Hi Veeky Forums I found a tutorial on how to make your spoons look more interesting...

Hi Veeky Forums I found a tutorial on how to make your spoons look more interesting. My guests were wowed by what used to be a simple spoon

You will need:

a spoon
a lighter
duct tape or a small towel
a sink

>wrap handle of spoon in few layers of duct tape or with your towel
>hold flame from lighter or other heat source under spoon for 5+ mins, the longer the better the results
>immediately plunge spoon into running water from sink
>watch as pattern begins to run up the spoon, sometimes will warp slightly in pretty awesome ways
>enjoy the cool new look of your custom spoon

>pic related ifs what my first spoon looked like when I tried it

Don't do this, it will download a child porn virus.

I did this and it got my dog pregnant, thanks asshole.

This cured my herpes

thanks i made some really cool crystals doing this

I tried this and it killed me. Thanks Obama.

does this work with forks? i only have forks

this broke the seal on my spoon and all the metal fell out

I tried this and my aunt's uncle's anus exploded.
Not even once.

Spoons only.

This made shooting up 1000x more interesting, my fellow homeless junkies are mad jelly

Thanks OP now I have to fire my boss...

I did this with a ladle and I accidentally the whole thing

Did he tip with a rip?

I did this to three spoons labelled 1, 2 and 4.
Hilarity ensued as they went berserk looking for #3.

Thanks a lot, OP. I did this and Homeland Security raided my apartment.

thanks op. i don't have to touch myself to cum anymore


if you try this with a mattress it takes a crane to get it out

If anyone is curious this will xplode ur hand :^)

I tried this now I remembered the time that I spilled the cup of applejuice in the hall please tell mom this is not her fault

Tuck you bitch I tried this and my lighter blew up now theres a hole in my wall and my hand fell off

But then WHO WAS TYPE????!?????

other hand

Thanks, OP. I did this and now my wife's son won't talk to me

>having a wife

>how to make an improvised explosive device