Where have all the red sticks gone?

Where have all the red sticks gone?

>He doesn't remember the red spreader incident of 2006

Wooo boy, you are in for a tale. I'll give you the rundown.
>Lisa Harris, age 8, is eating a Handi-Snacks™ during snack time at Ridgeview Elementary in Illinois
>David Crocker, age 8, approaches Harris with a toy spider
>Harris is shocked and swallows the spreader, which lodges into her throat
>Harris has her airway obstructed, and the actions of the teacher and other staff were not able to free the spreader before rescue workers arrive
>Harris dies on the way to the hospital
>Harris's family sues Mondelez International for 2.6 Million
>Mondelez discontinues the use of spreader sticks with their snacks

Or, you know, they probably did it because it's a waste of material.

what a dumb kid. thank god she didn't spread her weakness to the next generation.

dunkaroos were true inovaters

Why was the spreader in her mouth?

>your child dies in a freak accident
>"well better make the most out of this and make millions" t. parents

Fucking disgusting

they aren't gluten free

meh last time i went to the asian market i got some poki, it was chocolate, almond poki and it tasted pretty good.
I remember poki being hot garbage, next time im getting the strawbery cream one

>child dies eating plastic spoon
>huge deal, 2.6 million dollars, no more plastic spoons
and yet there is no justice for the victims of capitalism


Money won't bring back your little girl.

>He wouldn't sue a company for millions of dollars

transferring cheese to piehole

according to my research handi-snacks are still packaged with the red spreader

dad is a lawyer and his friend lost a 16 year old son to some retard in a bike when he and his friends got off the car in a freeway to change a flat tire, they where suing the insurance and the guy wanted to give every penny to charity but then he found out he has terminal cancer and his wife doesnt work and they have 4 kids, oldest one 14


Aren't you supposed to transfer cheese to cracker?

until some little shitbird eats the plastic doohickey

what the fuck man

They're still around, I actually had these a couple of days ago.

Here's the original, not shit version of that

better and more efficient in every way possible.

Yeah but those little breadsticks taste like shit compared to the big crackers.

no they don't, they taste like bleached asshole, which is actually pretty good.


Breadsticks are much better than the crackers, thicker and more satisfying to eat.

I wish they still made the pretzel ones. My parents bought a pack of them at Costco once when I was in grade 1 or so, and then they got discontinued. :(