Hey guys! I decided that I want to surprise my bf tomorrow with a homemade quiche! I looked up a few recipes and I...

hey guys! I decided that I want to surprise my bf tomorrow with a homemade quiche! I looked up a few recipes and I found this one. it looks pretty good, but I have a few questions about it since there are some things that I and my bf are picky about.

here's the original recipe
1 1 (9 inch) unbaked pie crust
8 slices bacon, cut into 1 inch pieces
1/2 cup chopped leeks (white and pale green parts only)
1/2 cup chopped onion
salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
1 pinch cayenne pepper, or more to taste
3 eggs
2 egg yolks
1 cup heavy cream
3/4 cup milk
1 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme
6 ounces shredded Gruyere cheese

not gonna be able to head to the store today, bf is at work so I'll have to make do with what we have.

don't have a pie crust, but I have a pie pan flour. it's tapioca flour though. would a pie crust made from tapioca flour be okay?

we're both vegan, so I'm thinking I'll replace the bacon with some yummy morningstar vegan bacon. we have some vegan eggs too, picked em up last week at whole foods. haven't used any, so I definitely have enough for this recipe. for the heavy cream, I just looked up that you can use pureed tofu, so I'll toss a block into our food processor. and for the milk, I'm not sure if I want to use almond milk or soy milk. we have both; we have more almond milk though since we drink a glass of soy milk just about every day. maybe I'll use almond milk since we have some almond cheddar cheese to replace the gruyere.

as far as the veggies go, I don't think we have leeks. we do have green onions though. we also have red and yellow onions... which ones should I use? the recipe only says "onion" so I'm not sure which one it is.

I don't think we have black pepper, we do have white pepper though. my bf likes spicy stuff too, so I think I'll add a bit more cayenne pepper. maybe a tablespoon?

we don't have thyme either, just oregano.

I think this is gonna be so yummy! let me know what you guys think :)

I'm fucking your bf on the side, slut

we're in a romantic relationship, he doesn't even like sex!

Whata cuck

Don't make your first quiche unprepared.
And if you want to alter an recipe you should understand why specific ingredients are there.
If you want to change the filling better change it completely. For example instead of bacon, leek and onion you could use spinach and mushrooms. Look out for working vegetable combinations.

Oh my fucking god how retarded are you?

Instead of trying to substitute every fucking ingredient of a recipe you are not willing to make, google yourself a proper vegan "quiche" recipe and stick with it.

but the pictures they have of this quiche look so yummy!

he had a bad experience with some mushrooms a few years ago, so mushrooms are off limits. if I was making it for me, then definitely.

My hubby LOVES this recipe, and he's a picky eater!

Hey, if I can get him to eat it, I'll count that as 5 stars in my book. Not to mention it's pretty healthy for the kids!

Well duh, he gets everything he needs from me.

This kind of trolling is operating on another level.

awesome, I'm excited!

idgi, how is this trolling?
Except mine but they're pretty low level
>having kids
>Veeky Forums
Man, this always weirds me out

if my girlfriend surprised me with quiche I'd spend the night in jail


I wish my gf would make quiche but her son hates eggs so we don't keep any in the house...

That story is made up. Nobody dislike eggs.
Even vegans love eggs. They just don't eat them.

But the abomination you are about to make with your 100% ingredient substitution will NOT make it look anything like the pictures they have and will NOT taste the same.

It's a quiche. It is a dish that requires eggs. If you do not wish to eat eggs, find a quiche-esque tofu pastry dish that give you reasonable expectations and proper steps on what you will end up with. Right now, you're going to make an abortion and come crying to us it was nothing like the pictures.

Your parents love for you is made up

In egg and sperm form. Which brings us back to the quiche.

decent troll I became enraged thinking about meeting someone like OP but quickly remembered it was a troll and I shouldn't let fake things get my goat

we love the taste of eggs
I don't think I'm in love with the idea of a tofu pastry dish
are you sure it wouldn't even taste a little bit like the original? should I use soy milk instead? I don't have any cheese to match the soy milk though :(

how is this a troll? I googled "quiche" and got this recipe. a lot of people on the site this was on seemed to enjoy the finished product, and a lot of people even made substitutions like me! there was a guy who replaced the bacon with turkey bacon. he used stuff that was even more "fake" than my vegan bacon!

Probs bait but if not: do not make a quiche if you're vegan. If you want to make something quiche-like you'll have to research a vegan filling that will give a pleasing texture (don't bother trying to recreate quiche texture). Swapping out eggs for "vegan eggs" and milk/cream for almond milk will not work. Perhaps look into a tofu based filling. obvs use vege shortening for the pastry.

hubbyposting is the worst meme

and don't forget the tablespoon of cayenne pepper when yoi. make your "quiche"...

good troll thread OP

never change

So your plan is to make him eat this shit, then to get him into bed so he can rim you to get the taste out of his mouth?



Fuck your god

>her son

I'm sorry no one else caught that one dude.

Hold the phone, I think you might be onto something there. Been trying to get my GF to tongue my asshole for a while and i was actually thinking that maybe if I have something to either mask the taste (I dont shower, it's a religous thing) or that can compliment my unwashed shit-cannon she might be able to give it a go.

It's ok, it seems subtlety is lost on most of the people here

What is it with women and ""recipes""?

You don't need a fucking recipe with autistically accurate ingredients, you just need to know how cook, and basic knowledge of cooking.

And don't even start with the baking is a science meme, that's perpetuated by retards who only know how to follow a recipe

this bait is far too strong for me, i feel like i'm getting a headache just reading it

Look who isn't a real cook. Any chef nowadays who is worth his salt measures his shit before cooking, at least somewhat.

Isn't quiche extremely unhealthy?

it's an omelette in a crust. Are omelettes unhealthy?

Sounds good.
Add a bottle of ketchup to your ingredients and you've got the makings of a Chicago style pizza.

You're a fucking idiot, son.

He just means you don't have to make sure every little thing is just so for something as simple as a quiche. Shortcrust is really hard to fuck up and you don't need super specific measurements unless you're going to sell it or something. Same with the filling, satuee/roast/grill/fry/pickle/etc whatever you want and mix it with eggs cream and milk (maybe cheese too or put it over the top, you get to choose by not being a slave to a recipe). Erring on the side of more cream and milk makes it richer and softer, more eggs makes it firmer and less decadent.

If OP was asking about something to add to her restaurant menu, then yeah she'd need to develop a recipe for ultra-consistency in the product, but as a home-cook you can learn more by not using recipes.