
what a great night to get hammered and cook shit, absolutely brilliant! cheers m80

this thread is for anyone to post a cook-along, bake-along, drink-along or OC food/drink pics if they dont want to make or use another thread

last thread >paws on counter edition

Other urls found in this thread:


killing this bottle and ill be getting started

i will start putting a [[trigger warning]]

>pink salt

soft boiled these eggs lastnight

>dat Devastator can

so needed a few things from the halal market, grabbed a whole fucking halal chicken wut am i doing


ur cats ok?


Nothing like buying a chicken that was strangled to death.

gonna marinate this here chickin in some ginger garlic paste and chili powder, im gonna try to cook this enough to pull the meat and add it to a curry, im a bit dickered here and wingin it i hate bone-in chicken i kinda goofed but fuck everything

>rum is kill. no

dude i love that shit, probably my favorite non texas beer at the moment

all the outside cats are gone now im sure there is some fucked up shit going on thinking about the possibilities makes me rage desu

i may be on a watchlist now or something, i have a beard and they were very nice to me in the halal mart

>the cats in the bag

alrighty making some scotch eggs as a kind of midnight lunch type snack, mixed some """sausage""" with a bit of english mustard and some cilantro, took the soft boiled eggs and rolled em in flour then wraped the """sausage""" around them

ok i made a few extra to refrigerate and ill fry em up in the next few days, rolled in flour, egg wash, bread crumbs, really hungry so this will be good, gonna clean up this mess and drink a beer and smoke a thing while this oil heat up


ok this shit was pretty good not gonna lie, yes i know the math aint adding up 2 eggs doesnt usually = 3 half eggs but shit happens lay off man

Hello guys, gonna make some pulled pork tomorrow using boneless pork chops from a half off grocer. It's gonna be in my slow cooker.

I'll be posting along. Should I put Fireball Whiskey, Guinness Stout, or Guinness Blonde in the pulled pork? I'll let you decide.

What kind of sausage op

What kind of sausage did you use OP

I like to use guiness honestly. I've never tried whiskey tho

Hy OP, I still have your cats as my wallpaper. You're doing god's work

Guinness it is.

Damn son, months later and you are still trying to force our only interaction as a meme.

Where is the sausages?

you have good taste in games

kill yourself

stop funding terrorist organizations

that money goes to islamic religious organizations who give it straight to isis

That's Jason Lee right?

Mashallah brother

this fucking autist again

Nah bro that's earl hickey

hey bro i love your threads, keep it up

It's Brodie "No War For Heavy Metal" Bruce

Yours are the only threads on this entire site I automatically hide once I notice them.

probably the stout i cant imagine it being edible with fireball

lol noice and thanks, sadly pic related is the only one left:( im really hoping they just found someone better or were relocated during the storms but i fear the worst


thanks dooder

lol thanks, but however will you see your (YOU) tho?

anyways bout to cook im having a devistator deciding how to cook these whole chicken pieces and then pull the meat, i really dont like worrying about bones in my curry


alright dat chicken i marinated last night, well this shit smells fucking good, marinated in ginger garlic paste, indian chili powder, coriander powder and salt i guess imma sear it all real good and finish it in the oven so i can pull the meat, originally my recipe calls to only partially cook it and finish it in the gravy but i goofed so im do it this way and add it at the end so i dont over cook it

if this sounds fucked someone jump in imma prep veg before i start, im really kinda winging it, as long as my spice amounts are on point its hard to fuck this up too bad tho

Add some sausage

well son of a bitch my tomatos are moldy, contemplating if imma go to walmart, this chicken cant wait much longer

did it, if this was one of those threads where you pick 3 things to buy at walmart to freak the casheir out i wouldnt win, but i assure you at 4:30 in the morning in a ghetto ass walmart this girl was giving me a mean wtf look

>no sausage

whats the loctite for

got some nice bluetooth headphones i use for work and a peice of the rubber weather proofing trim stuff was coming off and its been bugging me, they get a lot of use

smoking a DUDEWEED and then ill get started

alright thats like 10 romas with guts squeezed out, a mix of indian green chilis and serranos rough chopped with seeds and shit, and an onion

fryin up dat chikin

oi m8 we makin batches

dank ass cat with food and cooking

I approve

You sip lean op?

ok got the chicken done enough to pull the meat, gonna let it cool a minute and do that, that shit in the pan is a very important part of muh butter chicken

lol back when it was affordable i dabbled a bit

OK guys guess I'm doing the pulled pork thing.

The following recipe is basic because I have to cook for kids with basic tastes.

>8 center cut boneless pork chops, marinated in a mixture of sweet baby Ray's water and beer
>half a white onion
>half a red bell pepper
>half a green bell pepper
>slow cooker

Chop those basic bitch veggies. With a shitty knife, of course. I'm not saying I'm bad at chopping but I may be bad at chopping.

