Guys what the hell is with all the blueberry talk?

Guys what the hell is with all the blueberry talk?

the blueberry lobby finally got enough money to afford dial-up

They're coming back into season in the US right now.

They're not a standalone fruit.

They've finally done it. Of all the industries, I never expected BIG BLUEBERRY to come and take over.

You're witnessing an awful meme being forced

It's not a standalone meme.

ck has no mods.

bullshit it doesn't

there was just a BBC special on blueberries and now all the britcucks are coming out of the woodwork to finally try a flavorful food, must be tired of boiled chicken and toast sandwiches

>the quality of posts is important

The only reason a mod will ban around here is if you got in an argument with him, usually over his favorite junk food

Daily reminder that progun, the attention whoring, junk food loving ham planet from flyover land, has been a mod for several years now

>prgun is a mad
prove it

He stopped tripping but still posts

Mods aren't allowed to bring attention to themselves

But how do you know this?

Toast Sandwiches? Too spicy for me, just regular old ice cube sandwich for me.

unlike a based kiwi

>the blueberry lobby finally got enough money to afford dial-up

maybe this had something with the 5-6 threads on Veeky Forums about blue wild beer from the A.B group...


They might be the nu-meme berry like acai was.


If they cared about the quality of posts they would delete this board

Blueberries are cute. CUTE.

you're cuter than those silly berries :3c

Blueberries aren't blue inside, that fucked me up. Haven't eaten em since

>aren't blue inside
There are different types of blueberries.Try some wild ones. They are blue inside. At least here in Scandinavia.

blueberry flavouring makes everything taste better


>blueberry, orange and toothpaste.

Veeky Forums went to shit
Too much /pol/ and too many memes

ABInBev is viraling some fake-indie fruit beer.

BIG BLUEBERRY fucccccccccck me thats funny

