'sup co/ck/suckers

'sup co/ck/suckers.

Basically I have cooked $100 worth of weed into butter which i then cooked into biscuits. But I used too much bi-carb soda and it tastes horrible.

My plan now is to crush up the biscuts and make them into a whole new snack to disguse the flavor. I don't know, maybe brownies or a cake or something.

Suggestions? Obviously, trashing the biscuts is not an option. What can I use to disguse the taste?

you should smoke em.

cake pops are basically crumbs mixed with icing and formed into balls, so do those. the icing will make them super sweet.

Crumble cake

Baking powder is typically used instead of yeast only in cases where the product has a strong primary taste that can hide the chemical taste of the soda. Typically this is achieved with sweetness (i.e. generous sugar) and flavored liquid (i.e. milk) and fat (i.e. butter), such that soda is primarily used in cakes, pastry, soft cookies, pancakes, etc.; but savory options are possible too (garlic/onion, aromatic veggies, cured smoked meats, cheese)

best bet..

learn to fucking cook next time faggot

Just remove the pot from the butter

Add more butter and make it into a pie crust

crumble them and use it as a base for a tart, cheesecake or pie.

I am a chemist and I know how to isolate THC from organic matter. But you will also get fat in the isolated mixture from the butter since they are both lipid soluble.

Make icecream sandwiches
Ice them
Try punching them with a sweet liqueur
Gag em down cause fuck it's a cookie and you get stoned....




Use a food processor to grind them into crumbs, mix with melted butter, a little sugar, and some sort of flavoring. Vanilla or almost extract will work.

Press your buttery crumbs into a cheesecake pan and make yourself some cheesecake. Chocolate chip would probably work, as would a pumpkin cheesecake with a nutella swirl on top.

>'sup co/ck/suckers
Heeey! What's up co/ck/ su/ck/er motherfu/ck/er!

gotta decarbox your weed first bro otherwise it's mostly useless. then simmer it into butter for 45min but some people do that for up to 4 hours. the longer the better.

strain the plant matter out and chuck it. some psychos smoke it but it's nasty. let butter set in the fridge. use on anything you use butter for.

I've gotten high from eating:

>Mac n Cheese
>Vegemite Grilled cheese
>just wrapping a chunk in salami and eating it
>mixing into cream and adding to coffee


Just fucking eat it. Cannabutter tastes like shit, I would've just put it on crackers and eaten them.

Just like taking a slug of cheap whiskey, it's not about the taste.

Crush them up and put into ice cream.
Frost them
Blend and use crumbs for a pie crust or cheesecake or something.
Or maybe make a granola bar.

And then fucking kill yourself for fucking up a basic pot cookie.

What the fuck? Why would you make a tincture of bitter-ass herb with rum? If you're going for high alcohol content, use everclear. I would use a neutral spirit over anything cask aged.

That being said, I would try a gin-infused one, because maybe the floral taste would meld with the bud.


Simmering for four hours is gonna burn off all that thx man. Simmer for twenty minutes at most and keep in a crock pot on keep warm for a couple hours. It.preserves the thc and prevents cooking it off.


>I have cooked $100 worth of weed into butter which i then cooked into biscuits

Your brain is fucked beyond repair.


Why do you say that? Depending on how much he got it for that probably the best way to go about it. Its the future man, smoking.bud is obsolete with extracts and oils and edibles out there that get you farther with less.

make bread pudding

He spent 100$ to add flavor to butter to fuck up a biscuit.


Its not a flavor you dipshit. It gets you high. Have you ever spent 100+ bucks on booze? Same thing.

>It gets you high
Nice life decisions, bro. I bet your parents are proud of you.

>Have you ever spent 100+ bucks on booze

Have you ever cooked with alcohol? It doesnt even compare you braindead stoner.

You're not being coherent.

What exactly is your problem?

>cooking with bud
Do people actually do this? That's fucking retarded. The whole point of edibles is to utilize cab or shake.


I'm only ever smoked some weed at parties but that seems like far too much weed for that many cookies?

Maybe weed is more expensive where OP lives