Now, in a single fell swoop anger Veeky Forums by putting it into your own meme slow cooker. I layered the veggies and pork chops. The chops were marinating all night.

From here on you simply wait. An update in 4 hours or so. Hoping it turns out alright. I'll be adding sauce as it goes.

pullin chicken, its not completely done which works out good cuz it will finish later

aww sheeeiit, for serious my slow cooker is one of my fav kitchen things makes some good stuff

cumin seeds
ginger garlic paste

add some fenugreek OP

its in a step or so lol, first got the onions and g&g paste, cumin seeds and some water simmering and stirring getting all that pan dripping shit up

all dat flovor

>crush the fenugreek leaves in the shit

add cashews, chilli powder, coriander powder, 'matoes, peppers, drink more beer

gonna cover and simmer it till its cooked

simmer simmer

stewed son

make sure you pour shit everywhere when you try to put this in the blender, DO NOT FORGET MAKING A MESS IS IMPORTANT

this might be weird but im putting blender on a stool to try and stop vibrations going through the walls and shit cuz imma blend this for like 10 minutes and im drunk and i care about my ethnic normie neighbors they sleep

why are you blending it for 10 minutes?

Yeah, Slow Cookers get a lot of flack but I think everyone should have at least a small one.

I once made bread in one even. 9/10 "It was ok."

add sauce, A WHOLE STICK OF BUTTER, and the chicken juice in the bowl of chiken

i want it to be silky smooth and i am bad at this ?

nothing like waking up to a pot roast might have to fire mine up this week

its 9am and i just heard a gunshot outside


nah good idea but 10 minutes is overkill imo

you're making some variant of butter chicken right?

add chicken and garam masala and simmer a while and make sure the flavor is right, gotta get the salt just right and it all comes together

This thread is one of the only threads on Veeky Forums that consistently has original content and you fucking auto hide it...

OK whatever, why don't you put my name in your blocker LOL, do it, you know you want to.

I bet your the s*****e poster.

and there we go, got some really good frozen garlic naan and onion kulcha, shit was good and very spicy

got some good leftovers going on that was my main goal, gonna take some to my homie in da struggle and eat the rest at work or something

overkill is my stage name, and yeah its butter chicken but i was very "loose" with the recipe

friend, there is no use, nobody would hide a thread, then make a post in that thread about how they hid it, then somehow observe that hidden thread and be tempted to make a reply to a reply of their post that would be crazy, this fellow obviously doesnt have time nonsense threads like this his time is very important he only looks at important threads

im drunk goodnight

great work! i made butter chicken yesterday but didn't have a blender big enough to blend it and i think i overcooked the fenugreek seeds i used slightly because they were a wee bit bitter, but i'm gonna take some inspiration from yours next time i do it - thank you!

>When your house smells so good because of what you're cooking in your crock pot

Making me hungry again and I just ate.

Thank you user

I think it is time to pull this stuff.

Smells pretty good!

I used a mixer to pull it. Not a bad strategy!

Mixed it back into the crock pot with the juices from the meat and the rest of the veggies. Now to wait for dinner.

Closer to dinner time, I'm going to do something with these red potatoes I have. Maybe baking them with basil?

Making them potato wedges. Hopefully they taste OK. About to put them in the oven.

Final product. It tastes pretty good. Not much to look at though. I tried.

Cute cat

Comfy thread

I just bought some street tacos and a handle of vodka, should be a decent night drinking with my pupper

thx bro, i made my recipe after this video, this guy is a good indian cook but hes not the greatest at translating it to a recipe so i just copy him

would eat, looks like it would make some good tacos or nachos or something too



just got back went by the sto and got some random shit

what sausages are those


got a pretty decent steak too think imma make it in a bit, its a ny strip i usually like ribeye but it was so thick i wanted it

makin a quick quesaderpa cuz im a bit tired and i have a conference call in the morning


Oh man that steak looks pretty good. I'm a little jelly

I've had those sausages before, what kind are they again?

I made a cheeseburger with onion and a side of Mac and cheese from scratch.

I feel fairly American right now.

Though I'm drinking the good ole Guinness.

What's that griddle called? I need this in my life.

Holy shit, you genuinely do have autism.

>not recognizing that this has already turned into a joke and sausage autist is not the one posting it anymore
you might have a touch of 'tism my friend

A shitty forced meme ha snot become a joke because it's just you trying to force it.

Just how highly on the spectrum do you rate?

your desktop is shit but taste in vidya is pretty solid.

dabs and steak, nice

Can't wait to get off work and get dabbed out myself famalam.

I was the one who asked about the sausage. I'm happy to trigger you. Show me your Veeky Forums tits

tequila shots and dishes oh what a lovely evening

alright so back to this somabitch right herei trimmed a very little amount of fat off and im letting it sit at room temp a while

notice the two kitty steaks

Yeah I should really get it cleaned up. Thanks though