It's a rainy day. What are you drinking by the window?

It's a rainy day. What are you drinking by the window?

Lapsang souchong, bro

Not that weak shit you faggot.....

Boil two breakfast tea bags into a pot. Slowly add and whip in milk. Add sugar.

Royal Milk Tea

>It's a rainy day
what? over here it´s sunny as hell

it's sunny and night here.

starbucks breakfast blend in a french press
it doesn't smell that great, kinda like prunes, but it's reasonably comfy/10


Boyer's Kona Blend from a french press

Paradise Blue Sky Breakfast blend from a V60, a bowl of labneh, and a spoonful of crystallized honey

After this, shower, 2 vitamin D gelcaps, 5g creatine monohydrate, 30g casein, and I'm off to lift for 2 hours (it's an hour to the gym)

At the gym, a chocolate doughnut and 250mg of caffeine anhydrous in 16oz water


It's lovely, warm and sunny in Bongland, drinking Fosters.

Oolong, motherfucker.

Most likely, dragonwell green tea.

It's 25°C here and I just went out for a frosty Krombacher and a veal kebab from my favourite Dönerladen.
Now I'm going home to play videogames and jerk off. Feels good man.

Marxist tears.

cheetos steeped in mountain dew

That looks wonderful.

>Now I'm going home to play videogames and jerk off. Feels good man.
Thanks for that! . . .. Hows your family btw, mother OK . . .good glad to hear it!

Thanks but it's just a stock image I found on Google.

She's doing pretty well senpai. My sister finally moved out with her ugly boyfriend so now she can get some well-deserved peace and quiet. How about you?

>tea in cup
>book in hand
>cat in lap

it's slightly overcast and chilly here

rakija and tobbaco without filter

dildo in ass


I'm drinking beer on my floor.

It's been gray and rainy since April 30. They told us today would be the first day we'd see the sun. THEY FUCKING TOLD US AND THEY FUCKING LIED!

So I am drinking hot beverages exclusively until it stops being February.

>2 cups of hot coffee from a local roaster for breakfast
>Polish instant coffee with lunch
>Now: Chamomile and lavender tea with local honey

Will probably make more coffee soon. This gloomy weather makes me feel so lethargic and lazy. Local roaster related.

>Live in Ft. Macmurray.
>No rain for weeks.
>No rain expected for at least two weeks.
>Everything is on fire.
Im having a bottle of water because my fucking house burnt to the ground.

Drinking iced lychee red tea. It's sunny for the first time since the month started. I hate sunlight but I feel bad for my houseplants so I'll keep the windows open.

You should be like me and have only computers. They require neither sun nor air.

Sorry to hear that bro. You lucky enough to have someone to stay with or are you in one of the shelters?

The videos from that are some of the craziest most apocalyptic things I've ever seen, and I watched the world trade center collapse IRL, not on TV
Just think of it this way, now nothing can ever faze you

I'm drinking a nice ginseng oolong.

Even if we always say savage bants and we hate each other, I hope you stay safe Albertabro, sorry for your loss.

T. Québécfag


communism is infinitely more fedora than capitalism

fuckin bullshit smokey tea

> milk in tea

fucking disgusting

blood. tastes like metal.

probably Bigelow Constant Comment

black coffee because it's the only thing I have

Depends. Randian ancap capitalism? Not a chance in hell.

I thought you were supposed to boil tea.

stale genmaicha

basically, popcorn rice tea

>Boil two breakfast tea bags into a pot
>I thought you were supposed to boil tea

>the only thing I have
other than a funny face

Capuccino mix with extra cappuccino powder and t spoons of suger

OP's moms cunt juice
