Just picked up a bottle of Nordic Artesian water. It has a really good, fresh taste

Just picked up a bottle of Nordic Artesian water. It has a really good, fresh taste.
The downside is it cost nearly £4.

>Artesian water

Artesian water definitely tastes better than regular.

i just love how much artesian looks like artisan and how many people are probably enraged by this misunderstanding

>4 bucks
pretty good for the bottle

very trendy among instagram models and people who want to look like them

On one hand I don't understand how anybody could spend so much money for water even ironically, but on the other hand I'm even more amazed that someone got the idea "hey, let's charge a ridiculous amount of money for something that everyone can get for out of their tap for next to nothing" and it worked.

Hae you ever travelled? not even to other countries, but to other states and cities?

Aside from the huge ones like mexico or india, you should still never trust foreign tap water unless you are in a city. some places just have straight poison coming out. buying bottled water is a necessity some times. that being said, I fucking love my nyc tap water and should start bottling and selling this shit.

>>paying 4 dollars when they're 1 dollar down south.
Also I bought one, dumped out the water and it's a pretty good water bottle, super not into asswater flavoring though -was glad I only spent 1 dollar on a good bottle though.

Enjoy your norwegian tap water

it's not poison you fucking retard
foreign water has foreign organisms your gut isn't accustomed to so you'll get sick but natives won't

I'm pretty sure this £4 water is sold in places where the tap water is just fine or "normal" bottled water is way cheaper.

Pleb water.

I saw this at my grocery store

what's the deal

hipster appealing packaging and recyclable.

Id buy 1 bottle then just refill it with water from home. I like the bottle look though

Do you use this to water homegrown coconut trees?

Sorry, meant to say homemade

VOSS was a meme drinking wather in meme areas in the south of France 10 years ago.
you're a decade too late, good user

The latest meme to get white girls to pay $3 for a liter of average water that they can take pictures with

It's supposed to be about the environment or something but it costing that much is going to dissuade any sane person from buying it as more than a one-time novelty.

Tastes like crap I only buy in for the bottle

its a good idea and the creator will probably retire young and rich. wish i had thought of it first. like the fuckers selling cans of compressed "clean vacation resort mountain air" and selling them at a premium.

take $1 from every vegan, hipster, faggot and princess and retire young

I can buy a 1.5 bottle of artesian water from a local spring for what, 18 rubles?

It's better.

Any sort of European bottle water is better because of pH. The general Westerner has a very acidic diet due to consuming lots of meats and processed food. You would rather have a balanced pH, so one of the popular ways to pushing back towards a balance is through water, where Europeans generally have more basic water. So any bottled European water is better than American bottle water, which is shockingly very acidic, especially Aquafina and Dasani. Ironically, tap water is generally rather neutral, so tap water is also a good choice.

This shit is actually delicious.

>Artesian water

What's wrong with artesian water?

It tastes much purer than tap water.

>artesian water

Why is it ok to hate on white girls like this?

white girls buy all the stupid shit

they are literally only the reason why companies make stupid shit

I'd really like to hear the thought process behind this post.

There's more to it than that, if you drank bottled water regularly you'd notice there's a faint plastic taste that gets more pronounced if you, say, leave it in the sun for a few days.
So yeah, its better because you're not ingesting dissolved plastic.

>needs to be explained why artesian water is retarded and for retards

artesian is not artisan you idiot(s)

>water from an aquifer is retarded?
Care to explain, cuntwit?


I hear it's popular in japan......


What do you think that package is made out of? Just cardboard? It's a tetrapak it has literally been boiled inside a plastic bag

> 2016
> Not drinking Dehydrated Water

Stay Pleb

I know i'm an idiot, but i can't tell if there actually is something in that can or not.

My sister only buys "smart water"

is it a powder? a liquid? why do you need water to make this? is more water created? so many questions, so little time

>falling for the bottled water meme

It's all about the marketing and knowing what the target audience is like.

Just buy one bottle and refill it with Brita water.

Funny since it's basically the exact same thing as well water anywhere in the northern US, Canada or Scandinavia.

At least in North America that's part of why our beer is so good.

It's in a can and it's a novelty item.

non plastic, you know since plastic bottles are not degradable

good for the environment and all that shit, if you care

what the fuck
is this real?

Is it better than Diamond water

Yall niggers would be better off spending the money on charcoal filters or better yet some reverse osmosis machine.

I have a story relevant to this thread.

Anyone from the UK will know Harrogate Spa bottled water. It's not the cheap shitty tap water stuff, but it's not expensive either. Just your typical everyday water, basically on the same level as Evian.

When I went to Russia, I went to a restaurant and every table had two fancy 100 ml glass bottles of Harrogate Spa water that cost £1.50 each (bear in mind that £1.50 is even more in Russia than it is here).

Really made me think. What's typical water to for us, is really fancy when put in a glass bottle and sold in a foreign country. Ever since then I've been suspicious of all these fancy water brands imported from foreign countries like Voss. For all I know, in Norway Voss is just a typical brand that normal people drink every day.

dum dum

>Get all the breaking fake Apple news at scoopertino.com

Yeah bro seems legit you fucking retard.

is it worth it to get a really nice filter? any recommendations?

Do they not have schools your country ?

>For all I know, in Norway Voss is just a typical brand that normal people drink every day.
It is literally our tap water and the water we shower in.

This, I bought one more than a year ago for the bottle and still use it every day
The water tasted like any other bottled water ie better than tap water but not worth paying for

>it's our WC toilet water

what the actual fuck, pH 9.5? thats fucking caustic.

>implying you wouldn't drink the water that a cute swedish blonde washes her furry and shitriddled ass crack with

I mean, if carbonated water can have a pH of around 3.5, I think 9.5 is just as "okay" to drink

Baking Soda has a similar pH level, stop freaking out.

Tfw evian is expensive tier water in my country. Fuck that I am not paying more than 25 cents on my water