American here, mum wants me to cook some mexican food tomorrow for cinco de mayo. anyone have any good easy recipes...

american here, mum wants me to cook some mexican food tomorrow for cinco de mayo. anyone have any good easy recipes? not really concerned with how authentic it is.

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We're having taco pie. You break up a bunch of shells, mix w ground beef and cheese, layer of cheese on top and bake. Top w sour cream, lettuce and tomatoes

I'm making abondigas, ceviche, guacamole, mango salsa, green tomato salsa and red snapper vera cruz style.

others are bringing the main dishes and other mexican accompaniments...tequila.

where do you live? in california there are mexican markets in pretty much every city. they sell pre-marinated chicken thighs that are usually super delicious, and all you have to do is grill them or cook them in a pan. add some avocado and wrap in a tortilla and you're golden. or put them on some rice and beans.

if those things aren't accessable, go full-pleb and get some ground beef and taco seasoning. make taco's with hard shells and add lettuce, cheese, tomato, and hot sauce. boom


I'll probably buy a big cheap cut of beef and stick it in the slow cooker for 8 or so hours and google the rest.

Mexican girls are so qt

They're so hit and miss. The best looking mexican women are cuter than white girls, slavs, or japanese waifus. But some of them look like brown wrinkly mud people. They're both the best and the worst.

You forgot to mention that the cheese should be pepper jack or cheddar

Not surprising, latinos are muddy mutts in every sense of the words. Little wonder they cover every extreme imaginable.


Good point. I never thought of them as mutts but thats exactly what they are. You know how every now and then you see a mutt dog or cat thats way cuter than a pure bred? But most of them aren't all that special? That pretty much sums up latino girls.

Nothing wrong with the brown ones...there are a lot of indigenous looking qts from Puebla where I live

madre de dios

Speaking of cinco de mayo, my dick wants to be victorious all over that.

And just like cinco de mayo, I'll crushingly fail soon afterward.

fucking normie

bump more suggestions plz

>american here

Mexican girls have amazing feet

Cooked chicken, onions, shredded mexican blend cheese, enchilada sauce, 10" flour tortillas, cooking oil

Shred the chicken. Chop up some onion, heat some oil in a saucepan, and fry the onion in it. Add the meat and lightly fry. Then turn the heat to low and add a spoonful or more of enchilada sauce, stir. Cook until the meat tastes good. Dump however much cheese in the pan, remove from heat and mix it up good.
Moisten the tortilla with water. Microwave for a few seconds to warm. Put it on a plate and spoon a fist-size chunk of cheesy meat into the center. Fold it up like wrapping a present, using more water on your hands to hold the ends in place.

Congratulations, you made a burrito

>Mexican lass enjoying hot pot


This, and they smell so sexy

This. It's probably some shitposting Australian.