Alright Veeky Forums i need your culinary expertise...

Alright Veeky Forums i need your culinary expertise. Im trying to deep fry some shit but i barely have any oil (pic related). Is there a batter i can make that doesnt need more oil? I put all i have in the pot already.
For the batter i have eggs, flour, and breadcrumbs

Tl;dr im stupid and cant buy more oil for deep frying, i need an oiless batter recipe

>Is there a batter i can make that doesnt need more oil?


What are you trying to cook? You might be able to shallow-fry it instead of deep fry. But that would need fairly thin/small pieces of food.

1.5 cups flour, 3 teaspoons baking powder, 3/4 teaspoon salt, 1 beaten egg, 1 cup milk. Chicken fritter batter.

>eggs, flour, and breadcrumbs

Did you even look up a recipe, or just make something up?

It depends what you're frying, but season the flour and water down the egg a little; forget about the breadcrumbs. Go back and forth between egg and flour, shaking off excess. Shallow fry, turning over occasionally until cooked. Don't overcrowd the pan.

There's no fucking difference in the batter, just turn your food so it cooks evenly

jesus fucking christ

>there's no fucking difference in the batter

You can't shallow fry something in a heavy batter. That shit will immediately stick to the pan.

once again someone asks for a batter and all of Veeky Forums tells them to bread it instead. Does nobody know the difference between batter and breading around here? Batter is a liquid fyi

>Did you even look up a recipe, or just make something up?

Did you even read OP's post or just make something up?


Look at the ingredients OP has to work with, and then look at the post above yours.

Just mix water into some flour until it's like cream.

OP is the one I'm mainly talking about asking for a batter when all he has is breadcrumbs and eggs

Honestly just tryinng to fuck around and cook shit, probably some fried eggs and bacon have some breakfast for lunch

Also inb4 any bullshit you guys want to post, i am not a professional cook, just trying to make some good food because im bored

>probably some fried eggs and bacon
>not enough oil to deep fry

You have much more basic problems than your batter recipe, OP.

Try a smaller pot

Add water to oil to increase the surface it'll cover. Itll still deep fry

you are asking for a batter to fry shit with and say 1 inch of oil isn't deep enough and you have no more oil so need a batter recipe with no oil in it and you are frying bacon and eggs? This thread can just be deleted now.

You all need to remember, if i knew anything about cooking, the last place id go for assistance would be Veeky Forums

your dads fucking asshole you slag gtfo

Veeky Forums actually has a pretty substantial core user base of drunk line cooks who actually know what they're talking about.

Do this, op. Make sure the oil is hot before adding water otherwise it'll fuck up the batter when you fry whatever it is you're cooking

Jokes on you guys i was guy fieri this whole time

so you still need a batter recipe is what you mean


And quite a few hobbyists who are rather knowledgeable. My cooking days are over, used to run a Japanese kitchen, now I just home cook fairly casually, but I'll spend many hours researching different cuisines and techniques, so I'm usually able to contribute some good knowledge to the conversation.

If it weren't for all the shitposts, Veeky Forums would be a fantastic place to learn more about food and cooking, due only in small part to my presense. I agree that it's not a terrible community.

Veeky Forums two years ago was completely different. You would never even see the word "meme", or have constant fast food and e-celeb threads.

Are you following/participating in the Veeky Forums challenge? It's winding down, but is one of the last hold outs of old Veeky Forums, and is basically about making OC in your free time and judging others in a friendly environment.

You do not need to modify your recipe if you don't have much oil, just use an "air fryer."
Look it up if you don't know what it is. I use it and it's a lot better than regular frying.

If you have canned creamed corn and whole-kernel corn you can make corn fritters.
I've had those turn out all right in shallow oil.

>go out and buy a $100+ piece of equipment instead of a ~$10 bottle of oil

This, the oil really needs to be really hot before you add the water though. Problem solved.

no it won't you fucking retard

Are you also going to suggest throwing in a handful of ice cubes to test the temperature of the oil?

>being on Veeky Forums and not owning an air fryer
What kind of frying oil costs $10?

OP that's too much oil. You need maybe half of that.

Remember it's called deep frying because it was invented by John Deep, not because you need a lot of oil.

Also, the best way for your food to absorb all the oil nutrients is to use cold oil, put what you wanna fry in, then turn on the fire after.

>John Deep

Literally just plagiarized Kevin Confit's method and fucked up the temperature. I hate this John deep was a genius meme

>trying to deep fry bacon and eggs for breakfast

Did it ever occur to you that you could just use oil like a normal human being instead of pouring it into a pot for no reason and then throwing a fit?

Pretty sure this guy hasn't used a stove in his life

>confirmed for never shallow frying

If the oil is hot enough it won't.

Go shallow fry some chicken tonight, it's much easier and more convenient than deep frying. Honestly frying shit in general is pretty idiot proof. Just fill it with less than an inch of oil and flip when one side is done.

You seemed to have missed the point about the batter. Throw something battered into half an inch of oil and the batter will immediately stick to the pan before it has a chance to set on the food.

I've worked in restaurants where I've both deep fried and shallow fried hundreds of dishes every night and know what I'm talking about. Link a video of someone shallow frying fish and chips and maybe I'll reconsider my opinions.

Fair enough.