Worst fruit tbh


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>comes in its own packaging
>fits perfectly in the human hand
>tastes fucking great
>goes with tons of foods
Fuck you OP, you're a faggot.

try again

>no flavor
>almost inedible skin

That'd be you, OP

>comes in its own packaging
>fits perfectly in the human hand
(see pic)
>tastes fucking great
>goes with tons of foods

Banana is the only fruit that is intimately tied to hominid evolution and the coevolution of our gut microbiome. Our connection to bananas goes back to the times when we were still on trees. Thus it is known that bananas are highly prebiotic due to their combined content of fructans, inulin and RS2 resistant starch, all of which selectively feed symbiotic strains of bacteria that produce butyrate, help digestion of other fiber and ward off pathogens by creating a more acidic gut environment. Bananas are by far the healthiest fruit to consume for these reasons.

And yes, I know that the Cavendish is a domesticated fruit, but that has no effect on the things I said.

Any articles on this topic you can share?

God I hate them so much

They're only good peeled and because they're dirt cheap


Wrong, the healthiest fruit is actually grapefruit

This. Raw apples are fucking gross, but baked into desserts they're delicious.



The fuck is that thing?

How do you even eat that?

Cut it in half and eat the stuff in the middle.

Coffee & a banana
Best work week breakfast

Are talking about Red Delicious, or apples in general? Because if it's the last one, you're fag

>I've never had a fresh apple in my life


Granny Smith apples for life, fight me faggot.

Everyone likes them because they are so full of sugar and they like to pretend they are being healthy.

If bananas were to disappear overnight it would have zero impact on my life.

I'm partial to Big Macintoshes myself. I think they've got a strong taste, but also a bit of shyness to them.

Bananas are actually healthy, though. They do a great job at helping your digestion.

Unless you take heart meds

Are you about to start RPing?


No one cares you fucking faggot

[spoiler]Do you want me to sugarcube?[/spoiler]

Dude what? Bananas come from the far reaches of Asia bordering into Australia. We didn't get to them until we were finally human

If someone posted a pineapple would you ask the same thing?

Use some common sense at least apply/extrapolate from some life experience. If the outer looks prickly or dis-inviting then just maybe it's the insides which are eaten!

wow we do care so much.
care to link to your blog?

so much shit to get rid of after you eat it, too sweet, and anything you put it in becomes too sweet

There are breeds of oranges that aren't so sweet. They're fantastic

you mean grapefruit? the superior citrus

But those are awful famity

Reminder: Apples are one of the most common items people CHIP their teeth on. Do NOT bite into an apple. Slice it up if you must eat it.

how the fuck can you chip your tooth on an apple

Maybe Americans think of candy apples as regular apples

put a little sugar on it. good as fuck.

>putting sugar on fruit
>de americans

>ive never macerated fruit before

you get that awesome grapefruit juice you can just drink out of the bowl. good as fuck.

Australian pasttime actually youtu.be/TmDRmr_KFu4?t=126


thankfully im allergic to that shit (raw)

Pomelo >>>>> grapefruit

Aussies are irl shitposters as well

absolute madman

Cavandash is shit

Kinda related question:

Is their legitimately a fruit that isn't healthy? Like obviously anything can be bad in extreme excess, and people with certain conditions should avoid some things. But is their really a fruit that is "unhealthy" as something like chips or sweets might be considered?

Somebody send that cunt to Nauru.

>a bunch of sheltered fags post normal everyday fruits and spout hyperbole: the thread

Laughing desu

also grapes with seeds
pitted cherries

>The smell evokes reactions from deep appreciation to intense disgust, and has been described variously as rotten onions, turpentine, and raw sewage.
>raw sewage

Concord > red > green

i would farm these all the time in animal crossing.

Chips and sweets are considered unhealthy because they're calorie dense with little other nutrition. There is no fruit that is devoid of vitamins, and I doubt any of them are as calorie dense.

fuck yourself dude

What hogwash. No one ever got fat eating fruit.

Eat more walnuts and salmon.

>great for whacking off with
>great for sticking in your puss/ass

I've never been obese, but used to eat a lot of fruit and lost weight when I cut them out.

