Guys listen to me, this is the best shit i ever tried in my life

guys listen to me, this is the best shit i ever tried in my life

i could literally drink 10 liters of it every day

are you very fat or is your hand very small

turn the can over. i bet the best thing in your life you just found is "sugar"

The best thing I found in my life is anime

my autism demands i post this image in higher res

fuck off brit scum

>Not going to Asian stores and buying the huge green bottles

Step it up, user.

Wow youre so smart and insightful

Get this from your local azn store.

>>ITT: fucking dumbshit american discovers ancient asian piss water

>Piss water
Your opinion is invalid, aloe vera is delicious. I don't approve of the grape flavour though.

I don't know why, but everytime I got my hands on this and when I drink it, it just seems fucking disgusting to me. Not the taste itself, but I got something in the back of my mind like...this has to be made in place where no hygiene restrictions are obided. I know it's bullshit but I always imagine how some chinks just put those chunks of aloe with their bare hands in the can.

Ausfag here.
I've tried all the different brands I can get my hands on, including those from Korean supermarkets, but this is by far my favourite.
Do yourselves a favour and buy some if it is available where you are.

>Drinking burn cream

This can't be safe/healthy.

aloe vera is incredibly healthy actually

It's almost like you want internal sun burns.

Was about to call you a faggot when I realised I have tasted this one and it's actually pretty good

The strawberry version of that is so fucking good.

When I was small I thought aloe vera tastes like these, what a horrible disappointment :(

The skin tastes like shit, and is apparently isn't good for you to eat. The innerpart tastes like nothing but adds a nice texture to yogurt and drinks.
IMO the species like pic related is the easiest to clean the skin and yellow blood from the skin off of to get the neutral tasting gel.

That looks the same as the stuff I get from the Asian grocer
I don't get it often because I heard eating too much aloe is bad for your butt