Can we all once and for all agree that pasteurized cheese tastes different, and at that...

Can we all once and for all agree that pasteurized cheese tastes different, and at that, significantly worse than unpasteurized?

Of course it does.

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It tastes different, but not every single style of cheese is worse pasteurized.

Food is better when it's diverse.

Wisconsin cheese isn't UHT pasteurized and ultrafiltered and enzymatically denatured before extruding into animal shapes for sale at the combination fireworks and porn store because of diversity, silly cleetus. It's to permit picky eaters who get explosive volcano shits from being in the same room as real food from suing the Sargento corporation for selling cheese with obvious manufacturing defects, such as flavor.

Is that is that some current issue in the USA? I don't know what you're currently doing over there.

I was talking more generally from the PoV of a swiss (tons of cheese - our own cheeses plus a lot of good stuff from all over Europe).
Various pasteurized cheeses also are really good, even if I most often eat raw milk cheese.

The FDA does, in general, not allow unpasteurized cheese, you have to make an appeal to sell it.

Good post

Do they regard it as public health risk or something?

Kinda odd, unless you do unhygienic shit during production, raw milk cheese is really about as safe as food gets.

>Do they regard it as public health risk or something?
yes. american FDA is clearly a meme factory.

It's dangerously delicious

You guys are nasty, cheese smells like an old man's ass

You should try some of the new Wisconsin microcheeseries stuff, it's specially designed to be non-threatening and boring. This isn't 1987, we have the micro cheese now!

I agree it is unlikely to compare with the best in class for a specific classic variety.

Now, can you agree that it's a fantasy that high enough quality ingredients and quality control can prevent the much more frequent recalls unpasteurized cheeses have? Reblochon gets recalled nearly once a year.

In the general case I can not agree, d'Affinois is one of the most popular soft cheeses around. More producers need to try to optimize cheeses for processed milk, without just trying to imitate specific classics.

WIDF on suicide watch

Apparently so?

Most of the Europe and other places eat raw milk cheese basically without any issues.

No fun allowed?

People will always do unhygienic shit during production. Especially the artisinal folks with their old timey methods and working environments.


It was lobbied for by the dairy industry in order to put small time cheese producers out of business.

> Now, can you agree that it's a fantasy that high enough quality ingredients and quality control can prevent the much more frequent recalls unpasteurized cheeses have?
It's a fantasy that most of Europe is living with more people.

Maybe you're right that it leads to *more* recalls somehow, but it doesn't lead to many recalls.

[Plus for the most part that means that they just decide the fecal contamination on pasteurized milk or whatever has been filtered / boiled off well enough that they don't have a big risk of getting sued. I wonder if we want that, even if it is arguably somehow workable.]

You say that, but we didn't have any big public health issues.

The government just has to inspect both the cheeses and the companies to keep things hygienic.

And see, even if some artisan fucked up (which we shouldn't actually allow, it's not hard to stay clean during production), the bacteria involved in making cheese cheese still typically easily keep you safe enough.

Uh, yeah we do. Most of them are from overproduction of heavily processed cheap foods too. About double the rate they have in Europe

>fireworks and porn store
How can I emigrate to your great country?

Combination fireworks and cheese shops are only found in Wisconsin. Just book a flight to Menomonie county municipal airport (six connections the last one involving a bush pilot flying a Saab 340 or some shit like that), and impregnate the first impressionable flyover you meet at a dive bar. Since few Wisconsinites have left the state let alone encountered a foreigner, having any kind of "exotic" accent will make you seem wildly sophisticated even if it's a lower class accent back home.

Since mudwesterns are obsessed with "family values" and abortion is a sin, you'll be married in no time. Congrats, free green card!

> About double the rate they have in Europe
For context: I am the swiss user, with the frequent consumption of raw milk cheese.

I don't doubt that when you don't regulate and control food production and processing companies well enough, they become very unhygienic.


Pasteurization is a great way to salvage a literally shitty milk. You never know what you get, you only know it's safe for consumption.

Non pasteurized milk requires higher quality standings overall.

Looks pretty good to me

Is that a fucking joke? Does Wisconsin counterfeit camembert not ripen?

>American cheese


It's not regulated if you just sell it in state. The FDA can't touch it. I see it at farmers market regularly.

Seriously, I thought we figured that shit out in 1906 after they published pic related. We've done a lot since then, but I guess the American public would rather be forced to have everything pasteurized and tasteless rather than unpasteurized and produced with some modicum of purity.

Damn government won't infringe my right to sell milk mixed with cow shit, this is supposed to be the land of the free.

This made me realize that I've literally never tried unpasteurized cheese because I live in a shit small town in the states.

What am I missing out on?

not much. which isn't to say that its not amazing. but like chicken sashimi, while good you don't have to kill yourself for not ever trying it. Your life isn't ruined. if you get a chance, do it. if you don't? don't listen to a bunch of eurocucks try to sell you the meme that americans eat nothing but velveta and kraft singles.

No. Because its not true.


holy fuck that word is going straight in my filter

Murray's from NY will ship cheese, give their website a look

I particularly recommend Jasper Hill's raw milk cheeses

unpasteurized master race

if the cheese is made in wooden barrels, there wouldn't be a need for pasteurization