Oral allergy syndrome?

I started getting allergy shots about a year ago and i can eat raw fruits and veggies again!

Bad angle

Makes you think about how hungry the first persom who ate that was to stomach the smell

Grapefruits are assholes. That bitter flavor is the fucker trying to poison you.
Also, non-gmo bananas are worse than ass cancer.

what does mealy mean exactly?

Bad hygiene.

Yeah bananas are gay. They also give you constipation if you eat them too much because potassium

Perfect opinion the post.

A big pinecone

> ITT: fags missing out on the greatest fruit/seed/nut of all time.

Srsly f.a.m?

Why are some Cocanuts green and others brown and furry?

i don't like apples, but think that's just because i've never had good ones.

either red delicious that were mealy as fuck, or granny smiths that were sour and hard as fuck.

i guess it's wrong for to write-off apples until i try the best of the best.

wait til you see the orange ones

I bite into jawbreakers, only those with shitty teeth chip theirs

>but think that's just because i've never had good ones.
Are you american and buy your apples from the supermarket?
Then you 100% never had a apple that was good for anything else besides looking like the plastic toy version of a 110% perfect cartoon rendition of how an apple in the abastract does look like.
fuck, those plastic fuckers even are becoming more and more of a thing in Europe too.

But a proper apple, fresh from my own tree of some old variety, that was bred for taste and not for looks…

Damn, getting hungry.

We grow fresh apples, but I also live in Washington state. Eastern Washington is known for their Apples. We get amazing apples around here.

Worst fruit is grapefruit. It's so sour you'd have to add a cup of sugar to make it edible and even then it tastes like shit.

I've eaten apples straight from an orchard. They fucking suck. All apple foods are good as shit though. I have a big jar of apple butter in my fridge.

Grapefruit is perfect without sugar.

Medicine doesn't play nice with grapefruit.

Durian is pretty much the only source of large amounts of magnesium that is not in pill form.



Fruits can actually be unhealthy and dangerous.

Betel Nuts are fruits that contain psychoactive substances and can cause oral cancer.

So yes, there are fruits that are harmful by default.

... you never had decent apples i assume.

Fuji apples are the only apples worth eating. They are beyond amazing. All others are shit. Fujis are sweet, crisp, juicy, and smell nice.

Bananas suck but there are way worse fruits out there. Try a horned melon, thats a shitty ass nasty fruit right there.
cherries are beyond amazing you are a faggot
try Satsumas they are everything an orange was meant to be but they only grow in Louisiana

he's specifically talking about red delicious I think

Yeah it's only raw apples and cherries that I have an issue with, so I don't really mind as much.

it's true. Plus the worst foods are very often the best for your body.

Some fruits have a lot of natural sugar in them as well. Hence why people who are extremely overweight are told to not include them in their diet. Apples in particular.

worst fag desu


OJ though. All that blood stream carpet bombing with huge doses of fructose every morning, without fail. All these diabetic morons who meant good.

nah theyre pretty good but I dont eat em often

i eat like one red delicous everyday. they're like candy dude what is wrong with you

the fruit itself is fine but anything cherry flavored tastes like medicine

theyre okay but not worth the effort

i like the brown ones better because the water tastes only slightly less good and you can actually eat it

good in a lot of things but terrible eaten alone

my vote goes to custard apple. its all the wrong kinds of sweet. it's nauseating

Because you touch yourself at night.

>ctrl-f dates
Medjool dates are good shit, I could eat them by the pound.

I really don't enjoy trying to eat pineapple or coconut. So much work, so little payoff.

Holy shit that takes me back.

tomatoes are absolute shit

a fruit that tastes like a vegetable is an absolute disgrace

its only tolerable when used as an ingredient where it's absolutely destroyed in the process, leaving no chunks, seeds, etc and its "taste" is drowned out by everything else thrown in

It's healthy, it's extremely inexpensive in most places, and takes about three seconds to eat, so even if you dislike the taste you can scarf it down in one go anyway.

bananas make really good homemade popsicles with some almond milk and sugar.

Grapefruits are objectively inferior knockoffs of the original.

>you will never get to eat a Gros Michel banana