What if there was a blueberry beer?

What if there was a blueberry beer?


What if there was a potato jam?

There are several. They're ok, at least the ones I've had.

What if there was a acorn salad?

It wouldn't be a stand alone beer.

there are lots

Fuck you for bumping a better thread off the board you meming cuck.

It's possibly called Cider and it's the closest you'll get.

I'm betting this in fact exists.

>germans invent beer
>americans discover it
>drink "american" beer
>tastes like sweet piss, almost no alcohol, shittons of unnessecary added calories

Why do they keep that shit? I mean what's the point? Same with american "mustard" or american "cheese", what's their problem?

>Why do they keep that shit?
*Why do they keep doing that shit?

>inventing beer

Bad shitpost, at least do a little homework next time.


>Leinenkugels pls go

mashed potatis?

Beer was invented in the middle east.

>Middle East
Africa is the Middle East, user.

I know. What's your point? The had beer in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia.

Is this bait or just American education?

Did you accidentally click post too soon? What's your point?

>Africa is the Middle East, user.



and here's a raspberry because fuck you

jesus christ uneducated fucking idiots like you piss me off to no end. german beer is boring stagnant bullshit that hasnt changed in 500 years literally. american made beer makes up 99% of the top 500 rated beers in the world. that is a fact based on tens of thousands of educated beer enthusiasts tastes. america is so far ahead of the rest of the world in beer it's actually pathetic

the beer appears to be of the reddit persuasion.

Blueberries aren't a standalone fruit.

check out multibrasse, there's a blueberry beer but it is not the best fruit beer I had