>I prefer water with my meals
I prefer water with my meals
>dumb frog poster
Am I autistic because I don't drink while eating? I don't like solids and liquid to mix.
Yes you are.
>I'll have a soda please
Fuck off frog poster
>Oh, no sparkling water with my meal please. I don't like overly """""fancy""""" drinks like that lol
you don't know my struggles dumb froggie. drinking anything else makes it 10x harder for me to eat. I have a ~~~condition~~~
i like water
You don't have to. You can just drink after swallowing.
no, I too eat first, drink second
Soda enhances the flavor of some food.
Coffee and/or juice with breakfast, soda when I go out to eat, and water for just about everything else.
I really only drink water.
I think it was growing up in a fat household where everyone drank 1000 cals of soda a day that sort of scarred me. I'll have the occasional soda, lemonade, or other flavored drink but mainly I drink black or iced coffee and water.
>people who drink milk with meals
usually go with milk or nothing myself
Don't really like soda or water with dinner. soda is good for hangovers and water is better for when I'm at work
Wine with dinner, but water every other time
water is godtier though
don't drink water
it rusts pipes
I drink the blood of my enemies' slain children and babies
I drink water with all meals, I can't understand why you would ever drink anything else.
The only time I don't is once every 3 months when I go to kfc and get a meal deal with a pepsi
Do americans really drink coke and milk with their home cooked meals and not a beautiful crisp cold glass of fluoridated tap water?
>muh sugar water
I reckon macro beer is more wholesome.
>*dies of gastric hemorrhage*
Only time I drink soda is while I'm eating sushi.
Wasabi and soy blends perfectly with a coke for some reason.
While eating "husmanskost", home cooked swedish food, it's milk all the way.
>I prefer cum with my meals.
Sorry OP not all of us enjoy the taste of semen
Fuck you.