Little Caesars employee thread. Post your greatest post-clock out creations

Little Caesars employee thread. Post your greatest post-clock out creations.

>being a wagecuck

>working at little caesars and willingly telling other people

learn some shame

I would but I don't go on Veeky Forums at all and I'm actually doing this to piss my friend off

>Being a child pretending to be an adult

As sad as it is that you work in fast food, it's even sadder that that is your greatest creation.

kill yourself underage




I once took a french fry and deep fried it

Then I covered it in beer batter and deep fried it again

Then I covered it in beer batter one more time and deep fried it again


Consulting is a wonderful thing, sorry you have no marketable skills and business connections.

is that buffalo sauce?

that looks like post-last-call munchies after i've had two or three pitchers of beer

Buffalo sauce, beef, italian seasoning, a shit ton of crazy bread butter and parmesan and a shit ton of jalapeno sauce. It pretty much is the ultimate munchie, we just got through smoking up in the back when i made that.

I'm not gonna lie, I would devour that shit.

Of course, I'm on my third bottle of Redd's Apple Ale, so I probably fit in your mindset when you made that.

Ayyy i worked at a Lil Caesars for almost 2 years when i was younger.
Fun job to go drunk or high to but wage was shit.

I used to love making Hawaiians with Jalapenos.
Or pepperonis with cheese and pepperoni stuffed crust.

Do you guys devour the pizzas that are going to get thrown out too?
We used to do that when the bosses werent there.

Used to work for pizza butt, was always funny to see the cooks make stuffed crust dicks as a nice surprise for the person at the end of the conveyor oven

Lol everyone including the managers eats the waste at the LC i work at.

Place i worked at was run by indians.
We used to hide the boxes behind the oven (out of sight of camera) and let everyone know then everyone would stuff their faces back there. Or wrap 2-4 slices into a bundle with paper towels then go into the walk-in freezer.

Lol captcha

That looks really good!

how about instead you tell me how in the fuck I can get something that delicious, because god damnit it is 4am and I'm hungry as fuck and I want something to shove my face with whenever LC opens in a few hours.

If you get something like that it's gonna be expensive as fuck. The best you can do is work at Little Caesars lol. All you have to do is ask for what you want and they'll make it.

If I'm willing to pay 12 bucks for a small Marco's 'za, then I'm willing to shell out for something like that.

That looks delicious

Well, that's my Sunday night fixed then. Pizza and cider it is!

I'm a poor Britfag though so I'll have to make the pizza myself. Can I just use Worcestershire sauce in place of Buffalo sauce?

Use some sriracha if you can m8. I love me some worsterschier but the hotter the pizza is the better.


>drinking redds

>Of course, I'm on my third bottle of Redd's Apple Ale
I hope you're a woman.

how'd your pizza adventure go user?