The one the guy cooked didn't look like a steak at all

The one the guy cooked didn't look like a steak at all.

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Apparently corporate restaurants often use meat glue.

Honestly, the first time I've ever seen it used in North America was at the flagship location of a trendy corporate group. It was hilariously bad. One of their "specials" was a bone in piece from what appeared to be a short rib, attached to a filet. It didn't even look it belonged to the same animal. They even tried to convince me it was standard practice. The majority of their ribeyes and a few strips were glued in some form. End pieces being stitched together, mis-butchered pieces being repaired. I'm led to believe it's common. However, I've never seen smaller independent restaurants using it, and they're quite simple to identify.

>steak tends to tear apart around non-fat seams
>changing grain
>irregular grain or warping(generally if the 2 pieces have dissimilar marbling)

>wah wah enzymes waaaaaaaaah

this guy is a huge fucking idiot

where is the evidence that any restaurant is doing this deceptively

I suspect Aldi in the UK does this with their filet I brought them once and they started coming apart down the middle.

The issue is not the enzymes but the saftey aspect when cooking.

The outside of a cut of meat will likely have some bacterial growth, that is not an issue as it will not spread into the meat and therefor the insides can be left blue, rare etc and it is no problem.

The issue comes when the "outside" is now on the inside where heat cannot kill the bacteria off if you cook the meat rare or blue.

i guess supermarkets shouldn't be selling burgers or sausages then


Added salt helps to prevent bacterial growth, also no-one leaves sausages rare in the middle, and although some leave hamburgers pink the salt content and mild heat should generally be enough as long as the meat is not too old.

the salt is not a significant factor, sausages and burgers are seasoned, not cured.

clearly you can do formed meat products safely. as long as they are prepared in safe environments and made to certain standards.

this is a conspiracy theory. there's no evidence of people being made sick or eating deceptively labelled food fabricated with meat glue.

>there's no evidence of people being made sick or eating deceptively labelled food fabricated with meat glue

Improper labelling and selling as premium meat.

Getting sick, much harder to prove with something so small scale.

i've seen that video before and it's clearly sensationalist nonsense, not evidence.

>gloves and mask to handle enzymes
>expects to be taken seriously

Its not evidence, but it would be naive to think that no-one is selling meat glued products as the real deal.

Especially since these bits of news are all over the internet.

>Being this much of an idiot

I suppose you'd wear gloves when working with microorganisms too?

its only purpose is to denature flesh proteins you mong of course you don't want to be caked in it inside and out

>Its not evidence, but it would be naive to think that no-one is selling meat glued products as the real deal.

maybe that *no-one* is, but until i see actual evidence that *anyone* is i think it's naive to believe it's a serious problem just because some clickbait sites and daytime news programming in uncivilised shithole countries say it is.

>better put on my gloves and masks to protect myself from flesh dissolving enzymes

you are an idiot.

Nice reasoning m8

Would you make a rare hamburger with ground beef from a supermarket?
I wouldn't, and it's for that exact reason.

Even if you set the safety aspect aside, don't you at all resent being fed, literally, a lie?
And fucking PAYING for it?

pineapple is not an enzyme, it contains an enzyme. cherry seeds are not cyanide, they contain cyanide. when working with the powdered form of the enzyme, especially for extended periods you may want to protect your mouth and skin. when working with cyanide you sure as shit want to do that also. but feel free to eat pineapple and cherries.

yes i would

people are wayyyyyy too scared of food poisoning

>Even if you set the safety aspect aside, don't you at all resent being fed, literally, a lie?

when i see evidence of that happening, maybe i'll get annoyed. as it stands i don't have a tremendous amount of sympathy for the people buying hot dogs and turkey dinosaurs.

>Would you make a rare hamburger with ground beef from a supermarket?
Yes. I do it all the time. But then, I don't have the stomach of a little bitch, so maybe that's the difference.

>teeth always hurt when eating steak, always lodged in between
What's wrong with me? I don't have much problem with tender cuts though.

floss more

Gingivitis. Reversed by flossing

Well I know that stuff is illegal in the EU, so I can safely eat my meat medium rare

outside of the EU though, it's the third world

except in japan, japan's probably fine

Something similar happens to me, my teeth hurt after chewing meat for a long while (like on a BBQ) not because it lodges in between my teeth, but because I used braces for about 10 years and my teeth are weak as fuck. I still remember the first time I bit into an apple, fucking torture.