""""""""people""""""""" in Chicago would call this a pizza

>""""""""people""""""""" in Chicago would call this a pizza

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There's already a Chicago pizza shitposting thread, fuckwit.

Whats with you retards hating on Chicago pizza?

do you guys like cold chicago pizza?

"""""O"""""" """"""P""""" is a faggot.

>tfw allergic to eggs

>Chicago cuck detected

>doing the reddit/Australian quotes
Why? For what purpose?

Losers that are glutegrazed about Chicago being king of the flyovers with their delicious pizza.


I can't keep track anymore; is that St. Louis cracker pizza or Detroit whatever the fuck style they have these days?


You know a lot about Reddit?

There is no style. It's either a pizza or it's not.

Don't forget an order of crazy bread to compliment your burnt meat and cheese bread squares.

>there is no style

Takes one to know one. Also, there's different styles of pizza in fucking Italy itself, assuming you think Italy has some authority over what counts as pizza.

is that quiche?

>all detroit pizza is little ceasars huuurrr

You know Little Ceasars started in Michigan right? By your logic all NYC style pizza is Sbarros

Except that Sbarros is nothing like NYC pizza, whereas every time someone posts a picture of Detroit style it looks just as shitty as Little Caesars.

I don't.

Only tourists eat pizza in Chicago. The locals get shot before they make it half way to the restaurant

What a moron you are, all ny pizza looks like this
And Sbarros started in New York

I'm pretty sure that's a picture of a quiche and not a Chicago pizza.

>way too fucking salty
>so flimsy and shitty you have to fold it in half to get a satisfying bite
>"best pizza on earth"

>all ny pizza looks like this

Just what the crossposters do on here, such as the famous reddit quotes(""""") and the reddit switcheroo (Taiwanese picture plank, etc)

>chicago "pizza"


am i the only one who prefers pie to pizza?
>better crust
>more filling
>doesnt taste like shit an hour after you made it
>it even taste better and allows you much more flexibility


That's quiche and in no way any form of pizza.

if I liquidate my shit it doesn't mean it's piss

I'm all for shitting on Chicago casserole but we already have a thread for that senpai

>flyovers will literally call this pizza



NY pizza is so fucking trash. In fact, everything about NY is fucking trash, they should just raze the place and start over again.

We never said it isn't good stupid
It just isn't Pizza

No, that's a sandwich, stupid

>I don't like slightly too caramelized cheese

N.Y pizza looks like how much you are capable to pay.

Everybody talks shit about N.Y but everybody came here and use an I love NYC or shop NYC brands when they or their parents visit N.Y.


QUICHE =/= deep dish

A good ol' pie of Lou Malnattis can not be compared to fucking brunch food.