Budweiser renames its beer

budweiser renames its beer...

>outrage thread.

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Nah, pretty accurate representation of America.

>Extremely well done presentation, all the effort in the world done to make it appealing and attractive
>Owned by foreigners
>The actual product is the most watery, disgusting and weak brew you have ever tasted
>the best jokes about it are how it is "like sex in a boat: fucking close to water" and "you don't buy budweiser, you're just renting it"
>Getting beaten in its home market, the United States, by imported Mexican beer

America is a shitty meme

OP here.

I'm disappointed by how this thread went.

maybe if you'd provided a source and some info

It's just a temporary rename for a marketing stunt.

Not an outrage, a plea.
A plea to drink it again.


Nice gets, but it's a shame that you're such a tremendous faggot

i might buy a can just to have, since it's only renamed through the election

Fat patriotic Americans drinking shitty beer for a shitty political system


Why outrage? I'll buy a case. The only reason I don't buy bud is because I have a better alternative. The novelty of the america cans is cool though.

Pisses off all the idiots who hate their own country, so I don't mind.


Watery and weak, yes.

Disgusting, no. That belongs to Miller.

Miller lite > bud
Both are good though

>Both are good though

Belgium was a mistake

At least they won't discredit Budweiser anymore. The real one, here in Europe.

That's a funny way to spell 'weak gassy piss'.

They are though. For macros they're both good. I'm not comparing these to anything other than other macros, and I'd say they're both good.

Who even drinks non-light macro American beers anyway?

Budweiser is way better than Budlight

Ditto Coors Banquet over Coors light

I much prefer craft, but if you can't knock down at least 6 Budweisers you're not a real man.

>alcohol makes you a man
Nice memeing

>le straight edge face