
Making salsa today. Want to make it chunky not food processor paste.

>Definitely Using
Red Onion
Jalapeno or Serrano peppers? Roasted?

Olive Oil

Whats your recipe?

When i make it i like it almost like a tomato slurry. Put it in the fridge over night and it gets good. Mine is simple. Lots of tomatos, white onions, jalepenos, garlic, cilantro and salt. All fesh. Food processor until it is tiny chunks and tomato juice.

The chunky stuff looks better but trust me. After a day in the fridge you will want to drink this stuff.

put some fennel and serrano over jalepeno , always. habaneros if possible.

>Put chili, onion, tomatoes, garlic in oven on high heat, let it get charred on the outside
>Take out from oven, let it rest until manageable cooled
>Chop everything up with a knife, add salt, coriander, lime juice other spices

just dont

use red onion

Try adding just a littel bit of sugar to play with all the spicy thing you put in

If you ever use fennel in a salsa I will kill you.

I like adding artichoke hearts

Roasted in lard is good.

I have done it many times m8 and I'm as Mexican as it gets. I also use a bit of sugar when I make a tomatillo salsa to cancel out the tartness

I don't believe you. I have never ever encountered a Mexican dish with fennel. And I'm as Mexican as it gets too. Only times I've seen fennel is in Greek medditerranean and California food.

>I have never ever encountered a Mexican dish with fennel
And I have never encountered an abuelita add a special ingredient in their mole sauce too. Fennel is not common in Mexican, but it can be a substitute to many ingredients used in Mexican dishes, such as avocado leaves and anise.

You've got to go back.

I meant not add a special ingredient.

Yeah if your family lives in some dry shit place where the only excuse for an herb they can get is fennel. Fucking kill yourself and your grandma if she's not already dead. Don't make your fucking special snowflake ingredient sound like an actual component of salsa. I bet the hottest pepper you use is a deserved Serrano boiled in water for an hour.

Prolly whiter than you nigger.


Doubtful, bean-nigger.

I used Habaneros, Oaxacan Pasilla , Serranos and pequin for my salsas

>in some dry shit place where the only excuse for an herb they can get is fennel

Yeah tell that to all the Mexican women in Oaxaca using Ginger and fennel in their moles LOL. Its funny how you get triggered by fennel when mexicans use mayo, ketchup and soda in their dishes, you faggot.

diced tomatoes : paste 6:1
corn oil
chili powder
rice wine vinegar

according to the mexican restaurant i cook for

i forgot minced garlic

>Thread about salsa
>Mexican dish

Wew lad

The point is Mexicans experiment with salsas all the time. I've eaten in Mexico where the salsas are thickened with egg whites, had pilloncillo in them, as well as various types of vinegar as well as maggi.

20 percent garlic. 10 percent cilantro. 50 percent tomato. 20 percent onions.

Oaxaca is basically south America so it explains why your family eats like monkeys

Where the chile at negroe? That's just a salad basically.

>Oaxaca is basically south America
Nice argument user. And i've never said I'm from Oaxaca.

1/10 bait

You didn't have to indio.

well, really it's called pico de gallo

Fennel in fucking salsa? The fuck?
I'm guessing you're not from the south

>cant handle facts
>resorts to ad hominem
>calls me indio

kek look like youre wrong again m8. keep trying though

Its my substitute for Hoja Santa. Tastes good though.

No Pico de Gallo has no garlic and has chopped serrano.

He's a fuck face isn't he?


>use an ingredient you have already listed as an ingredient you are going to use

OP here about to go pick up some shit from the store. Gonna make a batch tonight and see how it turns out and then another batch next week/tweak it when my cilantro grows back and I see what I want to change.

Thanks for the contribution. Still looking for more recipes to try in the future.

7 roma tomatos
half a red onion
2 habenero (roasted)
8 serrano peppers
4 garlic cloves
1 dried ancho chile
1 lime
2 tbsp olive oil
little bit of sugar

digging the spice level pretty great without being overwhelming but leaves a nice tingle on the lips while you are eating it.

cumin is great definitely enjoying it. weakest ingredient is probably the ancho, don't know if it was necessary.

Make a ceviche with habanero next.

fish? scallops? shrimp?

seeing recipes for all three but typically its done with fish?

Usually done with fish but shimp is just as popular.

My salsa is salt and tomatoes, sans seeds.