
>flavour profile
>comfort food

>low fat


>"hidden gem"



>all natural

taking a shit is all natural too

Literally all those things except guilt free evoke something specific regarding food.

Stop being such an utter philistine and be grateful that gastronmic terms such as these are coming into the mainstream.

>tastes good
>is solid
>isn't fucking cold ravioli with barbecue sauce

Just stop it with these, how about you accept that some people have a refined pallette and you don't?

What's wrong with savoury? Or meaty?
>flavour profile
Explain to me how the word 'profile' is neccessary?
>comfort food
As opposed to uncomfortable food?

Umami has its own connotations in my mind, but it's not a necessary word.

Flavor and Flavor Profiles are two different things.

A food's texture is not necessarily the same as its mouthfeel, but they are close.

Now you're just being stupid.

>im a super taster

>a real, seperate flavor
>relating to any other of these terms

Are you brain damaged? You don't like people calling food salty as well?






>I got synesthesia. I see colors when I eat.

It doesn't matter if any of these terms refer to specific things or not (they don't)

The point is, they make you sound like a cunt

But that's a real thing. I've always associated colors with letters and numbers.

>Deep dish

>how the word 'profile' is neccessary?
The profile is the result of many flavors working together to create the specific taste of the dish. The way you might fish sauce, sugar and chilies part of the signature of SEA food, or lime juice, onion, cilantro and serrano chili specific to some Mexican cuisine.You can easily evoke Punjabi cuisine with cumin, coriander, turmeric, onion and a little tomato. Saute onion, pepper, and celery with a little garlic, tomato, chili and some oregano (or thyme) and you're setting up a profile that's distinctly Cajun.

This shit is real.

>pan seasoning

well, umamy is a stupid word for westerners to adopt, and it might sound cocky under the right circumstances, but I refuse to stop using it for this reason. People need to get used to it.
I'm also ok with the term "comfort food". But whatever.

This nigger never used a cast iron pan.

Less of a concept in Western cuisine, to be sure. Huge thing in Asia, particularly China. Nobody eats sea cucumber for the taste, and no one gnaws chicken feet because they're so damned meaty. These foods are popular in China because the Chinese find the specific way eating them feels to be pleasurable.

In Western culture you find something similar in oenology, people talk about how a wine feels in the mouth, using words like "round" or sometimes even "oily".