so much.

macadamias go bad the second the glue is dry on the label, I don't even buy them anymore. the expiration dates aren't really all that useful because the smell hits you when you open the jar.

these or walnuts for making stuffed shrimp/lobsters

I tried using them with mushrooms but it didn't fit